package com.bigdata.gom.samples; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient; import org.openrdf.model.Literal; import org.openrdf.model.Resource; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.Value; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDFS; import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet; import com.bigdata.BigdataStatics; import com.bigdata.gom.gpo.IGPO; import com.bigdata.gom.gpo.ILinkSet; import; import; import com.bigdata.rdf.model.BigdataURI; import com.bigdata.rdf.sail.webapp.client.AutoCloseHttpClient; import com.bigdata.rdf.sail.webapp.client.HttpClientConfigurator; import com.bigdata.rdf.sail.webapp.client.RemoteRepositoryManager; import com.bigdata.util.httpd.Config; import cutthecrap.utils.striterators.ICloseableIterator; /** * Simple graph program identifies friends of friends that are not directly * connected using a SPARQL query and then constructs an in-memory graph * consisting of those vertices and using the connection count as the link * weights connecting the vertices. The graph is symmetric. * <p> * To get started, start the NanoSparqlServer. Then LOAD the data set into the * server using SPARQL UPDATE (you will have to use the path the file on your * local machine). * * <pre> * LOAD <file:///Users/bryan/Documents/workspace/BIGDATA_RELEASE_1_2_0/bigdata-gom/src/samples/com/bigdata/gom/samples/example2.trig> * </pre> * * You can then run this example, and it will construct the graph. You can load * a different data set if you want to test this out on your own data. * <p> * A real application could use the skin pattern to provide application specific * interfaces that simplify access to the vertex and link attributes of * interest. * * @author <a href="">Bryan Thompson</a> */ public class Example2 implements Callable<Void> { private static final transient Logger log = Logger .getLogger(Example2.class); private final IObjectManager om; public Example2(final IObjectManager om) { = om; } /** * Return the string value of the property iff it exists and otherwise * <code>null</code>. * * @param gpo * The object. * @param property * The property. * * @return The string value -or- <code>null</code> if the property is not * bound to a {@link Literal}. */ static private String getStr(final IGPO gpo, final URI property) { final Value val = gpo.getValue(RDFS.LABEL); if (val instanceof Literal) { return ((Literal) val).getLabel(); } return null; } /** * Return the link weight between two friends of friends. * * @param gpo * The link source. * @param connectTo * The link property. * @param friendOfAFriend * The link target. * @param weightProperty * The link weight property. * * @return The link weight -or- <code>null</code> if the link either does * not exist or does not have the link weight property. */ static private Integer getLinkWeight(final IGPO gpo, final URI connectTo, final IGPO friendOfAFriend, final URI weightProperty) { final IGPO link = gpo.getLink(connectTo, friendOfAFriend); if (link == null) { log.warn("No such link: source=" + gpo + ", linkType=" + connectTo + ", target=" + friendOfAFriend); return null; } final Value linkWeight = link.getValue(weightProperty); if (linkWeight == null) { log.warn("No such link attribute: source=" + gpo + ", linkType=" + connectTo + ", target=" + friendOfAFriend + ", linkAttribute=" + linkWeight); return null; } return ((Literal) linkWeight).intValue(); } public Void call() throws Exception { final long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); /* * URI used to recommend possible connections. */ final BigdataURI connectTo = om.getValueFactory().createURI( ""); /* * URI used for the connection count (link weight). */ final BigdataURI weightProperty = om.getValueFactory().createURI( ""); final ICloseableIterator<BindingSet> itr = om .evaluate("PREFIX foaf: <> \n" + // "SELECT ?x ?z (count(?y) as ?connectionCount) \n"+ " (sample(?xname2) as ?xname) \n" + // " (sample(?zname2) as ?zname) \n" + // "WHERE {\n" + // " ?x foaf:knows ?y . \n" + // " ?y foaf:knows ?z . \n" + // " FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?x foaf:knows ?z } . \n" + // " FILTER ( !sameTerm(?x,?z)) . \n"+// " OPTIONAL { ?x rdfs:label ?xname2 } .\n"+// " OPTIONAL { ?z rdfs:label ?zname2 } .\n"+// "} \n" + // "GROUP BY ?x ?z \n"// /* * Optionally, only see friends of a friend with more * than one indirect connection. */ // +"HAVING (?connectionCount > 1)\n"// ); /* * Convert solutions into a graph, collecting the vertices of interest * for that graph. */ // the [x] bindings. final Set<IGPO> roots = new LinkedHashSet<IGPO>(); final Set<IGPO> all = new LinkedHashSet<IGPO>(); try { while (itr.hasNext()) { final BindingSet bset =; // System.out.println(bset.toString()); final Value xval = bset.getValue("x"); final IGPO x = om.getGPO((Resource) xval); final Value zval = bset.getValue("z"); if (!(zval instanceof Resource)) { /* * Bad FOAF data. The target should be a Resource, not a * Literal. */ log.warn("target of foaf:knows is not a Resource: source=" + xval + ", target=" + zval); continue; } final IGPO z = om.getGPO((Resource) zval); final Literal connectionCount = (Literal) bset .getValue("connectionCount"); x.addValue(connectTo, z.getId()); final IGPO link = x.getLink(connectTo, z); link.addValue(weightProperty, connectionCount); final Literal xname = (Literal) bset.getValue("xname"); final Literal zname = (Literal) bset.getValue("zname"); if (xname != null) { x.setValue(RDFS.LABEL, xname); } if (zname != null) { z.setValue(RDFS.LABEL, zname); } roots.add(x); all.add(x); all.add(z); all.add(link); } } finally { itr.close(); } final long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - begin; System.out.println("Found " + roots.size() + " friends having unconnected friends of friends in " + elapsed + "ms"); for (IGPO gpo : roots) { final ILinkSet friends = gpo.getLinksOut(connectTo); if (!friends.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("---------"); System.out.println("person=" + gpo.getId() + " (name=" + getStr(gpo, RDFS.LABEL) + ") has " + friends.size() + " unconnected friends of friends."); for (IGPO friendOfAFriend : friends) { final Integer connectionCount = getLinkWeight(gpo, connectTo, friendOfAFriend, weightProperty); System.out.println(" friendOfAFriend: " + friendOfAFriend.getId() + " (name=" + getStr(friendOfAFriend, RDFS.LABEL) + "), connectionCount=" + connectionCount); } } // System.out.println(gpo.pp()); } System.out.println("size(x)="+roots.size()+", size(all)="+all.size()); return null; } static public void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { /** * The top-level SPARQL end point for a NanoSparqlServer instance. */ final String serviceURL = "http://localhost:" + Config.BLAZEGRAPH_HTTP_PORT + "/" + BigdataStatics.getContextPath(); /** * The namespace of the KB instance that you want to connect to on that * server. The default namespace is "kb". */ final String namespace = "kb"; ExecutorService executor = null; RemoteRepositoryManager repo = null; HttpClient client = null; try { executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); client = HttpClientConfigurator.getInstance().newInstance(); repo = new RemoteRepositoryManager( serviceURL, client, executor); final IObjectManager om = new NanoSparqlObjectManager(repo.getRepositoryForDefaultNamespace(), namespace); new Example2(om).call(); } finally { if (repo != null) { repo.close(); } if (client != null) { client.stop(); } if (executor != null) { executor.shutdownNow(); } } } }