package com.ripple.core.coretypes; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.hash.Hash160; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.uint.UInt64; import com.ripple.core.serialized.BinaryParser; import com.ripple.core.serialized.BytesSink; import com.ripple.encodings.common.B16; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.math.MathContext; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Funnily enough, yes, in rippled a currency is represented by a Hash160 type. * For the sake of consistency and convenience, this quirk is repeated here. * * */ public class Currency extends Hash160 { public static final Currency NEUTRAL = new Currency(BigInteger.ONE.toByteArray()); public static final Currency XRP = new Currency(BigInteger.ZERO.toByteArray()); @Override public Object toJSON() { return translate.toJSON(this); } @Override public byte[] toBytes() { return translate.toBytes(this); } @Override public String toHex() { return translate.toHex(this); } @Override public void toBytesSink(BytesSink to) { translate.toBytesSink(this, to); } public boolean isNative() { return this == Currency.XRP || equals(Currency.XRP); } public boolean isIOU() { return !isNative(); } public static enum Type { HASH, ISO, // three letter isoCode DEMURRAGE, UNKNOWN; public static Type fromByte(byte typeByte) { if (typeByte == 0x00) { return ISO; } else if (typeByte == 0x01) { return DEMURRAGE; } else if ((typeByte & 0x80) != 0) { return HASH; } else { return UNKNOWN; } } } Type type; public static class Demurrage { Date interestStart; String isoCode; double interestRate; static public BigDecimal applyRate(BigDecimal amount, BigDecimal rate, TimeUnit time, long units) { BigDecimal appliedRate = getSeconds(time, units).divide(rate, MathContext.DECIMAL64); BigDecimal factor = BigDecimal.valueOf(Math.exp(appliedRate.doubleValue())); return amount.multiply(factor, MathContext.DECIMAL64); } static public BigDecimal calculateRate(BigDecimal rate, TimeUnit time, long units) { BigDecimal seconds = getSeconds(time, units); BigDecimal log = ln(rate); return seconds.divide(log, MathContext.DECIMAL64); } private static BigDecimal ln(BigDecimal bd) { return BigDecimal.valueOf(Math.log(bd.doubleValue())); } private static BigDecimal getSeconds(TimeUnit time, long units) { return BigDecimal.valueOf(time.toSeconds(units)); } public Demurrage(byte[] bytes) { BinaryParser parser = new BinaryParser(bytes); parser.skip(1); // The type isoCode = isoCodeFromBytesAndOffset(, 0);// The isoCode interestStart = RippleDate.fromParser(parser); long l = UInt64.translate.fromParser(parser).longValue(); interestRate = Double.longBitsToDouble(l); } } public Demurrage demurrage = null; public Currency(byte[] bytes) { super(bytes); type = Type.fromByte(this.hash[0]); if (type == Type.DEMURRAGE) { demurrage = new Demurrage(bytes); } } /** * It's better to extend HashTranslator than the Hash160.Translator directly * That way the generics can still vibe with the @Override */ public static class CurrencyTranslator extends HashTranslator<Currency> { @Override public int byteWidth() { return 20; } @Override public Currency newInstance(byte[] b) { return new Currency(b); } @Override public Object toJSON(Currency obj) { return obj.toString(); } @Override public Currency fromString(String value) { if (value.length() == 40 /* byteWidth() * 2 */) { return newInstance(B16.decode(value)); } else if (value.equals("XRP")) { return XRP; } else { if (!(value.length() == 3)) { // if (!value.matches("[A-Z0-9]{3}")) { throw new RuntimeException("Currency code must be 3 characters"); } return newInstance(encodeCurrency(value)); } } } public static Currency fromString(String currency) { return translate.fromString(currency); } @Override public String toString() { switch (type) { case ISO: String code = getCurrencyCodeFromTLCBytes(bytes()); if (code.equals("XRP")) { // HEX of the bytes return super.toString(); } else if (code.equals("\0\0\0")) { return "XRP"; } else { // the 3 letter isoCode return code; } case HASH: case DEMURRAGE: case UNKNOWN: default: return super.toString(); } } public String humanCode() { if (type == Type.ISO) { return getCurrencyCodeFromTLCBytes(hash); } else if (type == Type.DEMURRAGE) { return isoCodeFromBytesAndOffset(hash, 1); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("No human code for currency of type " + type); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Currency) { Currency other = (Currency) obj; byte[] bytes = this.bytes(); byte[] otherBytes = other.bytes(); if (type == Type.ISO && other.type == Type.ISO) { return (bytes[12] == otherBytes[12] && bytes[13] == otherBytes[13] && bytes[14] == otherBytes[14]); } } return super.equals(obj); // Full comparison } public static CurrencyTranslator translate = new CurrencyTranslator(); /* * The following are static methods, legacy from when there was no * usage of Currency objects, just String with "XRP" ambiguity. * */ public static byte[] encodeCurrency(String currencyCode) { byte[] currencyBytes = new byte[20]; currencyBytes[12] = (byte) currencyCode.codePointAt(0); currencyBytes[13] = (byte) currencyCode.codePointAt(1); currencyBytes[14] = (byte) currencyCode.codePointAt(2); return currencyBytes; } public static String getCurrencyCodeFromTLCBytes(byte[] bytes) { int i; boolean zeroInNonCurrencyBytes = true; for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { zeroInNonCurrencyBytes = zeroInNonCurrencyBytes && ((i == 12 || i == 13 || i == 14) || // currency bytes (0 or any other) bytes[i] == 0); // non currency bytes (0) } if (zeroInNonCurrencyBytes) { return isoCodeFromBytesAndOffset(bytes, 12); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Currency is invalid"); } } private static char charFrom(byte[] bytes, int i) { return (char) bytes[i]; } private static String isoCodeFromBytesAndOffset(byte[] bytes, int offset) { char a = charFrom(bytes, offset); char b = charFrom(bytes, offset + 1); char c = charFrom(bytes, offset + 2); return "" + a + b + c; } }