package it.unimi.dsi.compression; /* * DSI utilities * * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Sebastiano Vigna * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.booleans.BooleanIterator; import; import; import; /** A fast table-based decoder for canonical Huffman codes supporting only codes with limited (less than 64 bits) codewords. * We use the technique described by Daniel S. Hirschberg and Debra A. Lelewer, “Efficient Decoding of Prefix Codes”, * <i>Comm. ACM</i>, 33(4): 449−459, 1990. */ final public class CanonicalFast64CodeWordDecoder implements Decoder, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** The last codeword in each block of same-length codewords, plus one. */ private final long[] lastCodeWordPlusOne; /** An array parallel to {@link #lastCodeWordPlusOne} specifying the increment in length between codeword lengths * (without repetitions). In particular, the first entry * is the length of the first block of same-length codewords, the second entry is the difference in length * between the second and the first block of same-length codewords, and so on. */ private final int[] lengthIncrement; /** An array parallel to {@link #lastCodeWordPlusOne} specifying how many codewords we have up to a certain block (included). */ private final int[] howManyUpToBlock; /** The symbol assigned to each code word. */ private final int[] symbol; /** Creates a new codeword-based decoder using the given vector of codewords lengths and * a symbol array. * * @param codeWordLength a vector of nondecreasing codeword lengths suitable for a canonical code. * @param symbol a parallel array of symbols corresponding to each codeword length. */ public CanonicalFast64CodeWordDecoder( final int[] codeWordLength, final int[] symbol ) { final int size = codeWordLength.length; this.symbol = symbol; // We compute how many different codeword lengths are present. We check also for excessive or nondecreasing length. int howManyLengths = 1; if ( size > 0 ) for( int i = size - 1; i-- != 0; ) { if ( codeWordLength[ i ] > Long.SIZE ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Codeword length must not exceed 64" ); if ( codeWordLength[ i ] > codeWordLength[ i + 1 ] ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Codeword lengths must be nondecreasing" ); if ( codeWordLength[ i ] != codeWordLength[ i + 1 ] ) howManyLengths++; } lengthIncrement = new int[ howManyLengths ]; howManyUpToBlock = new int[ howManyLengths ]; lastCodeWordPlusOne = new long[ howManyLengths ]; int p = -1, l, prevL = 0; long word = 0; for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { l = codeWordLength[ i ]; if ( l != prevL ) { if ( i != 0 ) { lastCodeWordPlusOne[ p ] = word; howManyUpToBlock[ p ] = i; } lengthIncrement[ ++p ] = l - prevL; word <<= l - prevL; prevL = l; } word++; } if ( p != -1 ) { howManyUpToBlock[ p ] = size; lastCodeWordPlusOne[ howManyLengths - 1 ] = word; } else { // This covers the case size = 1 howManyUpToBlock[ 0 ] = 1; lastCodeWordPlusOne[ 0 ] = 1; } } /** Reads a specified number of bits from a Boolean iterator and stores them into a long. * * @param iterator a Boolean iterator. * @param length the number of bits to read. * @return the bits read, stored into a long: the first read bit will be bit <code>length</code> − 1. */ private static long readLong( final BooleanIterator iterator, final int length ) { long x = 0; for( int i = length; i-- != 0; ) if ( iterator.nextBoolean() ) x |= 1L << i; return x; } public int decode( final BooleanIterator iterator ) { final int[] lengthIncrement = this.lengthIncrement; final long[] lastCodeWordPlusOne = this.lastCodeWordPlusOne; int curr = 0, l; long x; x = readLong( iterator, lengthIncrement[ curr ] ); for(;;) { if ( x < lastCodeWordPlusOne[ curr ] ) return symbol[ (int)( howManyUpToBlock[ curr ] - lastCodeWordPlusOne[ curr ] + x ) ]; l = lengthIncrement[ ++curr ]; x = x << l | readLong( iterator, l ); } } public int decode( final InputBitStream ibs ) throws IOException { final int[] lengthIncrement = this.lengthIncrement; final long[] lastCodeWordPlusOne = this.lastCodeWordPlusOne; int curr = 0, l; long x; x = ibs.readLong( lengthIncrement[ curr ] ); for(;;) { if ( x < lastCodeWordPlusOne[ curr ] ) return symbol[ (int)( howManyUpToBlock[ curr ] - lastCodeWordPlusOne[ curr ] + x ) ]; l = lengthIncrement[ ++curr ]; if ( l == 1 ) x = x << 1 | ibs.readBit(); else x = x << l | ibs.readLong( l ); } } }