package; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import org.ripple.bouncycastle.math.raw.Mod; import org.ripple.bouncycastle.math.raw.Nat160; import org.ripple.bouncycastle.util.Arrays; public class SecP160R2FieldElement extends ECFieldElement { public static final BigInteger Q = SecP160R2Curve.q; protected int[] x; public SecP160R2FieldElement(BigInteger x) { if (x == null || x.signum() < 0 || x.compareTo(Q) >= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("x value invalid for SecP160R2FieldElement"); } this.x = SecP160R2Field.fromBigInteger(x); } public SecP160R2FieldElement() { this.x = Nat160.create(); } protected SecP160R2FieldElement(int[] x) { this.x = x; } public boolean isZero() { return Nat160.isZero(x); } public boolean isOne() { return Nat160.isOne(x); } public boolean testBitZero() { return Nat160.getBit(x, 0) == 1; } public BigInteger toBigInteger() { return Nat160.toBigInteger(x); } public String getFieldName() { return "SecP160R2Field"; } public int getFieldSize() { return Q.bitLength(); } public ECFieldElement add(ECFieldElement b) { int[] z = Nat160.create(); SecP160R2Field.add(x, ((SecP160R2FieldElement)b).x, z); return new SecP160R2FieldElement(z); } public ECFieldElement addOne() { int[] z = Nat160.create(); SecP160R2Field.addOne(x, z); return new SecP160R2FieldElement(z); } public ECFieldElement subtract(ECFieldElement b) { int[] z = Nat160.create(); SecP160R2Field.subtract(x, ((SecP160R2FieldElement)b).x, z); return new SecP160R2FieldElement(z); } public ECFieldElement multiply(ECFieldElement b) { int[] z = Nat160.create(); SecP160R2Field.multiply(x, ((SecP160R2FieldElement)b).x, z); return new SecP160R2FieldElement(z); } public ECFieldElement divide(ECFieldElement b) { // return multiply(b.invert()); int[] z = Nat160.create(); Mod.invert(SecP160R2Field.P, ((SecP160R2FieldElement)b).x, z); SecP160R2Field.multiply(z, x, z); return new SecP160R2FieldElement(z); } public ECFieldElement negate() { int[] z = Nat160.create(); SecP160R2Field.negate(x, z); return new SecP160R2FieldElement(z); } public ECFieldElement square() { int[] z = Nat160.create(); SecP160R2Field.square(x, z); return new SecP160R2FieldElement(z); } public ECFieldElement invert() { // return new SecP160R2FieldElement(toBigInteger().modInverse(Q)); int[] z = Nat160.create(); Mod.invert(SecP160R2Field.P, x, z); return new SecP160R2FieldElement(z); } // D.1.4 91 /** * return a sqrt root - the routine verifies that the calculation returns the right value - if * none exists it returns null. */ public ECFieldElement sqrt() { /* * Raise this element to the exponent 2^158 - 2^30 - 2^12 - 2^10 - 2^7 - 2^6 - 2^5 - 2^1 - 2^0 * * Breaking up the exponent's binary representation into "repunits", we get: { 127 1s } { 1 * 0s } { 17 1s } { 1 0s } { 1 1s } { 1 0s } { 2 1s } { 3 0s } { 3 1s } { 1 0s } { 1 1s } * * Therefore we need an addition chain containing 1, 2, 3, 17, 127 (the lengths of the repunits) * We use: [1], [2], [3], 4, 7, 14, [17], 31, 62, 124, [127] */ int[] x1 = this.x; if (Nat160.isZero(x1) || Nat160.isOne(x1)) { return this; } int[] x2 = Nat160.create(); SecP160R2Field.square(x1, x2); SecP160R2Field.multiply(x2, x1, x2); int[] x3 = Nat160.create(); SecP160R2Field.square(x2, x3); SecP160R2Field.multiply(x3, x1, x3); int[] x4 = Nat160.create(); SecP160R2Field.square(x3, x4); SecP160R2Field.multiply(x4, x1, x4); int[] x7 = Nat160.create(); SecP160R2Field.squareN(x4, 3, x7); SecP160R2Field.multiply(x7, x3, x7); int[] x14 = x4; SecP160R2Field.squareN(x7, 7, x14); SecP160R2Field.multiply(x14, x7, x14); int[] x17 = x7; SecP160R2Field.squareN(x14, 3, x17); SecP160R2Field.multiply(x17, x3, x17); int[] x31 = Nat160.create(); SecP160R2Field.squareN(x17, 14, x31); SecP160R2Field.multiply(x31, x14, x31); int[] x62 = x14; SecP160R2Field.squareN(x31, 31, x62); SecP160R2Field.multiply(x62, x31, x62); int[] x124 = x31; SecP160R2Field.squareN(x62, 62, x124); SecP160R2Field.multiply(x124, x62, x124); int[] x127 = x62; SecP160R2Field.squareN(x124, 3, x127); SecP160R2Field.multiply(x127, x3, x127); int[] t1 = x127; SecP160R2Field.squareN(t1, 18, t1); SecP160R2Field.multiply(t1, x17, t1); SecP160R2Field.squareN(t1, 2, t1); SecP160R2Field.multiply(t1, x1, t1); SecP160R2Field.squareN(t1, 3, t1); SecP160R2Field.multiply(t1, x2, t1); SecP160R2Field.squareN(t1, 6, t1); SecP160R2Field.multiply(t1, x3, t1); SecP160R2Field.squareN(t1, 2, t1); SecP160R2Field.multiply(t1, x1, t1); int[] t2 = x2; SecP160R2Field.square(t1, t2); return Nat160.eq(x1, t2) ? new SecP160R2FieldElement(t1) : null; } public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == this) { return true; } if (!(other instanceof SecP160R2FieldElement)) { return false; } SecP160R2FieldElement o = (SecP160R2FieldElement)other; return Nat160.eq(x, o.x); } public int hashCode() { return Q.hashCode() ^ Arrays.hashCode(x, 0, 5); } }