package it.unimi.dsi.parser; /* * DSI utilities * * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Sebastiano Vigna * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString; /** An SGML attribute. */ public final class Attribute { /** The name of this attribute. */ public final CharSequence name; /** Creates a new attribute with given name. * * @param name the name of the new attribute. */ public Attribute( final CharSequence name ) { = new MutableString( name ); } /** Returns the name of this attribute. * @return the name of this attribute. */ public String toString() { return name.toString(); } public static final Attribute ABBR = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "abbr" ); public static final Attribute ACCEPT_CHARSET = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "accept-charset" ); public static final Attribute ACCEPT = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "accept" ); public static final Attribute ACCESSKEY = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "accesskey" ); public static final Attribute ACTION = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "action" ); public static final Attribute ALIGN = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "align" ); public static final Attribute ALINK = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "alink" ); public static final Attribute ALT = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "alt" ); public static final Attribute ARCHIVE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "archive" ); public static final Attribute AXIS = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "axis" ); public static final Attribute BACKGROUND = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "background" ); public static final Attribute BGCOLOR = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "bgcolor" ); public static final Attribute BORDER = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "border" ); public static final Attribute CELLPADING = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "cellpading" ); public static final Attribute CHAR = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "char" ); public static final Attribute CHAROFF = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "charoff" ); public static final Attribute CHARSET = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "charset" ); public static final Attribute CHECKED = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "checked" ); public static final Attribute CITE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "cite" ); public static final Attribute CLASS = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "class" ); public static final Attribute CLASSID = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "classid" ); public static final Attribute CLEAR = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "clear" ); public static final Attribute CODE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "code" ); public static final Attribute CODEBASE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "codebase" ); public static final Attribute CODETYPE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "codetype" ); public static final Attribute COLOR = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "color" ); public static final Attribute COLS = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "cols" ); public static final Attribute COLSPAN = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "colspan" ); public static final Attribute COMPACT = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "compact" ); public static final Attribute CONTENT = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "content" ); public static final Attribute COORDS = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "coords" ); public static final Attribute DATA = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "data" ); public static final Attribute DATETIME = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "datetime" ); public static final Attribute DECLARE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "declare" ); public static final Attribute DEFER = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "defer" ); public static final Attribute DIR = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "dir" ); public static final Attribute DISABLED = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "disable" ); public static final Attribute ENCTYPE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "enctype" ); public static final Attribute FACE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "face" ); public static final Attribute FOR = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "for" ); public static final Attribute FRAME = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "frame" ); public static final Attribute FRAMEBORDER = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "frameborder" ); public static final Attribute HEADERS = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "headers" ); public static final Attribute HEIGHT = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "height" ); public static final Attribute HREF = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "href" ); public static final Attribute HREFLANG = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "hreflang" ); public static final Attribute HSPACE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "hspace" ); public static final Attribute HTTP_EQUIV = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "http-equiv" ); public static final Attribute ID = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "id" ); public static final Attribute ISMAP = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "ismap" ); public static final Attribute LABEL = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "label" ); public static final Attribute LANG = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "lang" ); public static final Attribute LANGUAGE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "language" ); public static final Attribute LINK = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "link" ); public static final Attribute LONGDESC = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "longdesc" ); public static final Attribute MARGINHEIGHT = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "marginheight" ); public static final Attribute MARGINWIDTH = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "marginwidth" ); public static final Attribute MARGINLENGTH = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "marginlength" ); public static final Attribute MEDIA = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "media" ); public static final Attribute METHOD = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "method" ); public static final Attribute MULTIPLE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "multiple" ); public static final Attribute NAME = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "name" ); public static final Attribute NOHREF = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "nohref" ); public static final Attribute NORESIZE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "noresize" ); public static final Attribute NOSHADE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "noshade" ); public static final Attribute NOWRAP = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "nowrap" ); public static final Attribute OBJECT = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "object" ); public static final Attribute ONBLUR = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onblur" ); public static final Attribute ONCHANGE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onchange" ); public static final Attribute ONCLICK = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onclick" ); public static final Attribute ONDBLCLICK = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "ondblclick" ); public static final Attribute ONFOCUS = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onfocus" ); public static final Attribute ONKEYDOWN = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onkeydown" ); public static final Attribute ONKEYPRESS = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onkeypress" ); public static final Attribute ONKEYUP = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onkeyup" ); public static final Attribute ONLOAD = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onload" ); public static final Attribute ONMOUSEDOWN = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onmousedown" ); public static final Attribute ONMOUSEMOVE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onmousemove" ); public static final Attribute ONMOUSEOUT = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onmouseout" ); public static final Attribute ONMOUSEOVER = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onmouseover" ); public static final Attribute ONMOUSEUP = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "ommouseup" ); public static final Attribute ONRESET = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onreset" ); public static final Attribute ONSELECT = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onselest" ); public static final Attribute ONSUBMIT = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onsubmit" ); public static final Attribute ONUNLOAD = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "onunload" ); public static final Attribute PROFILE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "profile" ); public static final Attribute PROMPT = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "prompt" ); public static final Attribute READONLY = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "readonly" ); public static final Attribute REL = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "rel" ); public static final Attribute REV = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "rev" ); public static final Attribute ROWS = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "rows" ); public static final Attribute ROWSPAN = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "rowspan" ); public static final Attribute RULES = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "rules" ); public static final Attribute SCHEME = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "scheme" ); public static final Attribute SCOPE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "scope" ); public static final Attribute SCROLLING = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "scrolling" ); public static final Attribute SELECTED = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "selected" ); public static final Attribute SHAPE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "shape" ); public static final Attribute SIZE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "size" ); public static final Attribute SPAN = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "span" ); public static final Attribute SRC = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "src" ); public static final Attribute STANDBY = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "stanby" ); public static final Attribute START = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "start" ); public static final Attribute STYLE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "style" ); public static final Attribute SUMMARY = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "summary" ); public static final Attribute TABINDEX = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "tabindex" ); public static final Attribute TARGET = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "target" ); public static final Attribute TEXT = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "text" ); public static final Attribute TITLE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "title" ); public static final Attribute TYPE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "type" ); public static final Attribute USEMAP = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "usemap" ); public static final Attribute VALIGN = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "valign" ); public static final Attribute VALUE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "value" ); public static final Attribute VALUETYPE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "valuetype" ); public static final Attribute VERSION = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "version" ); public static final Attribute VLINK = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "vlink" ); public static final Attribute VSPACE = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "vspace" ); public static final Attribute WIDTH = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "width" ); public static final Attribute UNKNOWN = HTMLFactory.newAttribute( "unknown" ); }