package com.bigdata.relation.rule.eval; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.bigdata.bop.BOpUtility; import com.bigdata.bop.IBindingSet; import com.bigdata.bop.IConstraint; import com.bigdata.bop.IPredicate; import com.bigdata.bop.IVariable; import com.bigdata.bop.IVariableOrConstant; import com.bigdata.bop.Var; import com.bigdata.bop.joinGraph.IEvaluationPlan; import com.bigdata.relation.IRelation; import com.bigdata.relation.rule.IRule; import com.bigdata.relation.rule.IStarJoin; import com.bigdata.relation.rule.Rule; import com.bigdata.striterator.IKeyOrder; /** * State for a rule execution. * * @author <a href="">Bryan Thompson</a> * @version $Id$ */ public class RuleState implements IRuleState { protected static final transient Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RuleState.class); /** * The {@link Rule} being evaluated. */ final private IRule rule; /** * The plan (data from which the evaluation order was selected). */ final private IEvaluationPlan plan; /** * The #of unbound variables for the predicates in the tail of the * {@link Rule} given the {@link #plan evaluation plan}. The array is * correlated with the predicates index in the tail of the rule NOT with its * evaluation order. */ final private int[] nvars; /** * An array of the {@link IKeyOrder} that will be used for each predicate in * the tail of the rule. The array is correlated with the predicates index * in the tail of the rule NOT with its evaluation order. This information * may be used to re-order a chunk into the {@link IKeyOrder} for the next * join dimension. This increases performance by making sure that ordered * reads are used by the subqueries for any given chunk on some join * dimension. */ final private IKeyOrder[] keyOrder; /** * Each step in the join has a set of variables that are required, either * by that tail or by something downstream, be it another tail or the * projection (select or construct) or the aggregation phase. If a variable * is not required any longer, it will be filtered out of the binding set * that is passed downstream to the next tail. So right before a binding * set is cloned and sent downstream, we will check the RuleState to see * what variables can be dropped based on what is required at the next * tail downstream. */ final protected IVariable[][] requiredVars; public IRule getRule() { return rule; } public IEvaluationPlan getPlan() { return plan; } public int[] getNVars() { return nvars; } public IKeyOrder[] getKeyOrder() { return keyOrder; } public IVariable[][] getRequiredVars() { return requiredVars; } /** * For test cases. */ protected RuleState(IRule rule) { this.rule = rule; this.plan = null; this.nvars = null; this.keyOrder = null; this.requiredVars = null; } /** * * @param rule * The rule. * @param joinNexus * The {@link IJoinNexus}. */ public RuleState(final IRule rule, final IJoinNexus joinNexus) { if (rule == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (joinNexus == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); this.rule = rule; // The plan (data from which the evaluation order was selected). this.plan = joinNexus.getPlanFactory().newPlan(joinNexus, rule); // // The evaluation order. // this.order = plan.getOrder(); this.nvars = new int[rule.getTailCount()]; /* * The key order that will be used for each join dimension. * * @todo Elevate this into the query optimizer so we can handle * extension indices. Also, make the query optimizer explicitly * aware of the presence or absence of the bloom filter for the * SPO (or other) index. */ this.keyOrder = computeKeyOrderForEachTail(rule, joinNexus, plan.getOrder(), nvars); this.requiredVars = computeRequiredVarsForEachTail(rule, plan.getOrder()); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { String[] s = new String[requiredVars.length]; for (int i = 0; i < requiredVars.length; i++) { s[i] = Arrays.toString(requiredVars[i]); }"\nrule=" + rule + "\nplan=" + plan + "\nkeyOrder=" + Arrays.toString(keyOrder) + "\nrequiredVars=" + Arrays.toString(s)); } } /** * Externalizes the rule and the evaluation order. */ public String toString() { return toString(null); } /** * Shows the bindings (if given), the computed evaluation order, the * computed {@link IKeyOrder}, and the required variables for each * {@link IPredicate} in the rule. * * @param bindingSet * When non-<code>null</code>, the current variable bindings * will be displayed. Otherwise, the names of variables will be * displayed rather than their bindings. */ public String toString(IBindingSet bindingSet) { String[] s = new String[requiredVars.length]; for (int i = 0; i < requiredVars.length; i++) { s[i] = Arrays.toString(requiredVars[i]); } return rule.toString(bindingSet)+ ", order=" + Arrays.toString(plan.getOrder()) + ", keyOrder=" + Arrays.toString(keyOrder) + ", nvars=" + Arrays.toString(nvars) + ", requiredVars=" + Arrays.toString(s); } /** * Return an array indicating the {@link IKeyOrder} that will be used when * reading on each of the tail predicates. The array is formed using a * private {@link IBindingSet} and propagating * {@link IJoinNexus#fakeBinding(IPredicate, Var) fake bindings} to each * predicate in turn using the given evaluation order. * * @param order * The evaluation order. * @param nvars * The #of unbound variables for each tail predicate is assigned * by side-effect. * * @return An array of the {@link IKeyOrder}s for each tail predicate. The * array is correlated with the predicates index in the tail of the * rule NOT its evaluation order. */ protected IKeyOrder[] computeKeyOrderForEachTail(final IRule rule, final IJoinNexus joinNexus, final int[] order, final int[] nvars) { if (order == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (order.length != rule.getTailCount()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); final int tailCount = rule.getTailCount(); final IKeyOrder<?>[] a = new IKeyOrder[tailCount]; final IBindingSet bindingSet = joinNexus.newBindingSet(rule); for (int orderIndex = 0; orderIndex < tailCount; orderIndex++) { final int tailIndex = order[orderIndex]; final IPredicate<?> pred = rule.getTail(tailIndex); final IRelation<?> rel = joinNexus.getTailRelationView(pred); final IPredicate<?> asBound = pred.asBound(bindingSet); final IKeyOrder<?> keyOrder = joinNexus.getTailAccessPath( rel, asBound).getKeyOrder(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("keyOrder=" + keyOrder + ", orderIndex=" + orderIndex + ", tailIndex=" + orderIndex + ", pred=" + pred + ", bindingSet=" + bindingSet + ", rule=" + rule); // save results. a[tailIndex] = keyOrder; nvars[tailIndex] = keyOrder == null ? asBound.getVariableCount() : asBound.getVariableCount((IKeyOrder) keyOrder); final int arity = pred.arity(); for (int j = 0; j < arity; j++) { final IVariableOrConstant<?> t = pred.get(j); if (t.isVar()) { final Var<?> var = (Var<?>) t; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Propagating binding: pred=" + pred + ", var=" + var + ", bindingSet=" + bindingSet); } bindingSet.set(var, joinNexus.fakeBinding(pred, var)); } } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("keyOrder[]=" + Arrays.toString(a) + ", nvars=" + Arrays.toString(nvars) + ", rule=" + rule); } return a; } /** * Return an array indicated what variables are required for each tail * index. The rule itself has a set of required variables outside of the * join (for select, construct, aggregation, etc), so these variables will * automatically appear in the list for each tail. In addition, each tail * will need its own variables, plus any variables that appear later in * the join. * * @param rule * The rule being executed. * @param order * The evaluation order. * * @return * The array of required variables for each tail index. */ static public IVariable[][] computeRequiredVarsForEachTail(final IRule rule, final int[] order) { if (order == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (order.length != rule.getTailCount()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); final int tailCount = rule.getTailCount(); final IVariable[][] a = new IVariable[tailCount][]; final Set<IVariable> constraintVars = new HashSet<IVariable>(); if (rule.getConstraintCount() > 0) { final Iterator<IConstraint> constraints = rule.getConstraints(); while (constraints.hasNext()) { final IConstraint c =; final Iterator<IVariable<?>> vars = BOpUtility.getSpannedVariables(c); while(vars.hasNext()) { constraintVars.add(; } } } // start at the back for (int orderIndex = tailCount-1; orderIndex >= 0; orderIndex--) { // guarantee uniqueness final HashSet<IVariable> required = new HashSet<IVariable>(); if (orderIndex == tailCount-1) { // attach the post-join required variables (projection and // aggregation) to the last tail // the last tail only needs to pass along the post-join // required vars final Iterator it = rule.getRequiredVariables(); while (it.hasNext()) { required.add((IVariable); } } else { // if we're not at the back, we need to pass along whatever the // next tail itself needs plus whatever the next tail needs to // pass along final int nextTailIndex = order[orderIndex+1]; final IPredicate nextPred = rule.getTail(nextTailIndex); // add the next tail's variables final int arity = nextPred.arity(); for (int j = 0; j < arity; j++) { final IVariableOrConstant t = nextPred.get(j); if (t.isVar()) { final IVariable v = (IVariable) t; required.add(v); } } if (nextPred instanceof IStarJoin) { final IStarJoin starJoin = (IStarJoin) nextPred; final Iterator<IVariable> it = starJoin.getConstraintVariables(); while (it.hasNext()) { IVariable v =; required.add(v); } } // add the variables from the constraints on the rule required.addAll(constraintVars); // plus next tail's passalongs final IVariable[] nextRequired = a[nextTailIndex]; for (IVariable v : nextRequired) { required.add(v); } } final int tailIndex = order[orderIndex]; // save results. a[tailIndex] = required.toArray(new IVariable[required.size()]); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("requiredVars=" + Arrays.toString(a[tailIndex]) + ", orderIndex=" + orderIndex + ", tailIndex=" + orderIndex + ", pred=" + rule.getTail(tailIndex) + ", rule=" + rule); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String[] s = new String[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { s[i] = Arrays.toString(a[i]); } log.debug("requiredVars[]=" + Arrays.toString(s) + ", rule=" + rule); } return a; } }