package; import; import; import; import java.util.Random; import junit.framework.TestCase2; import org.junit.Test; import; import com.bigdata.journal.AbstractJournal; import com.bigdata.journal.AbstractJournal.ISnapshotData; /** * Tests the utility to merge an input stream with a sorted set of <Long, ByteBuffer> * @author Martyn Cutcher * */ public class TestMergeMapOutput extends TestCase2 { /* * Test populates a buffer with N1 characters of 'X', and merges N2 characters of 'Y'. * * Then the output buffer is checked for total number of 'X' and 'Y' */ @Test public void testMerge() throws IOException { final Random r = new Random(); final byte[] src = new byte[2048 * 1024]; // 2M for (int i = 0; i < src.length; i++) { src[i] = 'X'; } final ISnapshotData tm = new AbstractJournal.SnapshotData(); long pos = r.nextInt(4096); int ychars = 0; while (pos < src.length) { final int blen = r.nextInt(2048); final byte[] buf = new byte[(int) ((pos + blen) < src.length ? blen : (src.length - pos))]; for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { buf[i] = 'Y'; } tm.put(pos, buf); ychars += buf.length; pos += buf.length; pos += r.nextInt(4096); } final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); MergeStreamWithSnapshotData.process(new ByteArrayInputStream(src), tm, out); final byte[] outbuf = out.toByteArray(); int outYcount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < outbuf.length; i++) { if (outbuf[i] == 'Y') outYcount++; }"src.length: " + src.length + ", outbuf.length: " + outbuf.length); assertTrue(outbuf.length == src.length); assertTrue(ychars == outYcount); } }