package; /* * DSI utilities * * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Sebastiano Vigna * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ import it.unimi.dsi.Util; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteArrays; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** Exhibits a single {@link InputStream} as a number of streams divided into {@link reset()}-separated * segments. * * <p>An instance of this class wraps a given input stream (usually a replicable one, such as * a {@link}) and exposes its contents as a number of separated input * streams. Each such stream, called a <em>block</em>, is defined by a start and a stop position (gaps * between blocks are possible). Inside each block we can have one or more <em>segments</em>: each * segment is again a separate input stream, but calling {@link SegmentedInputStream#reset()} moves * from one segment to the following one, whereas calling {@link SegmentedInputStream#close()} * moves from a block to the following one. * * <p>An instance of this class is enriched with blocks by calling {@link #addBlock(long[])}. This * can also be done on-the-fly, while the underlying input stream is being scanned. * * @author Alessio Orlandi * @author Luca Natali * @author Sebastiano Vigna */ public class SegmentedInputStream extends MeasurableInputStream { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final Logger LOGGER = Util.getLogger( SegmentedInputStream.class ); /** Underlying input stream. */ private InputStream in; /** Relative position within the current segment. */ private int relativePos; /** Byte length of the current segment. */ private int segmentLen; /** List of known blocks. */ private ObjectArrayList<SegmentBlock> blocks; /** The start marker of the current segment. */ private long currentStartMarker; /** The stop marker of the current segment. */ private long currentStopMarker; /** Index in {@link #blocks}, -1 when no blocks are in. */ private int currentBlock; /** Whether we actually closed the whole thing. */ private boolean closed; /** A block. */ private static class SegmentBlock { /** Segments delimiters, strictly increasing. */ final long[] delimiter; /** The segment we're currently reading. */ int currSegment; /** Creates a new block with given delimiters. * * @param delimiter a list of segment delimiters. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the elements of <code>delimiter</code> are negative or not increasing. */ public SegmentBlock( long... delimiter ) throws IllegalArgumentException { if ( delimiter.length == 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); for ( int i = 0; i < delimiter.length - 1; i++ ) if ( delimiter[ i ] > delimiter[ i + 1 ] ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Segment " + ( i + 1 ) + " is inconsistent as it starts after the next one: " + Arrays.toString( delimiter ) ); this.delimiter = delimiter; this.currSegment = -1; } public String toString() { return "[segments=" + Arrays.toString( delimiter ) + ", curr= " + currSegment + "]"; } /** * Skips to the next segment. Now {@link #currentStartMarker()} and {@link #currentStopMarker()} can be used. */ public void nextSegment() { if ( ! hasMoreSegments() ) throw new NoSuchElementException(); currSegment++; } public boolean hasMoreSegments() { return currSegment < delimiter.length - 2; } /** Start marker of the current segment (block start if the first segment is selected). */ public long currentStartMarker() { return delimiter[ currSegment ]; } /** Stop marker of the current segment (block stop if the last segment is selected) */ public long currentStopMarker() { return delimiter[ currSegment + 1 ]; } } private void ensureBlocksNotEmpty() { if ( blocks.isEmpty() ) throw new IllegalStateException( "You must add at least one block before reading or closing a segmented stream" ); } private void ensureNotClosed() { if ( closed ) throw new IllegalStateException( "This segmented input stream has been closed" ); } /** Creates a segmented input stream with no markers. * * @param in the underlying input stream. */ public SegmentedInputStream( final InputStream in ) { if ( in == null ) throw new NullPointerException(); = in; this.blocks = new ObjectArrayList<SegmentBlock>(); this.currentBlock = -1; } /** Creats a stream with one marker in. * * @param in the underlying input stream. * @param delimiter an array of segment delimiters. */ public SegmentedInputStream( final InputStream in, final long... delimiter ) throws NullPointerException, IOException, IllegalStateException { this( in ); addBlock( delimiter ); } /** Checks if the current position is a stop marker. * * @return false if a skip has to be done or eof has been reached, true otherwise. */ private boolean eofInBlock() { ensureBlocksNotEmpty(); ensureNotClosed(); return relativePos >= segmentLen; } /** Skips the underlying input stream to the next segment. */ private void nextSegment() throws IOException { ensureNotClosed(); final SegmentBlock block = blocks.get( currentBlock ); if ( ! block.hasMoreSegments() ) return; block.nextSegment(); long absPos = currentStartMarker + relativePos; currentStartMarker = block.currentStartMarker(); currentStopMarker = block.currentStopMarker(); if ( currentStartMarker - absPos > 0 ) { long diff = in.skip( currentStartMarker - absPos ); if ( diff != currentStartMarker - absPos ) throw new IllegalStateException( "Should have skipped " + ( currentStartMarker - absPos ) + " bytes, got " + diff ); } relativePos = 0; segmentLen = (int)( currentStopMarker - currentStartMarker ); if ( DEBUG ) LOGGER.debug( "New segment for block # " + currentBlock ); } /** Skips to the first segment of the next block, if any. In such case, it returns true, or false * otherwise. */ public void nextBlock() throws IOException { if ( ! hasMoreBlocks() ) throw new NoSuchElementException(); currentBlock++; if ( DEBUG ) LOGGER.debug( "Moving to block # " + currentBlock ); nextSegment(); } /** Checks whether there are more blocks. * * @return true if we there are more blocks. */ public boolean hasMoreBlocks() { return currentBlock < blocks.size() - 1; } /** Adds a new block defined by its array of segment delimiters. * * <p>The block has length defined by the difference between the last and first * delimiter. * * <p>This method performs the initial call to {@link #nextBlock()} when the first marker * is put in. * * @param delimiter a list of segment delimiters. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the elements of <code>delimiter</code> are negative or not increasing. */ public void addBlock( final long... delimiter ) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException { ensureNotClosed(); blocks.add( new SegmentBlock( delimiter ) ); if ( DEBUG ) LOGGER.debug( "Adding a new block with delimiters " + Arrays.toString( delimiter ) ); if ( currentBlock == -1 ) nextBlock(); } public int read() throws IOException { ensureNotClosed(); if ( eofInBlock() ) return -1; final int r =; relativePos++; return r; } public int read( final byte b[], final int off, final int len ) throws IOException { ensureNotClosed(); ByteArrays.ensureOffsetLength( b, off, len ); if ( len == 0 ) return 0; // Requested by InputStream. if ( eofInBlock() ) return -1; int effectivelen = Math.min( segmentLen - relativePos, len ); effectivelen = b, off, effectivelen ); relativePos += effectivelen; return effectivelen; } public long skip( final long n ) throws IOException { ensureNotClosed(); if ( eofInBlock() ) return 0; long effectiveskip = Math.max( Math.min( segmentLen - relativePos, n ), 0 ); effectiveskip = in.skip( effectiveskip ); relativePos += effectiveskip; return effectiveskip; } public int available() throws IOException { ensureNotClosed(); if ( eofInBlock() ) return 0; return Math.min( in.available(), segmentLen - relativePos ); } @Override public long length() throws IOException { ensureNotClosed(); return segmentLen; } @Override public long position() throws IOException { ensureNotClosed(); return relativePos; } /** Skips to the next block, closing this segmented input stream if there are no more blocks. */ public void close() throws IOException { ensureBlocksNotEmpty(); if ( closed ) return; if ( hasMoreBlocks() ) { nextBlock(); return; } if ( DEBUG ) LOGGER.debug( "Closing the underlying input stream of this segmented input stream" ); closed = true; in.close(); } /** Moves into the next segment of the current block. */ public void reset() throws IOException { ensureNotClosed(); nextSegment(); } }