package it.unimi.dsi.bits; /* * DSI utilities * * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Sebastiano Vigna * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.booleans.BooleanList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongSortedSet; import it.unimi.dsi.util.LongBigList; import java.util.List; import java.util.RandomAccess; /** A vector of bits, a.k.a. bit sequence, bit string, binary word, etc. * * <P>This interface define several operations on finite sequences of bits. * Efficient implementations, such as {@link LongArrayBitVector}, * use approximately one bit of memory for each bit in the vector, but this is not enforced. * * <P>Operation of a bit vector are partially of boolean nature * (e.g., logical operations between vectors), * partially of language-theoretical nature (e.g., concatenation), and * partially of set-theoretical nature (e.g., asking which bits are set to one). * To accomodate all these points of view, this interface extends * {@link it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.booleans.BooleanList}, but also provides an * {@link #asLongSet()} method that exposes a {@link java.util.BitSet}-like view * and a {@link #asLongBigList(int)} method that provides integer-like access to * blocks of bits of given width. * * <P>Most, if not all, classical operations on bit vectors can be seen as standard * operations on these two views: for instance, the number of bits set to one is just * the number of elements of the set returned by {@link #asLongSet()} (albeit a direct {@link #count()} method * is provided, too). The standard {@link java.util.Collection#addAll(java.util.Collection)} method * can be used to concatenate bit vectors, and {@linkplain java.util.List#subList(int, int) sublist views} * make it easy performing any kind of logical operation on subvectors. * * <P>The only <i>caveat</i> is that sometimes the standard interface naming clashes slightly * with standard usage: for instance, {@link #clear(long)} will <em>not</em> set to zero * all bits (use {@link #fill(int) fill(0)} for that purpose), but rather will set the * vector length to zero. Also, {@link #add(long, int)} will not add logically a value at * the specified index, but rather will insert a new bit with the specified value at the specified * position. * * <P>The {@link AbstractBitVector} class provides a fairly complete * abstract implementation that provides all methods except for the most * basic operations. Of course, the methods of {@link AbstractBitVector} are * very inefficient, but implementations such as {@link LongArrayBitVector} * have their own optimised implementations. */ public interface BitVector extends RandomAccess, BooleanList { /** Sets a bit in this bit vector (optional operation). * @param index the index of a bit. */ public void set( long index ); /** Clears a bit in this bit vector (optional operation). * @param index the index of a bit. */ public void clear( long index ); /** Flips a bit in this bit vector (optional operation). * @param index the index of a bit. */ public void flip( long index ); /** Fills a range of bits in this bit vector (optional operation). * @param from the first index (inclusive). * @param to the last index (not inclusive). * @param value the value (true or false). */ public void fill( long from, long to, boolean value ); /** Clears a range of bits in this bit vector (optional operation). * @param from the first index (inclusive). * @param to the last index (not inclusive). * @param value the value (zero or nonzero). */ public void fill( long from, long to, int value ); /** Sets all bits this bit vector to the given boolean value (optional operation). */ public void fill( boolean value ); /** Sets all bits this bit vector to the given integer value (optional operation). */ public void fill( int value ); /** Flips a range of bits in this bit vector (optional operation). * @param from the first index (inclusive). * @param to the last index (not inclusive). */ public void flip( long from, long to ); /** Flips all bits in this bit vector (optional operation). */ public void flip(); /** Replaces the content of this bit vector with another bit vector. * * @param bitVector a bit vector. * @return this bit vector. */ public BitVector replace( BitVector bitVector ); /** Returns a subvector view specified by initial and final index. * * <p>The object returned by this method is a bit vector representing a <em>view</em> of this * bit vector restricted to the given indices. Changes to the subvector * will be reflected in the main vector. * * @param from the first index (inclusive). * @param to the last index (not inclusive). */ public BitVector subVector( long from, long to ); /** Returns a subvector view specified by initial index and running up to the end of this vector. * * @param from the first index (inclusive). * @see #subVector(long, long) */ public BitVector subVector( long from ); /** Returns a view of this bit vector as a sorted set of long integers. * * <P>More formally, this bit vector is infinitely extended to the * left with zeros (e.g., all bits beyond {@link #length(long)} are * considered zeroes). The resulting infinite string is interpreted as the * characteristic function of a set of integers. * * <P>Note that, in particular, the resulting string representation is * exactly that of a {@link java.util.BitSet}. * */ public LongSortedSet asLongSet(); /** Returns a view of this bit vector as a list of nonnegative integers of specified width. * * <P>More formally, {@link LongBigList#getLong(long) getLong(p)} will return * the nonnegative integer defined by the bits starting at <code>p * width</code> (bit 0, inclusive) * and ending at <code>(p + 1) * width</code> (bit <code>width</code> − 1, exclusive). */ public LongBigList asLongBigList( int width ); /** Returns the value of the specified bit. * * <P>This method is semantically equivalent to {@link BooleanList#getBoolean(int)}, * but it gives access to long indices. * * @param index the index of a bit. * @return the value of the specified bit. */ public boolean getBoolean( long index ); /** Returns the value of the specified bit as an integer. * * <P>This method is a useful synonym for {@link #getBoolean(long)}. * * @param index the index of a bit. * @return the value of the specified bit as an integer (0 or 1). */ public int getInt( long index ); /** Returns the specified bit range as a long. * * <P>Note that bit 0 of the returned long will be bit <code>from</code> * of this bit vector. * * <P>Implementations are invited to provide high-speed implementations for * the case in which <code>from</code> is a multiple of {@link Long#SIZE} * and <code>to</code> is <code>from</code> + {@link Long#SIZE} (or less, * in case the vector length is exceeded). This behaviour make it possible to * implement high-speed hashing, copies, etc. * * @param from the starting bit (inclusive). * @param to the ending bit (exclusive). * @return the long value contained in the specified bits. */ public long getLong( long from, long to ); /** Sets the value of the specified bit (optional operation). * * <P>This method is semantically equivalent to {@link BooleanList#set(int,boolean)}, * but it gives access to long indices. * * @param index the index of a bit. * @param value the new value. */ public boolean set( long index, boolean value ); /** Sets the value of the specified bit as an integer (optional operation). * * <P>This method is a useful synonym for {@link #set(long, boolean)}. * * @param index the index of a bit. * @param value the new value (any nonzero integer for setting the bit, zero for clearing the bit). */ public void set( long index, int value ); /** Adds a bit with specified value at the specified index (optional operation). * * <P>This method is semantically equivalent to {@link BooleanList#add(int,boolean)}, * but it gives access to long indices. * * @param index the index of a bit. * @param value the value that will be inserted at position <code>index</code>. */ public void add( long index, boolean value ); /** Removes a bit with specified index (optional operation). * * <P>This method is semantically equivalent to {@link BooleanList#removeBoolean(int)}, * but it gives access to long indices. * * @param index the index of a bit. * @return the previous value of the bit. */ public boolean removeBoolean( long index ); /** Adds a bit with specified integer value at the specified index (optional operation). * * <P>This method is a useful synonym for {@link #add(long, boolean)}. * * @param index the index of a bit. * @param value the value that will be inserted at position <code>index</code> (any nonzero integer for a true bit, zero for a false bit). */ public void add( long index, int value ); /** Adds a bit with specified value at the end of this bit vector. * * <P>This method is a useful synonym for {@link BooleanList#add(boolean)}. * * @param value the new value (any nonzero integer for a true bit, zero for a false bit). */ public void add( int value ); /** Appends the less significant bits of a long integer to this bit vector. * * @param value a value to be appended * @param k the number of less significant bits to be added to this bit vector. * @return this bit vector. */ public BitVector append( long value, int k ); /** Appends another bit vector to this bit vector. * * @param bitVector a bit vector to be appended. * @return this bit vector. */ public BitVector append( BitVector bitVector ); /** Returns the number of bits in this bit vector. * * <p>If the number of bits in this vector is smaller than or equal to {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, this * method is semantically equivalent to {@link List#size()}. * * @return the number of bits in this bit vector. */ public long length(); /** Sets the number of bits in this bit vector. * * <p>It is expected that this method will try to allocate exactly * the necessary space. * * <p>If the number of bits in this vector is smaller than * or equal to {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, this * method is semantically equivalent to {@link BooleanList#size(int)}. * * @return this bit vector. */ public BitVector length( long newLength ); /** Counts the number of bits set to true in this bit vector. * * @return the number of bits set to true in this bit vector. */ public long count(); /** Performs a logical and between this bit vector and another one, leaving the result in this vector. * * @param v a bit vector. * @return this bit vector. */ public BitVector and( BitVector v ); /** Performs a logical or between this bit vector and another one, leaving the result in this vector. * * @param v a bit vector. * @return this bit vector. */ public BitVector or( BitVector v ); /** Performs a logical xor between this bit vector and another one, leaving the result in this vector. * * @param v a bit vector. * @return this bit vector. */ public BitVector xor( BitVector v ); /** Returns the position of the first bit set in this vector. * * @return the first bit set, or -1 for a vector of zeroes. */ public long firstOne(); /** Returns the position of the last bit set in this vector. * * @return the last bit set, or -1 for a vector of zeroes. */ public long lastOne(); /** Returns the position of the first bit set after the given position. * * @return the first bit set after position <code>index</code> (inclusive), or -1 if no such bit exists. */ public long nextOne( long index ); /** Returns the position of the first bit set before or at the given position. * * @return the first bit set before or at the given position, or -1 if no such bit exists. */ public long previousOne( long index ); /** Returns the position of the first bit unset in this vector. * * @return the first bit unset, or -1 for a vector of ones. */ public long firstZero(); /** Returns the position of the last bit unset in this vector. * * @return the last bit unset, or -1 for a vector of ones. */ public long lastZero(); /** Returns the position of the first bit unset after the given position. * * @return the first bit unset after position <code>index</code> (inclusive), or -1 if no such bit exists. */ public long nextZero( long index ); /** Returns the position of the first bit unset before or at the given position. * * @return the first bit unset before or at the given position, or -1 if no such bit exists. */ public long previousZero( long index ); /** Returns the length of the greatest common prefix between this and the specified vector. * * @param v a bit vector. * @return the length of the greatest common prefix. */ public long longestCommonPrefixLength( BitVector v ); /** Returns a copy of a part of this bit vector. * * @param from the starting bit, inclusive. * @param to the ending bit, not inclusive. * @return a copy of the part of this bit vector going from bit <code>from</code> (inclusive) to bit <code>to</code> * (not inclusive) */ public BitVector copy( long from, long to ); /** Returns a copy of this bit vector. * * @return a copy of this bit vector. */ public BitVector copy(); /** Returns the bits in this bit vector as an array of longs, not to be modified. * * @return an array of longs whose first {@link #length()} bits contain the bits of * this bit vector. The array cannot be modified. */ public long[] bits(); /** Returns a hash code for this bit vector. * * <p>Hash codes for bit vectors are defined as follows: * * <pre> * final long length = length(); * long fullLength = length - length % Long.SIZE; * long h = 0x9e3779b97f4a7c13L ^ length; * for( long i = 0; i < fullLength; i += Long.SIZE ) h ^= ( h << 5 ) + getLong( i, i + Long.SIZE ) + ( h >>> 2 ); * if ( length != fullLength ) h ^= ( h << 5 ) + getLong( fullLength, length ) + ( h >>> 2 ); * (int)( ( h >>> 32 ) ^ h ); * </pre> * * <p>The last value is the hash code of the bit vector. This hashing is based on shift-add-xor hashing * (M.V. Ramakrishna and Justin Zobel, “Performance in practice of string hashing functions”, * <i>Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications</i>, 1997, pages 215−223). * * <p>The returned value is not a high-quality hash such as * <a href="">Jenkins's</a>, * but it can be computed very quickly; in any case, 32 bits are too few for a high-quality hash to be used in large-scale applications. * * <p><strong>Important</strong>: all bit vector implementations are required to return the value defined here. * The simplest way to obtain this result is to subclass {@link AbstractBitVector}. * * @return a hash code for this bit vector. */ public int hashCode(); /** Returns a fast version of this bit vector. * * <p>Different implementations of this interface might provide different level of efficiency. * For instance, <em>views</em> on other data structures (e.g., strings) might implement * {@link #getLong(long, long)} efficiently on multiples of {@link Long#SIZE}, but might * fail to provide a generic, truly efficient random access. * * <p>This method returns a (possibly immutable) bit vector with the same content as * that of this bit vector. However, the returned bit vector is guaranteed to provide fast random access. * * @return a fast version of this bit vector. */ public BitVector fast(); }