package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.bigdata.btree.ITupleSerializer; import com.bigdata.btree.keys.KV; import com.bigdata.btree.proc.LongAggregator; /** * A buffer holding tokens extracted from one or more documents / fields. * Each entry in the buffer corresponds to the {@link TermFrequencyData} * extracted from a field of some document. When the buffer overflows it is * {@link #flush()}, writing on the indices. * * @param <V> The generic type of the document identifier. * * @author <a href="">Bryan Thompson</a> * @version $Id$ */ public class TokenBuffer<V extends Comparable<V>> { final private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TokenBuffer.class); /** The object on which the buffer will write when it overflows. */ private FullTextIndex<V> textIndexer; /** The capacity of the {@link #buffer}. */ private final int capacity; /** Each entry models a field of some document. */ private final TermFrequencyData<V>[] buffer; /** #of entries in the {@link #buffer}. */ private int count = 0; /** #of distinct {docId} values in the {@link #buffer}. */ private int ndocs; /** #of distinct {docId,fieldId} values in the {@link #buffer}. */ private int nfields; /** #of distinct {docId,fieldId,termText} tuples.*/ private int nterms; /** The last observed docId and <code>null</code> if none observed. */ private V lastDocId; /** The last observed fieldId and -1 if none observed. */ private long lastFieldId; /** * Ctor. * @param capacity * The #of distinct {document,field} tuples that can be held in * the buffer before it will overflow. The buffer will NOT * overflow until you exceed this capacity. * * @param textIndexer * The object on which the buffer will write when it overflows or * is {@link #flush()}ed. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public TokenBuffer(final int capacity, final FullTextIndex<V> textIndexer) { if (capacity <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (textIndexer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); this.capacity = capacity; this.textIndexer = textIndexer; buffer = new TermFrequencyData[capacity]; reset(); } /** * Discards all data in the buffer and resets it to a clean state. */ public void reset() { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { buffer[i] = null; } count = 0; ndocs = 0; nfields = 0; nterms = 0; lastDocId = null; lastFieldId = -1; } /** * The #of entries in the buffer. */ public int size() { return count; } /** * Return the {@link TermFrequencyData} for the specified index. * * @param index * The index in [0:<i>count</i>). * * @return The {@link TermFrequencyData} at that index. * * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException */ public TermFrequencyData<V> get(final int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= count) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return buffer[index]; } /** * Adds another token to the current field of the current document. If * either the field or the document identifier changes, then begins a * new field and possibly a new document. If the buffer is full then it * will be {@link #flush()}ed before beginning a new field. * <p> * Note: This method is NOT thread-safe. * <p> * Note: There is an assumption that the caller will process all tokens * for a given field in the same document at once. Failure to do this * will lead to only part of the term-frequency distribution for the * field being captured by the indices. * * @param docId * The document identifier. * @param fieldId * The field identifier. * @param token * The token. */ public void add(final V docId, final int fieldId, final String token) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("docId=" + docId + ", fieldId=" + fieldId + ", token=" + token); } final boolean newField; if (count == 0) { // first tuple in clean buffer. ndocs++; nfields++; lastDocId = docId; lastFieldId = fieldId; newField = true; } else { if (lastDocId != docId) { // start of new document ndocs++; // also start of new field. nfields++; newField = true; // normalize the last term-frequency distribution. buffer[count-1].normalize(); } else if (lastFieldId != fieldId) { // start of new field in same document. nfields++; newField = true; // normalize the last term-frequency distribution. buffer[count-1].normalize(); } else { newField = false; } } if (newField && count == capacity) { flush(); } if(newField) { buffer[count++] = new TermFrequencyData<V>(docId, fieldId, token); nterms++; } else { if( buffer[count-1].add(token) ) { nterms++; } } lastDocId = docId; lastFieldId = fieldId; } /** * Write any buffered data on the indices. * <p> * Note: The writes on the terms index are scattered since the key for the * index is {term, docId, fieldId}. This method will batch up and then apply * a set of updates, but the total operation is not atomic. Therefore search * results which are concurrent with indexing may not have access to the * full data for concurrently indexed documents. This issue may be resolved * by allowing the indexer to write ahead and using a historical commit time * for the search. * <p> * Note: If a document is pre-existing, then the existing data for that * document MUST be removed unless you know that the fields to be found in * the will not have changed (they may have different contents, but the same * fields exist in the old and new versions of the document). */ public void flush() { if (nterms == 0) { reset(); return; } if (log.isInfoEnabled())"count=" + count + ", ndocs=" + ndocs + ", nfields=" + nfields + ", nterms=" + nterms); // Normalize the last document/field in the buffer buffer[count - 1].normalize(); /* * Generate keys[] and vals[]. */ // array of correlated key/value tuples. final KV[] a = new KV[nterms]; // Knows how to encode and decode the keys and values. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ITupleSerializer<ITermDocKey<V>, ITermDocVal> tupleSer = textIndexer .getIndex().getIndexMetadata().getTupleSerializer(); // #of {token,docId,fieldId} tuples generated int n = 0; // for each document in the buffer. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final TermFrequencyData<V> termFreq = buffer[i]; final V docId = termFreq.docId; final int fieldId = termFreq.fieldId; // emit {token,docId,fieldId} tuples. for(Map.Entry<String, ITermMetadata> e : termFreq.terms.entrySet()) { final String termText = e.getKey(); final ITermMetadata termMetadata = e.getValue(); // final byte[] key = recordBuilder.getKey(keyBuilder, termText, // false/* successor */, docId, fieldId); /* * Note: This wraps both sides of the record together and passes * them into the tupleSerializer so it can examine both pieces * when making its decision on how to encode the information * into the key/val of the index. */ final ITermDocRecord<V> rec = new ReadOnlyTermDocRecord<V>( termText, docId, fieldId, /* termMetadata.termFreq(), */ termMetadata.getLocalTermWeight()); final byte[] key = tupleSer.serializeKey(rec); // final byte[] val = recordBuilder.getValue(buf, termMetadata); final byte[] val = tupleSer.serializeVal(rec); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("{" + termText + "," + docId + "," + fieldId + "}: #occurences=" + termMetadata.termFreq() + ", termWeight=" + termMetadata.getLocalTermWeight()); } // save in the correlated array. a[n++] = new KV(key, val); } } assert n == nterms : "ntokens=" + nterms + ", n=" + n; // Sort {term,docId,fieldId}:{value} tuples into total index order. Arrays.sort(a); /* * Copy the correlated key:val data into keys[] and vals[] arrays. */ final byte[][] keys = new byte[nterms][]; final byte[][] vals = new byte[nterms][]; for (int i = 0; i < nterms; i++) { keys[i] = a[i].key; vals[i] = a[i].val; } // Batch write on the index. writeOnIndex(n, keys, vals); // Clear the buffer. reset(); } // static private class ReadOnlyTermDocKey<V extends Comparable<V>> implements // ITermDocKey<V> { // // private final String token; // // private final V docId; // // private final int fieldId; // // private ReadOnlyTermDocKey(final String token, final V docId, // final int fieldId) { // this.token = token; // this.docId = docId; // this.fieldId = fieldId; // } // // public String getToken() { // return token; // } // // public V getDocId() { // return docId; // } // // public int getFieldId() { // return fieldId; // } // // } /** * Writes on the index. * * @param n * @param keys * @param vals * * @return The #of pre-existing records that were updated. */ protected long writeOnIndex(final int n, final byte[][] keys, final byte[][] vals) { final LongAggregator resultHandler = new LongAggregator(); textIndexer.getIndex().submit(0, //fromIndex n, // toIndex keys,// vals,// (textIndexer.isOverwrite() // ? TextIndexWriteProc.IndexWriteProcConstructor.OVERWRITE : TextIndexWriteProc.IndexWriteProcConstructor.NO_OVERWRITE// ),// resultHandler// ); return resultHandler.getResult(); } /** * Writes on the index. * * @param n * @param keys * @param vals * * @return The #of pre-existing records that were updated. */ protected long deleteFromIndex(final int n, final byte[][] keys, final byte[][] vals) { throw new RuntimeException("implement me"); } }