package org.ripple.power; import java.math.BigInteger; import org.ripple.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECPrivateKeyParameters; import; public class RipplePrivateKey extends RippleIdentifier { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; boolean isDeterministic = false; RipplePublicKey publicKey; public RipplePrivateKey(byte[] privateKeyBytes) { super(privateKeyBytes, 34); if (privateKeyBytes.length != 32) { throw new RuntimeException( "The private key must be of length 32 bytes"); } } public static byte[] bigIntegerToBytes(BigInteger biToConvert, int nbBytesToReturn) { byte[] twosComplement = biToConvert.toByteArray(); byte[] bytesToReturn = new byte[nbBytesToReturn]; if ((biToConvert.bitLength() + 7) / 8 != twosComplement.length) { byte[] twosComplementWithoutSign = new byte[twosComplement.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(twosComplement, 1, twosComplementWithoutSign, 0, twosComplementWithoutSign.length); twosComplement = twosComplementWithoutSign; } int nbBytesOfPaddingRequired = nbBytesToReturn - twosComplement.length; if (nbBytesOfPaddingRequired < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("nbBytesToReturn " + nbBytesToReturn + " is too small"); } System.arraycopy(twosComplement, 0, bytesToReturn, nbBytesOfPaddingRequired, twosComplement.length); return bytesToReturn; } public RipplePrivateKey(BigInteger privateKeyForAccount) { super(bigIntegerToBytes(privateKeyForAccount, 32), 34); } public RipplePublicKey getPublicKey() { if (publicKey != null) { return publicKey; } BigInteger privateBI = new BigInteger(1, this.payloadBytes); ECPoint uncompressed = RippleGenerator.SECP256K1_PARAMS.getG() .multiply(privateBI); ECPoint publicPoint = new ECPoint.Fp( RippleGenerator.SECP256K1_PARAMS.getCurve(), uncompressed.getX(), uncompressed.getY(), true); publicKey = new RipplePublicKey(publicPoint.getEncoded()); return publicKey; } public ECPrivateKeyParameters getECPrivateKey() { BigInteger privateBI = new BigInteger(1, this.payloadBytes); ECPrivateKeyParameters privKey = new ECPrivateKeyParameters(privateBI, RippleGenerator.SECP256K1_PARAMS); return privKey; } }