package it.unimi.dsi.parser; /* * DSI utilities * * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Sebastiano Vigna * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2ObjectArrayMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ReferenceArraySet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ReferenceSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ReferenceSets; import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString; import it.unimi.dsi.util.TextPattern; import it.unimi.dsi.parser.callback.Callback; /** A fast, lightweight, on-demand (X)HTML parser. * * <p>The bullet parser has been written with two specific goals in mind: * web crawling and targeted data extraction from massive web data sets. * To be usable in such environments, a parser must obey a number of * restrictions: * <ul> * <li>it should avoid excessive object creation (which, for instance, * forbids a significant usage of Java strings); * <li>it should tolerate invalid syntax and recover reasonably; in fact, * it should never throw exceptions; * <li>it should perform actual parsing only on a settable feature subset: * there is no reason to parse the attributes of a <samp>P</samp> * element while searching for links; * <li>it should parse HTML as a <em>regular language</em>, and leave context-free * properties (e.g., stack maintenance and repair) to suitably designed callbacks. * </ul> * * <p>Thus, in fact the bullet parser is not a parser. It is a bunch of * spaghetti code that analyses a stream of characters pretending that * it is an (X)HTML document. It has a very defensive attitude against * the stream character it is parsing, but at the same time it is * forgiving with all typical (X)HTML mistakes. * * <p>The bullet parser is officially StringFree™. * <a href=""><code>MutableString</code>s</a> * are used for internal processing, and Java strings are used only to return attribute * values. All internal maps are {@linkplain it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2ObjectMap reference-based maps} * from <a href=""><samp>fastutil</samp></a>, which * helps to accelerate further the parsing process. * * <h2>HTML data</h2> * * <p>The bullet parser uses attributes and methods of {@link it.unimi.dsi.parser.HTMLFactory}, * {@link it.unimi.dsi.parser.Element}, {@link it.unimi.dsi.parser.Attribute} * and {@link it.unimi.dsi.parser.Entity}. * Thus, for instance, whenever an element is to be passed around it is one * of the shared objects contained in {@link it.unimi.dsi.parser.Element} * (e.g., {@link it.unimi.dsi.parser.Element#BODY}). * * <h2>Callbacks</h2> * * <p>The result of the parsing process is the invocation of a callback. * The {@linkplain it.unimi.dsi.parser.callback.Callback callback interface} * of the bullet parser remembers closely SAX2, but it has some additional * methods targeted at (X)HTML, such as {@link it.unimi.dsi.parser.callback.Callback#cdata(it.unimi.dsi.parser.Element,char[],int,int)}, * which returns characters found in a CDATA section (e.g., a stylesheet). * * <p>Each callback must configure the parser, by requesting to perform * the analysis and the callbacks it requires. A callback that wants to * extract and tokenise text, for instance, will certainly require * {@link #parseText(boolean) parseText(true)}, but not {@link #parseTags(boolean) parseTags(true)}. * On the other hand, a callback wishing to extract links will require * to {@linkplain #parseAttribute(Attribute) parse selectively} certain attribute types. * * <p>A more precise description follows. * * <h2>Writing callbacks</h2> * * <p>The first important issue is what has to be required to the parser. A newly * created parser does not invoke any callback. It is up to every callback * to add features so that it can do its job. Remember that since many * callbacks can be {@linkplain it.unimi.dsi.parser.callback.ComposedCallbackBuilder composed}, * you must always <em>add</em> features, never <em>remove</em> them, and moreover * your callbacks must be ready to be invoked with features they did not * request (e.g., attribute types added by another callback). * * <p>The following parse features * may be configured; most of them are just boolean features, a.k.a. flags: * unless otherwise specified, by default all flags are set to false (e.g., by * the default the parser will <em>not</em> parse tags): * <ul> * <li><em>tags</em> ({@link #parseTags(boolean)} method): whether tags * should be parsed; * <li><em>attributes</em> ({@link #parseAttributes(boolean)} and * {@link #parseAttribute(Attribute) methods)}: * whether attributes should be parsed (of course, setting this flag is useless * if you are not parsing tags); note that setting this flag will just * activate the attribute parsing feature, but you must also * {@linkplain #parseAttribute(Attribute) register} every attribute * whose value you want to obtain. * <li><em>text</em> ({@link #parseText(boolean)}method): whether text * should be parsed; if this flag is set, the parser will call the * {@link it.unimi.dsi.parser.callback.Callback#characters(char[], int, int, boolean)} * method for every text chunk found. * <li><em>CDATA sections</em> ({@link #parseCDATA(boolean)}method): whether CDATA * sections (stylesheets & scripts) * should be parsed; if this flag is set, the parser will call the * {@link it.unimi.dsi.parser.callback.Callback#cdata(Element,char[],int,int)} * method for every CDATA section found. * </ul> * * <h2>Invoking the parser</h2> * * <p>After {@linkplain #setCallback(Callback) setting the parser callback}, * you just call {@link #parse(char[], int, int)}. */ public class BulletParser { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; /** Scanning text.. */ protected static final int STATE_TEXT = 0; /** Scanning attribute name/value pairs. */ protected static final int STATE_BEFORE_START_TAG_NAME = 1; /** Scanning a closing tag. */ protected static final int STATE_BEFORE_END_TAG_NAME = 2; /** Scanning attribute name/value pairs. */ protected static final int STATE_IN_START_TAG = 3; /** Scanning a closing tag. */ protected static final int STATE_IN_END_TAG = 4; /** The maximum Unicode value accepted for a numeric entity. */ protected static final int MAX_ENTITY_VALUE = 65535; /** The base for non-decimal entity. */ protected static final int HEXADECIMAL = 16; /** The maximum number of digits of a hexadecimal numeric entity. */ protected static final int MAX_HEX_ENTITY_LENGTH = 8; /** The maximum number of digits of a decimal numeric entity. */ protected static final int MAX_DEC_ENTITY_LENGTH = 9; /** Closing tag for a script element. */ protected static final TextPattern SCRIPT_CLOSE_TAG_PATTERN = new TextPattern( "</script>", TextPattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE ); /** Closing tag for a style element. */ protected static final TextPattern STYLE_CLOSE_TAG_PATTERN = new TextPattern( "</style>", TextPattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE ); /** An array containing the non-space whitespace. */ protected static final char[] NONSPACE_WHITESPACE = { '\n', '\r', '\t' }; /** An array, parallel to {@link #NONSPACE_WHITESPACE}, containing spaces. */ protected static final char[] SPACE = { ' ', ' ', ' ' }; /** Closed comment. It should be "-->", but mistakes are common. */ protected static final TextPattern CLOSED_COMMENT = new TextPattern( "->" ); /** Closed ASP or similar tag. */ protected static final TextPattern CLOSED_PERCENT = new TextPattern( "%>" ); /** Closed processing instruction. */ protected static final TextPattern CLOSED_PIC = new TextPattern( "?>" ); /** Closed section (conditional, etc.). */ protected static final TextPattern CLOSED_SECTION = new TextPattern( "]>" ); /** Closed section (conditional, CDATA, etc.). */ protected static final TextPattern CLOSED_CDATA = new TextPattern( "]]>" ); /** TODO: what is this?. */ //protected static final TextPattern CLOSED_BOH = new TextPattern( "!>" ); /** The parsing factory used by this parser. */ public final ParsingFactory factory; /** The callback of this parser. */ protected Callback callback; /** A map from attributes to attribute values. */ protected Reference2ObjectMap<Attribute,MutableString> attrMap; /** Whether we should invoke the text handler. */ protected boolean parseText; /** Whether we should invoke the CDATA section handler. */ protected boolean parseCDATA; /** Whether we should parse tags. */ protected boolean parseTags; /** Whether we should parse attributes. */ protected boolean parseAttributes; /** * The subset of attributes whose values will be actually parsed (if, of * course, {@link #parseAttributes}is true). */ protected ReferenceArraySet<Attribute> parsedAttrs = new ReferenceArraySet<Attribute>(); /** * An externally visible, immutable subset of attributes whose values will * be actually parsed. */ public ReferenceSet<Attribute> parsedAttributes = ReferenceSets.unmodifiable( parsedAttrs ); /** The character represented by the last scanned entity. */ protected char lastEntity; /** Creates a new bullet parser. */ public BulletParser( final ParsingFactory factory ) { this.factory = factory; } /** Creates a new bullet parser using the default factory {@link HTMLFactory#INSTANCE}. */ public BulletParser() { this( HTMLFactory.INSTANCE ); } /** * Returns whether this parser will invoke the text handler. * * @return whether this parser will invoke the text handler. * @see #parseText(boolean) */ public boolean parseText() { return parseText; } /** * Sets the text handler flag. * * @param parseText * the new value. * @return this parser. */ public BulletParser parseText( final boolean parseText ) { this.parseText = parseText; return this; } /** * Returns whether this parser will invoke the CDATA-section handler. * * @return whether this parser will invoke the CDATA-section handler. * @see #parseCDATA(boolean) */ public boolean parseCDATA() { return parseCDATA; } /** * Sets the CDATA-section handler flag. * * @param parseCDATA * the new value. * @return this parser. */ public BulletParser parseCDATA( final boolean parseCDATA ) { this.parseCDATA = parseCDATA; return this; } /** * Returns whether this parser will parse tags and invoke element handlers. * * @return whether this parser will parse tags and invoke element handlers. * @see #parseTags(boolean) */ public boolean parseTags() { return parseTags; } /** * Sets whether this parser will parse tags and invoke element handlers. * * @param parseTags * the new value. * @return this parser. */ public BulletParser parseTags( final boolean parseTags ) { this.parseTags = parseTags; return this; } /** * Returns whether this parser will parse attributes. * * @return whether this parser will parse attributes. * @see #parseAttributes(boolean) */ public boolean parseAttributes() { return parseAttributes; } /** * Sets the attribute parsing flag. * * @param parseAttributes * the new value for the flag. * @return this parser. */ public BulletParser parseAttributes( final boolean parseAttributes ) { this.parseAttributes = parseAttributes; return this; } /** * Adds the given attribute to the set of attributes to be parsed. * * @param attribute * an attribute that should be parsed. * @throws IllegalStateException * if {@link #parseAttributes(boolean) parseAttributes(true)} * has not been invoked on this parser. * @return this parser. */ public BulletParser parseAttribute( final Attribute attribute ) { parsedAttrs.add( attribute ); return this; } /** Sets the callback for this parser, resetting at the same time all parsing flags. * * @param callback the new callback. * @return this parser. */ public BulletParser setCallback( final Callback callback ) { this.callback = callback; parseCDATA = parseText = parseAttributes = parseTags = false; parsedAttrs.clear(); callback.configure( this ); return this; } /** Returns the character corresponding to a given entity name. * * @param name the name of an entity. * @return the character corresponding to the entity, or an ASCII NUL if no entity with that name was found. */ protected char entity2Char( final MutableString name ) { final Entity e = factory.getEntity( name ); return e == null ? (char)0 : e.character; } /** Searches for the end of an entity. * * <P>This method will search for the end of an entity starting at the given offset (the offset * must correspond to the ampersand). * * <P>Real-world HTML pages often contain hundreds of misplaced ampersands, due to the * unfortunate idea of using the ampersand as query separator (<em>please</em> use the comma * in new code!). All such ampersand should be specified as <samp>&amp;</samp>. * If named entities are delimited using a transition * from alphabetical to non-alphabetical characters, we can easily get false positives. If the parameter * <code>loose</code> is false, named entities can be delimited only by whitespace or by a comma. * * @param a a character array containing the entity. * @param offset the offset at which the entity starts (the offset must point at the ampersand). * @param length an upper bound to the maximum returned position. * @param loose if true, named entities can be terminated by any non-alphabetical character * (instead of whitespace or comma). * @param entity a support mutable string used to query {@link ParsingFactory#getEntity(MutableString)}. * @return the position of the last character of the entity, or -1 if no entity was found. */ protected int scanEntity( final char[] a, final int offset, final int length, final boolean loose, final MutableString entity ) { int i, c = 0; String tmpEntity; if ( length < 2 ) return -1; if ( a[ offset + 1 ] == '#' ) { if ( length > 2 && a[ offset + 2 ] == 'x' ) { for( i = 3; i < length && i < MAX_HEX_ENTITY_LENGTH && Character.digit( a[ i + offset ], HEXADECIMAL ) != -1; i++ ); tmpEntity = new String( a, offset + 3, i - 3 ); if ( i != 3 ) c = Integer.parseInt( tmpEntity, HEXADECIMAL ); } else { for( i = 2; i < length && i < MAX_DEC_ENTITY_LENGTH && Character.isDigit( a[ i + offset ] ); i++ ); tmpEntity = new String( a, offset + 2, i - 2 ); if ( i != 2 ) c = Integer.parseInt( tmpEntity ); } if ( c > 0 && c < MAX_ENTITY_VALUE ) { lastEntity = (char)c; if ( i < length && a[ i + offset ] == ';' ) i++; return i + offset; } } else { if ( Character.isLetter( a[ offset + 1 ] ) ) { for( i = 2; i < length && Character.isLetterOrDigit( a[ offset + i ] ); i++ ); if ( i != 1 && ( loose || ( i < length && ( Character.isWhitespace( a[ offset + i ] ) || a[ offset + i ] == ';' ) ) ) && ( lastEntity = entity2Char( entity.length( 0 ).append( a, offset + 1, i - 1 ) ) ) != 0 ) { if ( i < length && a[ i + offset ] == ';' ) i++; return i + offset; } } } return -1; } /** * Replaces entities with the corresponding characters. * * <P>This method will modify the mutable string <code>s</code> so that all legal occurrences * of entities are replaced by the corresponding character. * * @param s a mutable string whose entities will be replaced by the corresponding characters. * @param entity a support mutable string used by {@link #scanEntity(char[], int, int, boolean, MutableString)}. * @param loose a parameter that will be passed to {@link #scanEntity(char[], int, int, boolean, MutableString)}. */ protected void replaceEntities( final MutableString s, final MutableString entity, final boolean loose ) { final char[] a = s.array(); int length = s.length(); /* We examine the string *backwards*, so that i is always a valid index. */ int i = length, j; while( i-- > 0 ) if ( a[ i ] == '&' && ( j = scanEntity( a, i, length - i, loose, entity ) ) != -1 ) length = s.replace( i, j, lastEntity ).length(); } /** Handles markup. * * @param text the text. * @param pos the first character in the markup after <samp><!</samp>. * @param end the end of <code>text</code>. * @return the position of the first character after the markup. */ protected int handleMarkup( final char[] text, int pos, final int end ) { // A markup instruction (doctype, comment, etc.). switch( text[ ++pos ] ) { case 'D': case 'd': // DOCTYPE while( pos < end && text[ pos++ ] != '>' ); break; case '-': // comment if ( ( pos = text, pos, end ) ) == -1 ) pos = end; else pos += CLOSED_COMMENT.length(); break; default: if ( pos < end - 6 && text[ pos ] == '[' && text[ pos + 1 ] == 'C' && text[ pos + 2 ] == 'D' && text[ pos + 3 ] == 'A' && text[ pos + 4 ] == 'T' && text[ pos + 5 ] == 'A' && text[ pos + 6 ] == '[' ) { // CDATA section final int last = text, pos, end ); if ( parseCDATA ) callback.cdata( null, text, pos + 7, ( last == -1 ? end : last ) - pos - 7 ); pos = last == -1 ? end : last + CLOSED_CDATA.length(); } // Generic markup else while( pos < end && text[ pos++ ] != '>' ); break; } return pos; } /** Handles processing instruction, ASP tags etc. * * @param text the text. * @param pos the first character in the markup after <samp><%</samp>. * @param end the end of <code>text</code>. * @return the position of the first character after the processing instruction. */ protected int handleProcessingInstruction( final char[] text, int pos, final int end ) { switch( text[ ++pos ] ) { case '%': if ( ( pos = text, pos, end ) ) == -1 ) pos = end; else pos += CLOSED_PERCENT.length(); break; case '?': if ( ( pos = text, pos, end ) ) == -1 ) pos = end; else pos += CLOSED_PIC.length(); break; case '[': if ( ( pos = text, pos, end ) ) == -1 ) pos = end; else pos += CLOSED_SECTION.length(); break; default: // Generic markup while( pos < end && text[ pos++ ] != '>' ); break; } return pos; } /** * Analyze the text document to extract information. * * @param text a <code>char</code> array of text to be parsed. */ public void parse( final char[] text ) { parse( text, 0, text.length ); } /** * Analyze the text document to extract information. * * @param text a <code>char</code> array of text to be parsed. * @param offset the offset in the array from which the parsing will begin. * @param length the number of characters to be parsed. */ public void parse( final char[] text, final int offset, final int length ) { MutableString tagElemTypeName = new MutableString(); MutableString attrName = new MutableString(); MutableString attrValue = new MutableString(); MutableString entity = new MutableString(); MutableString characters = new MutableString(); /* During the analysis of attribute we need a separator for values */ char delim; /* The current character */ char currChar; /* The state of the switch */ int state; /* Others integer values used in the parsing process */ int start, k; /* This boolean is set true if we have words to handle */ boolean flowBroken = false, parseCurrAttr; /* The current element. */ Element currentElement; /* The current attribute object */ Attribute currAttr = null; attrMap = new Reference2ObjectArrayMap<Attribute,MutableString>( 16 ); callback.startDocument(); tagElemTypeName.length( 0 ); attrName.length( 0 ); attrValue.length( 0 ); entity.length( 0 ); state = STATE_TEXT; currentElement = null; final int end = offset + length; int pos = offset; /* This is the main loop. */ while ( pos < end ) { switch( state ) { case STATE_TEXT: currChar = text[ pos ]; if ( currChar == '&' ) { // We handle both the case of an entity, and that of a stray '&'. if ( ( k = scanEntity( text, pos, end - pos, true, entity ) ) == -1 ) { currChar = '&'; pos++; } else { currChar = lastEntity; pos = k; if ( DEBUG ) System.err.println( "Entity at: " + pos + " end of entity: " + k + " entity: " + entity + " char: " + currChar ); } if ( parseText ) characters.append( currChar ); continue; } // No tags can happen later than end - 2. if ( currChar != '<' || pos >= end - 2 ) { if ( parseText ) characters.append( currChar ); pos++; continue; } switch( text[ ++pos ] ) { case '!': pos = handleMarkup( text, pos, end ); break; case '%': case '?': pos = handleProcessingInstruction( text, pos, end ); break; default: // Actually a tag. Note that we allow for </> and that we skip false positives // due to sloppy HTML writing (e.g., "<-- hello! -->" ). if ( Character.isLetter( text[ pos ] ) ) state = STATE_BEFORE_START_TAG_NAME; else if ( text[ pos ] == '/' && ( Character.isLetter( text[ pos + 1 ] ) || text[ pos + 1 ] == '>' ) ) { state = STATE_BEFORE_END_TAG_NAME; pos++; } else { // Not really a tag. if ( parseText ) characters.append( '<' ); continue; } break; } if ( parseText && characters.length() != 0 ) { callback.characters( characters.array(), 0, characters.length(), flowBroken ); characters.length( 0 ); } flowBroken = false; break; case STATE_BEFORE_START_TAG_NAME: case STATE_BEFORE_END_TAG_NAME: // Let's get the name. tagElemTypeName.length( 0 ); for( start = pos; pos < end && ( Character.isLetterOrDigit( text[ pos ] ) || text[ pos ] == ':' || text[ pos ] == '_' ||text[ pos ] == '-' || text[ pos ] == '.' ); pos++ ); tagElemTypeName.append( text, start, pos - start ); tagElemTypeName.toLowerCase(); currentElement = factory.getElement( tagElemTypeName ); if ( DEBUG ) System.err.println( ( state == STATE_BEFORE_START_TAG_NAME ? "Opening" : "Closing" ) + " tag for " + tagElemTypeName + " (element: " + currentElement+ ")" ); if ( currentElement != null && currentElement.breaksFlow ) flowBroken = true; while( pos < end && Character.isWhitespace( text[ pos ] ) ) pos++; state = state == STATE_BEFORE_START_TAG_NAME ? STATE_IN_START_TAG : STATE_IN_END_TAG; break; case STATE_IN_START_TAG: currChar = text[ pos ]; if ( currChar != '>' && ( currChar != '/' || pos == end - 1 || text[ pos + 1 ] != '>' ) ) { // We got attributes. if ( Character.isLetter( currChar ) ) { parseCurrAttr = false; attrName.length( 0 ); for( start = pos; pos < end && ( Character.isLetter( text[ pos ] ) || text[ pos ] == '-' ); pos++ ); if ( currentElement != null && parseAttributes ) { attrName.append( text, start, pos - start ); attrName.toLowerCase(); if ( DEBUG ) System.err.println( "Got attribute named \"" + attrName + "\"" ); currAttr = factory.getAttribute( attrName ); parseCurrAttr = parsedAttrs.contains( currAttr ); } // Skip whitespace while ( pos < end && Character.isWhitespace( text[ pos ] ) ) pos++; if ( pos == end ) break; if ( text[ pos ] != '=' ) { // We found an attribute without explicit value. // TODO: can we avoid another string? if ( parseCurrAttr ) attrMap.put( currAttr, new MutableString( ) ); break; } pos++; while ( pos < end && Character.isWhitespace( text[ pos ] ) ) pos++; if ( pos == end ) break; attrValue.length( 0 ); if ( pos < end && ( ( delim = text[ pos ] ) == '"' || ( delim = text[ pos ] ) == '\'' ) ) { // An attribute value with delimiters. for( start = ++pos; pos < end && text[ pos ] != delim; pos++ ); if ( parseCurrAttr ) attrValue.append( text, start, pos - start ).replace( NONSPACE_WHITESPACE, SPACE ); if ( pos < end ) pos++; } else { // An attribute value without delimiters. Due to very common errors, we // gather characters up to the first occurrence of whitespace or '>'. for( start = pos; pos < end && !Character.isWhitespace( text[ pos ] ) && text[ pos ] != '>'; pos++ ); if ( parseCurrAttr ) attrValue.append( text, start, pos - start ); } if ( parseCurrAttr ) { replaceEntities( attrValue, entity, false ); attrMap.put( currAttr, attrValue.copy() ); if ( DEBUG ) System.err.println( "Attribute value: \"" + attrValue + "\"" ); } // Skip whitespace while ( pos < end && Character.isWhitespace( text[ pos ] ) ) pos++; } else { // It's a mess. Our only reasonable chance is to try to resync on the first // whitespace, or alternatively to get to the end of the tag. do pos++; while ( pos < end && text[ pos ] != '>' && ! Character.isWhitespace( text[ pos ] ) ); // Skip whitespace while ( pos < end && Character.isWhitespace( text[ pos ] ) ) pos++; continue; } } else { if ( parseTags && ! callback.startElement( currentElement, attrMap ) ) break; if ( attrMap != null ) attrMap.clear(); if ( currentElement == Element.SCRIPT || currentElement == Element.STYLE ) { final TextPattern pattern = currentElement == Element.SCRIPT ? SCRIPT_CLOSE_TAG_PATTERN : STYLE_CLOSE_TAG_PATTERN; start = pos + 1; pos = text, start, end ); if ( pos == -1 ) pos = end; if ( parseText ) callback.cdata( currentElement, text, start, pos - start ); if ( pos < end ) { if ( parseTags ) callback.endElement( currentElement ); pos += pattern.length(); } } else pos += currChar == '/' ? 2 : 1; state = STATE_TEXT; } break; case STATE_IN_END_TAG: while ( pos < end && text[ pos ] != '>' ) pos++; if ( parseTags && currentElement != null && ! callback.endElement( currentElement ) ) break; state = STATE_TEXT; pos++; break; default: } } // We do what we can to invoke tag handlers in case of a truncated text. if ( state == STATE_IN_START_TAG && parseTags && currentElement != null ) callback.startElement( currentElement, attrMap ); if ( state == STATE_IN_END_TAG && parseTags && currentElement != null ) callback.endElement( currentElement ); if ( state == STATE_TEXT && parseText && characters.length() > 0 ) callback.characters( characters.array(), 0, characters.length(), flowBroken ); callback.endDocument(); } }