package com.bigdata.rdf.sparql.ast.eval; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.bigdata.bop.Constant; import com.bigdata.bop.IPredicate; import com.bigdata.bop.IVariable; import com.bigdata.bop.ap.Predicate; import com.bigdata.btree.BTree; import com.bigdata.btree.IIndex; import com.bigdata.counters.CAT; import com.bigdata.rdf.internal.IV; import com.bigdata.rdf.spo.ISPO; import com.bigdata.rdf.spo.SPOAccessPath; import com.bigdata.relation.accesspath.BlockingBuffer; import com.bigdata.relation.accesspath.IAccessPath; import com.bigdata.relation.rule.IAccessPathExpander; import com.bigdata.service.IBigdataClient; import com.bigdata.striterator.ChunkedWrappedIterator; import com.bigdata.striterator.IChunkedOrderedIterator; import com.bigdata.striterator.IKeyOrder; import com.bigdata.util.concurrent.LatchedExecutor; import cutthecrap.utils.striterators.ICloseableIterator; import cutthecrap.utils.striterators.IFilter; import cutthecrap.utils.striterators.Striterator; /** * Parallel subquery for a default graph access path. An expander pattern is * used to ensure that the "DISTINCT SPO" constraint is applied across the * subqueries rather than to each subquery individually. * * @author <a href="">Bryan Thompson</a> * @version $Id$ */ public class DGExpander implements IAccessPathExpander<ISPO> { protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DGExpander.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; final private int maxParallel; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final private Collection<IV> graphs; final private long estimatedRangeCount; /** * * @param maxParallel * @param graphs * A dense ordered array of {@link IV}s. * @param estimatedRangeCount * The estimated range count for the subquery operation across * those graphs. * * @todo A parallelism limitation is placed on the ClientIndexView through * the * {@link IBigdataClient.Options#CLIENT_MAX_PARALLEL_TASKS_PER_REQUEST} * . We should be able to override that through annotations on a query * plan. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public DGExpander(final int maxParallel, final Collection<IV> graphs, final long estimatedRangeCount) { this.maxParallel = maxParallel; this.graphs = graphs; this.estimatedRangeCount = estimatedRangeCount; } public boolean backchain() { return false; } public boolean runFirst() { return false; } public IAccessPath<ISPO> getAccessPath(final IAccessPath<ISPO> accessPath) { return new DefaultGraphParallelEvaluationAccessPath( (SPOAccessPath) accessPath); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + "{maxParallel=" + maxParallel + ",ngraphs=" + graphs.size() + ", estimatedRangeCount=" + estimatedRangeCount + ", graphs=" + graphs + "}"; } /** * Inner class evaluates the access path for each context using limited * parallelism, discarding the context argument for each {@link ISPO}, and * filtering out duplicate triples based on their (s,p,o) term identifiers. * * @author <a href="">Bryan * Thompson</a> */ private final class DefaultGraphParallelEvaluationAccessPath implements IAccessPath<ISPO> { /** * The original access path. */ private final SPOAccessPath sourceAccessPath; final private Executor executor; public String toString() { return super.toString() + "{baseAccessPath=" + sourceAccessPath.toString() + "}"; } /** * @param accessPath * The original access path. */ public DefaultGraphParallelEvaluationAccessPath( final SPOAccessPath accessPath) { this.sourceAccessPath = accessPath; this.executor = new LatchedExecutor(accessPath.getIndexManager() .getExecutorService(), maxParallel); } @Override public IIndex getIndex() { return sourceAccessPath.getIndex(); } @Override public IKeyOrder<ISPO> getKeyOrder() { return sourceAccessPath.getKeyOrder(); } @Override public IPredicate<ISPO> getPredicate() { return sourceAccessPath.getPredicate(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { // System.err.println("Testing isEmpty(): "+getPredicate()); final IChunkedOrderedIterator<ISPO> itr = iterator(0L/* offset */, 1/* limit */, 1/* capacity */); try { return !itr.hasNext(); } finally { itr.close(); } } // @Override // public ITupleIterator<ISPO> rangeIterator() { // // return sourceAccessPath.rangeIterator(); // // } /** * Unsupported operation. * <p> * Note: this could be implemented by delegation but it is not used from * the context of SPARQL which lacks SELECT ... INSERT or SELECT ... * DELETE constructions, at least at this time. */ @Override public long removeAll() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public IChunkedOrderedIterator<ISPO> iterator() { return iterator(0L/* offset */, 0L/* limit */, 0/* capacity */); } // public IChunkedOrderedIterator<ISPO> iterator(final int limit, // final int capacity) { // // return iterator(0L/* offset */, limit, capacity); // // } /** * This is the common entry point for all iterator implementations. * * @todo Consider an alternative implementation using fully parallel * evaluation of the access paths and a merge sort to combine * chunks drawn from each access path, and then an iterator which * skips over duplicates by considering the last returned (s,p,o). * We need to: (a) allocate a buffer each time we draw from the * current chunks based on the total size of the current chunks; * and (b) we can only draw keys from the current chunks up to the * min(nextKey) for each chunk. The min(nextKey) constraint is * necessary to ensure that a merge sort will get rid of * duplicates. Without that constraint it is possible that a * latter chunk from some access path will report an (s,p,o) that * has already be visited. (The constraint allows us to use a * closed world assumption to filter duplicates after the merge * sort.) */ @Override public IChunkedOrderedIterator<ISPO> iterator(final long offset, final long limit, final int capacity) { final ICloseableIterator<ISPO> src = new InnerIterator1(offset, limit, capacity); // if (src instanceof IChunkedOrderedIterator<?>) { // // return (IChunkedOrderedIterator<ISPO>) src; // // } return new ChunkedWrappedIterator<ISPO>(src); } /** * Iterator implementation based on limited parallelism over the * iterators for the {@link IAccessPath} associated with each graph in * the default graphs set and using a {@link BTree} to filter out * duplicate (s,p,o) tuples. * * @author <a href="">Bryan * Thompson</a> * @version $Id: 3678 2010-09-29 * 15:48:34Z thompsonbry $ */ private class InnerIterator1 implements ICloseableIterator<ISPO> { // private final long offset; // // private final long limit; // // private final int capacity; private final CAT nAPsWithHits = new CAT(); private final CAT nhits = new CAT(); /** * @todo buffer chunks of {@link #ISPO}s for more efficiency (lock * amortization) and better alignment with the chunked source * iterators. (It used to be that the only issue was * {@link #hasNext()} having to maintain a chunk of known * distinct tuples to be visited, but I think that wrapping * the DISTINCT filter around the DGExpander fixed that * problem.) */ private final BlockingBuffer<ISPO> buffer; /** * The source iterator. */ private final ICloseableIterator<ISPO> src; /** * @param offset * @param limit * @param capacity */ public InnerIterator1(final long offset, final long limit, final int capacity) { // this.offset = offset; // // this.limit = limit; // // this.capacity = capacity; this.buffer = new BlockingBuffer<ISPO>(sourceAccessPath .getChunkCapacity()); FutureTask<Void> future = null; try { /* * Note: We do NOT get() this Future. This task will run * asynchronously. * * The Future is canceled IF (hopefully WHEN) the iterator * is closed. * * If the task itself throws an error, then it will use * buffer#abort(cause) to notify the buffer of the cause (it * will be passed along to the iterator) and to close the * buffer (the iterator will notice that the buffer has been * closed as well as that the cause was set on the buffer). * * @see <a href=""> * BlockingBuffer.close() does not unblock threads </a> */ // Wrap task as FutureTask. future = new FutureTask<Void>(newRunIteratorsTask(buffer)); // set the future on the BlockingBuffer. buffer.setFuture(future); // submit task for execution. sourceAccessPath.getIndexManager().getExecutorService() .submit(future); /* * The outer access path will impose the "DISTINCT SPO" * constraint. */ // /* // * Wrap the asynchronous iterator with one that imposes // * a distinct (s,p,o) filter. // */ // src = sourceAccessPath.getRelation() // .distinctSPOIterator(buffer.iterator()); final IFilter filter = sourceAccessPath.getPredicate() .getAccessPathFilter(); if (filter != null) { src = new ChunkedWrappedIterator<ISPO>(new Striterator( buffer.iterator()).addFilter(filter)); } else { src = buffer.iterator(); } } catch (Throwable ex) { try { buffer.close(); if (future != null) { future.cancel(true/* mayInterruptIfRunning */); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(t, t); } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public void close() { /* * Close the iterator, interrupting the running task if * necessary. */ src.close(); } public boolean hasNext() { if (!src.hasNext()) { if (log.isInfoEnabled())"#graphs=" + graphs.size() + ", nhits=" + nhits + ", apsWithHints=" + nAPsWithHits + ", pred=" + getPredicate()); return false; } return true; } public ISPO next() { return; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Return task which will submit tasks draining the iterators for * each access path onto the caller's buffer. * * @param buffer * The elements drained from the iterators will be added * to this buffer. * * @return The task whose future is set on the buffer. */ private Callable<Void> newRunIteratorsTask( final BlockingBuffer<ISPO> buffer) { return new RunIteratorsTask(buffer); } /** * Inner {@link Callable} queues up the {@link DrainIteratorTask}s * on the {@link Executor}. */ private final class RunIteratorsTask implements Callable<Void> { private final BlockingBuffer<ISPO> buffer; public RunIteratorsTask(final BlockingBuffer<ISPO> buffer) { this.buffer = buffer; } /** * Outer callable submits tasks for execution. */ public Void call() throws Exception { final List<Future<Void>> tasks = new LinkedList<Future<Void>>(); try { // Schedule tasks. for (IV<?, ?> termId : graphs) { final FutureTask<Void> ft = new FutureTask<Void>( new DrainIteratorTask(termId)); tasks.add(ft); executor.execute(ft); } // Wait for the futures. for (Future<Void> f : tasks) { f.get(); } } catch (Throwable ex) { for (Future<Void> f : tasks) f.cancel(true/* mayInterruptIfRunning */); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } finally { // nothing more can be written onto the buffer. buffer.close(); } return null; } } /** * Inner callable runs an iterator for a specific access path, * draining the iterator onto the blocking buffer. * <p> * Note: don't pass the top-level offset, limit, capacity into the * per-graph AP iterator or it will skip over offset results per * graph! The limit needs to be imposed on the data pulled from the * blocking buffer, not here. */ private final class DrainIteratorTask implements Callable<Void> { final IV<?, ?> termId; public DrainIteratorTask(final IV<?, ?> termId) { if (termId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); this.termId = termId; } public Void call() throws Exception { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Running iterator: c=" + termId); /* * Clear various annotations from source predicate. * * expander: we are the expander. * * accessPathFilter: This wraps the DGExpander. It should * not be applied to each subquery. * * keyOrder: The right index can change as soon as we bind * [c]. */ final Predicate<ISPO> sourcePred = (Predicate<ISPO>) sourceAccessPath .getPredicate() .clearAnnotations( new String[] { IPredicate.Annotations.ACCESS_PATH_EXPANDER, IPredicate.Annotations.ACCESS_PATH_FILTER, // IPredicate.Annotations.KEY_ORDER }); // Bind the graph onto the context position variable. final Predicate<ISPO> asBound = sourcePred.asBound( (IVariable<?>) sourcePred.get(3/* cvar */), new Constant<IV<?, ?>>(termId)); // Obtain the access path for the asBound predicate. final IAccessPath<ISPO> asBoundAP = sourceAccessPath .getRelation().getAccessPath(asBound); // System.err.println(asBoundAP.toString()); final IChunkedOrderedIterator<ISPO> itr = asBoundAP .iterator(); // Note: deprecated SPOAccessPath method. // final IChunkedOrderedIterator<ISPO> itr = // sourceAccessPath // .bindContext(termId).iterator(); try { long n = 0; while (itr.hasNext()) { // @todo chunk at a time processing. final ISPO spo =; buffer.add(spo); // System.err.println(spo); n++; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Ran iterator: c=" + termId + ", nvisited=" + n); if(n>0) { nhits.add(n); nAPsWithHits.increment(); } } finally { itr.close(); } return null; } } // class DrainIteratorTask } // class InnerIterator /** * Return the estimated range count. */ @Override public long rangeCount(final boolean exactIsIgnored) { return estimatedRangeCount; } } // class DefaultGraphAccessPath }