package com.ripple.core.fields; import java.util.*; public enum Field { // These are all presorted (verified in a static block below) // They can then be used in a TreeMap, using the Enum (private) ordinal // comparator Generic(0, Type.Unknown), Invalid(-1, Type.Unknown), LedgerEntryType(1, Type.UInt16), TransactionType(2, Type.UInt16), Flags(2, Type.UInt32), SourceTag(3, Type.UInt32), Sequence(4, Type.UInt32), PreviousTxnLgrSeq(5, Type.UInt32), LedgerSequence(6, Type.UInt32), CloseTime(7, Type.UInt32), ParentCloseTime(8, Type.UInt32), SigningTime(9, Type.UInt32), Expiration(10, Type.UInt32), TransferRate(11, Type.UInt32), WalletSize(12, Type.UInt32), OwnerCount(13, Type.UInt32), DestinationTag(14, Type.UInt32), HighQualityIn(16, Type.UInt32), HighQualityOut(17, Type.UInt32), LowQualityIn(18, Type.UInt32), LowQualityOut(19, Type.UInt32), QualityIn(20, Type.UInt32), QualityOut(21, Type.UInt32), StampEscrow(22, Type.UInt32), BondAmount(23, Type.UInt32), LoadFee(24, Type.UInt32), OfferSequence(25, Type.UInt32), FirstLedgerSequence(26, Type.UInt32), // Deprecated: do not use // Added new semantics in 9486fc416ca7c59b8930b734266eed4d5b714c50 LastLedgerSequence(27, Type.UInt32), TransactionIndex(28, Type.UInt32), OperationLimit(29, Type.UInt32), ReferenceFeeUnits(30, Type.UInt32), ReserveBase(31, Type.UInt32), ReserveIncrement(32, Type.UInt32), SetFlag(33, Type.UInt32), ClearFlag(34, Type.UInt32), IndexNext(1, Type.UInt64), IndexPrevious(2, Type.UInt64), BookNode(3, Type.UInt64), OwnerNode(4, Type.UInt64), BaseFee(5, Type.UInt64), ExchangeRate(6, Type.UInt64), LowNode(7, Type.UInt64), HighNode(8, Type.UInt64), EmailHash(1, Type.Hash128), LedgerHash(1, Type.Hash256), ParentHash(2, Type.Hash256), TransactionHash(3, Type.Hash256), AccountHash(4, Type.Hash256), PreviousTxnID(5, Type.Hash256), LedgerIndex(6, Type.Hash256), WalletLocator(7, Type.Hash256), RootIndex(8, Type.Hash256), // Added in rippled commit: 9486fc416ca7c59b8930b734266eed4d5b714c50 AccountTxnID(9, Type.Hash256), BookDirectory(16, Type.Hash256), InvoiceID(17, Type.Hash256), Nickname(18, Type.Hash256), Amendment(19, Type.Hash256), TicketID(20, Type.Hash256), hash(257, Type.Hash256), index(258, Type.Hash256), Amount(1, Type.Amount), Balance(2, Type.Amount), LimitAmount(3, Type.Amount), TakerPays(4, Type.Amount), TakerGets(5, Type.Amount), LowLimit(6, Type.Amount), HighLimit(7, Type.Amount), Fee(8, Type.Amount), SendMax(9, Type.Amount), MinimumOffer(16, Type.Amount), RippleEscrow(17, Type.Amount), // Added in rippled commit: e7f0b8eca69dd47419eee7b82c8716b3aa5a9e39 DeliveredAmount(18, Type.Amount), // These are auxillary fields // quality(257, Type.AMOUNT), taker_gets_funded(258, Type.Amount), taker_pays_funded(259, Type.Amount), PublicKey(1, Type.Blob), MessageKey(2, Type.Blob), SigningPubKey(3, Type.Blob), TxnSignature(4, Type.Blob), Generator(5, Type.Blob), Signature(6, Type.Blob), Domain(7, Type.Blob), FundCode(8, Type.Blob), RemoveCode(9, Type.Blob), ExpireCode(10, Type.Blob), CreateCode(11, Type.Blob), MemoType(12, Type.Blob), MemoData(13, Type.Blob), MemoFormat(14, Type.Blob), Account(1, Type.AccountID), Owner(2, Type.AccountID), Destination(3, Type.AccountID), Issuer(4, Type.AccountID), Target(7, Type.AccountID), RegularKey(8, Type.AccountID), ObjectEndMarker(1, Type.STObject), TransactionMetaData(2, Type.STObject), CreatedNode(3, Type.STObject), DeletedNode(4, Type.STObject), ModifiedNode(5, Type.STObject), PreviousFields(6, Type.STObject), FinalFields(7, Type.STObject), NewFields(8, Type.STObject), TemplateEntry(9, Type.STObject), Memo(10, Type.STObject), ArrayEndMarker(1, Type.STArray), SigningAccounts(2, Type.STArray), TxnSignatures(3, Type.STArray), Signatures(4, Type.STArray), Template(5, Type.STArray), Necessary(6, Type.STArray), Sufficient(7, Type.STArray), AffectedNodes(8, Type.STArray), Memos(9, Type.STArray), CloseResolution(1, Type.UInt8), TemplateEntryType(2, Type.UInt8), TransactionResult(3, Type.UInt8), TakerPaysCurrency(1, Type.Hash160), TakerPaysIssuer(2, Type.Hash160), TakerGetsCurrency(3, Type.Hash160), TakerGetsIssuer(4, Type.Hash160), Paths(1, Type.PathSet), Indexes(1, Type.Vector256), Hashes(2, Type.Vector256), Features(3, Type.Vector256), Transaction(1, Type.Transaction), LedgerEntry(1, Type.LedgerEntry), Validation(1, Type.Validation); final int id; // defaults boolean signingField = true; boolean isSerialized = true; boolean isVlEncoded = false; public static Field fromString(String key) { Field f; try { f = valueOf(key); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { f = null; } return f; } public static byte[] asBytes(Field field) { int name = field.getId(), type = field.getType().getId(); ArrayList<Byte> header = new ArrayList<Byte>(3); if (type < 16) { if (name < 16) // common type, common name header.add((byte)((type << 4) | name)); else { // common type, uncommon name header.add((byte)(type << 4)); header.add((byte)(name)); } } else if (name < 16) { // uncommon type, common name header.add((byte)(name)); header.add((byte)(type)); } else { // uncommon type, uncommon name header.add((byte)(0)); header.add((byte)(type)); header.add((byte)(name)); } byte[] headerBytes = new byte[header.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < header.size(); i++) { headerBytes[i] = header.get(i); } return headerBytes; } public int getId() { return id; } final int code; final Type type; private final byte[] bytes; public Object tag = null; Field(int fid, Type tid) { id = fid; type = tid; code = ( << 16) | fid; if (isSerialized()) { bytes = asBytes(this); } else { bytes = null; } isSerialized = isSerialized(this); } static private HashMap<Integer, Field> byCode = new HashMap<Integer, Field>(); public static Iterator<Field> sorted(Collection<Field> fields) { ArrayList<Field> fieldList = new ArrayList<Field>(fields); Collections.sort(fieldList, comparator); return fieldList.iterator(); } static public Field fromCode(Integer integer) { return byCode.get(integer); } public Type getType() { return type; } public boolean isSerialized() { return isSerialized; } public boolean isVLEncoded() { return isVlEncoded; } public boolean isSigningField() { return signingField; } private static boolean isSerialized(Field f) { // This should screen out `hash` and `index` and the like return (( > 0) && ( < 256) && ( > 0) && ( < 256)); } static public Comparator<Field> comparator = new Comparator<Field>() { @Override public int compare(Field o1, Field o2) { return o1.code - o2.code; } }; static { for (Field f : Field.values()) { byCode.put(f.code, f); f.isSerialized = isSerialized(f); f.signingField = f.isSerialized; switch (f.type) { case Blob: case AccountID: case Vector256: f.isVlEncoded = true; break; default: break; } } TxnSignature.signingField = false; ArrayList<Field> sortedFields; Field[] values = Field.values(); sortedFields = new ArrayList<Field>(Arrays.asList(values)); Collections.sort(sortedFields, comparator); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { Field av = values[i]; Field lv = sortedFields.get(i); if (av.code != lv.code) { throw new RuntimeException("Field enum declaration isn't presorted"); } } } public byte[] getBytes() { return bytes; } }