package com.ripple.client.transactions; import com.ripple.client.Client; import com.ripple.client.enums.Command; import com.ripple.client.pubsub.CallbackContext; import com.ripple.client.pubsub.Publisher; import com.ripple.client.requests.Request; import com.ripple.client.responses.Response; import com.ripple.client.subscriptions.ServerInfo; import com.ripple.client.subscriptions.TrackedAccountRoot; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.AccountID; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.Amount; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.hash.Hash256; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.uint.UInt32; import com.ripple.core.serialized.enums.EngineResult; import com.ripple.core.types.known.tx.Transaction; import com.ripple.core.types.known.tx.result.TransactionResult; import com.ripple.core.types.known.tx.txns.AccountSet; import com.ripple.crypto.ecdsa.IKeyPair; import java.util.*; public class TransactionManager extends Publisher<> { public static interface events<T> extends Publisher.Callback<T> {} // This event is emitted with the Sequence of the AccountRoot public static interface OnValidatedSequence extends events<UInt32> {} Client client; TrackedAccountRoot accountRoot; AccountID accountID; IKeyPair keyPair; AccountTxPager txnPager; private ArrayList<ManagedTxn> pending = new ArrayList<ManagedTxn>(); private ArrayList<ManagedTxn> failedTransactions = new ArrayList<ManagedTxn>(); public TransactionManager(Client client, final TrackedAccountRoot accountRoot, AccountID accountID, IKeyPair keyPair) { this.client = client; this.accountRoot = accountRoot; this.accountID = accountID; this.keyPair = keyPair; // We'd be subscribed yeah ;) this.client.on(Client.OnLedgerClosed.class, new Client.OnLedgerClosed() { @Override public void called(ServerInfo serverInfo) { checkAccountTransactions(serverInfo.ledger_index); clearFailed(serverInfo.ledger_index); if (!canSubmit() || getPending().isEmpty()) { return; } ArrayList<ManagedTxn> sorted = pendingSequenceSorted(); ManagedTxn first = sorted.get(0); Submission previous = first.lastSubmission(); if (previous != null) { long ledgersClosed = serverInfo.ledger_index - previous.ledgerSequence; if (ledgersClosed > 5) { resubmitWithSameSequence(first); } } } }); } private void clearFailed(long ledger_index) { // TODO: make sure each and every ledger has been checked int safety = 1; for (ManagedTxn failed : failedTransactions) { int expired = 0; for (Submission submission : failed.submissions) { if (ledger_index - safety > submission.lastLedgerSequence.longValue()) { expired++; } } if (expired == failed.submissions.size()) { // The last response our submissions Response response = failed.lastSubmission().request.response; if (response != null) { if (response.rpcerr != null) { failed.emit(ManagedTxn.OnSubmitError.class, response); } else { failed.emit(ManagedTxn.OnSubmitFailure.class, response); } } } } } Set<Long> seenValidatedSequences = new TreeSet<Long>(); public long sequence = 0; private UInt32 locallyPreemptedSubmissionSequence() { if (!accountRoot.primed()) { throw new IllegalStateException("The AccountRoot hasn't been populated from the server"); } long server = accountRoot.Sequence.longValue(); if (server > sequence) { sequence = server; } return new UInt32(sequence++); } private boolean txnNotFinalizedAndSeenValidatedSequence(ManagedTxn txn) { return !txn.isFinalized() && seenValidatedSequences.contains(txn.sequence().longValue()); } public void queue(final ManagedTxn tx) { if (accountRoot.primed()) { queue(tx, locallyPreemptedSubmissionSequence()); } else { accountRoot.once(TrackedAccountRoot.OnUpdate.class, new TrackedAccountRoot.OnUpdate() { @Override public void called(TrackedAccountRoot accountRoot) { queue(tx, locallyPreemptedSubmissionSequence()); } }); } } // TODO: data structure that keeps txns in sequence sorted order public ArrayList<ManagedTxn> getPending() { return pending; } public ArrayList<ManagedTxn> pendingSequenceSorted() { ArrayList<ManagedTxn> queued = new ArrayList<ManagedTxn>(getPending()); Collections.sort(queued, new Comparator<ManagedTxn>() { @Override public int compare(ManagedTxn lhs, ManagedTxn rhs) { return lhs.sequence().compareTo(rhs.sequence()); } }); return queued; } public int txnsPending() { return getPending().size(); } // TODO, maybe this is an instance configurable strategy parameter public static long LEDGERS_BETWEEN_ACCOUNT_TX = 15; public static long ACCOUNT_TX_TIMEOUT = 5; private long lastTxnRequesterUpdate = 0; private long lastLedgerCheckedAccountTxns = 0; AccountTxPager.OnPage onTxnsPage = new AccountTxPager.OnPage() { @Override public void onPage(AccountTxPager.Page page) { lastTxnRequesterUpdate = client.serverInfo.ledger_index; if (page.hasNext()) { page.requestNext(); } else { lastLedgerCheckedAccountTxns = Math.max(lastLedgerCheckedAccountTxns, page.ledgerMax()); txnPager = null; } for (TransactionResult tr : page.transactionResults()) { notifyTransactionResult(tr); } } }; private void checkAccountTransactions(long currentLedgerIndex) { if (pending.size() == 0 && failedTransactions.size() == 0) { lastLedgerCheckedAccountTxns = 0; return; } long ledgersPassed = currentLedgerIndex - lastLedgerCheckedAccountTxns; if ((lastLedgerCheckedAccountTxns == 0 || ledgersPassed >= LEDGERS_BETWEEN_ACCOUNT_TX)) { if (lastLedgerCheckedAccountTxns == 0) { lastLedgerCheckedAccountTxns = currentLedgerIndex; for (ManagedTxn txn : pending) { for (Submission submission : txn.submissions) { lastLedgerCheckedAccountTxns = Math.min(lastLedgerCheckedAccountTxns, submission.ledgerSequence); } } for (ManagedTxn txn : failedTransactions) { for (Submission submission : txn.submissions) { lastLedgerCheckedAccountTxns = Math.min(lastLedgerCheckedAccountTxns, submission.ledgerSequence); } } return; // and wait for next ledger close } if (txnPager != null) { if ((currentLedgerIndex - lastTxnRequesterUpdate) >= ACCOUNT_TX_TIMEOUT) { txnPager.abort(); // no more OnPage txnPager = null; // and wait for next ledger close } // else keep waiting ;) } else { lastTxnRequesterUpdate = currentLedgerIndex; txnPager = new AccountTxPager(client, accountID, onTxnsPage, /* for good measure */ lastLedgerCheckedAccountTxns - 5); // Very important VVVVV txnPager.forward(true); txnPager.request(); } } } private void queue(final ManagedTxn txn, final UInt32 sequence) { getPending().add(txn); makeSubmitRequest(txn, sequence); } public boolean canSubmit() { return client.connected && client.serverInfo.primed() && // ledger close could have given us client.serverInfo.fee_base != 0 && client.serverInfo.load_factor < (768 * 1000 ) && accountRoot.primed(); } private void makeSubmitRequest(final ManagedTxn txn, final UInt32 sequence) { if (canSubmit()) { doSubmitRequest(txn, sequence); } else { // If we have submitted again, before this gets to execute // we should just bail out early, and not submit again. final int n = txn.submissions.size(); client.on(Client.OnStateChange.class, new CallbackContext() { @Override public boolean shouldExecute() { return canSubmit() && !shouldRemove(); } @Override public boolean shouldRemove() { // The next state change should cause this to remove return txn.isFinalized() || n != txn.submissions.size(); } }, new Client.OnStateChange() { @Override public void called(Client client) { doSubmitRequest(txn, sequence); } }); } } private Request doSubmitRequest(final ManagedTxn txn, UInt32 sequence) { // Compute the fee for the current load_factor Amount fee = client.serverInfo.transactionFee(txn.txn); // Inside prepare we check if Fee and Sequence are the same, and if so // we don't recreate tx_blob, or resign ;) long currentLedgerIndex = client.serverInfo.ledger_index; UInt32 lastLedgerSequence = new UInt32(currentLedgerIndex + 8); Submission submission = txn.lastSubmission(); if (submission != null) { if (currentLedgerIndex - submission.lastLedgerSequence.longValue() < 8) { lastLedgerSequence = submission.lastLedgerSequence; } } txn.prepare(keyPair, fee, sequence, lastLedgerSequence); final Request req = client.newRequest(Command.submit); // tx_blob is a hex string, right o' the bat req.json("tx_blob", txn.tx_blob); req.once(Request.OnSuccess.class, new Request.OnSuccess() { @Override public void called(Response response) { handleSubmitSuccess(txn, response); } }); req.once(Request.OnError.class, new Request.OnError() { @Override public void called(Response response) { handleSubmitError(txn, response); } }); // Keep track of the submission, including the hash submitted // to the network, and the ledger_index at that point in time. txn.trackSubmitRequest(req, client.serverInfo.ledger_index); req.request(); return req; } public void handleSubmitError(final ManagedTxn txn, Response res) { if (txn.finalizedOrResponseIsToPriorSubmission(res)) { return; } switch (res.rpcerr) { case noNetwork: client.schedule(500, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { resubmitWithSameSequence(txn); } }); break; default: // TODO, what other cases should this retry? // TODO, what if this actually eventually clears? // TOOD, need to use LastLedgerSequence awaitLastLedgerSequenceExpiry(txn); break; } } /** * We handle various transaction engine results specifically * and then by class of result. */ public void handleSubmitSuccess(final ManagedTxn txn, final Response res) { if (txn.finalizedOrResponseIsToPriorSubmission(res)) { return; } EngineResult ter = res.engineResult(); final UInt32 submitSequence = res.getSubmitSequence(); switch (ter) { case tesSUCCESS: txn.emit(ManagedTxn.OnSubmitSuccess.class, res); return; case tefPAST_SEQ: resubmitWithNewSequence(txn); break; case tefMAX_LEDGER: resubmit(txn, submitSequence); break; case terPRE_SEQ: on(OnValidatedSequence.class, new OnValidatedSequence() { @Override public void called(UInt32 sequence) { if (txn.finalizedOrResponseIsToPriorSubmission(res)) { removeListener(OnValidatedSequence.class, this); } else { if (sequence.equals(submitSequence)) { // resubmit: resubmit(txn, submitSequence); removeListener(OnValidatedSequence.class, this); } } } }); break; case telINSUF_FEE_P: resubmit(txn, submitSequence); break; case tefALREADY: // We only get this if we are submitting with exact same transactionID // Do nothing, the transaction has already been submitted break; default: switch (ter.resultClass()) { case tecCLAIM: // Sequence was consumed, may even succeed // so do nothing, just wait until it clears or expires. awaitLastLedgerSequenceExpiry(txn); break; // These are, according to the wiki, all of a final disposition case temMALFORMED: case tefFAILURE: case telLOCAL_ERROR: case terRETRY: awaitLastLedgerSequenceExpiry(txn); if (getPending().isEmpty()) { sequence--; } else { // Plug a Sequence gap and pre-emptively resubmit some txns // rather than waiting for `OnValidatedSequence` which will take // quite some ledgers. queueSequencePlugTxn(submitSequence); resubmitGreaterThan(submitSequence); } break; } break; } } private void awaitLastLedgerSequenceExpiry(ManagedTxn txn) { finalizeTxnAndRemoveFromQueue(txn); failedTransactions.add(txn); } private void resubmitGreaterThan(UInt32 submitSequence) { for (ManagedTxn txn : getPending()) { if (txn.sequence().compareTo(submitSequence) == 1) { resubmitWithSameSequence(txn); } } } private void queueSequencePlugTxn(UInt32 sequence) { ManagedTxn plug = manage(new AccountSet()); plug.setSequencePlug(true); queue(plug, sequence); } public void finalizeTxnAndRemoveFromQueue(ManagedTxn transaction) { transaction.setFinalized(); pending.remove(transaction); } private void resubmitFirstTransactionWithTakenSequence(UInt32 sequence) { for (ManagedTxn txn : getPending()) { if (txn.sequence().compareTo(sequence) == 0) { resubmitWithNewSequence(txn); break; } } } // We only EVER resubmit a txn with a new Sequence if we have actually // seen that the Sequence has been consumed by a transaction we didn't // submit ourselves. // This is the method that handles that, private void resubmitWithNewSequence(final ManagedTxn txn) { // A sequence plug's sole purpose is to plug a Sequence // so that transactions may clear. if (txn.isSequencePlug()) { // The sequence has already been plugged (somehow) // So: return; // without further ado. } // ONLY ONLY ONLY if we've actually seen the Sequence if (txnNotFinalizedAndSeenValidatedSequence(txn)) { resubmit(txn, locallyPreemptedSubmissionSequence()); } else { // requesting account_tx now and then (as we do) should ensure that // this doesn't stall forever. We'll either finalize the transaction // or Sequence will be seen to have been consumed by another txn. on(OnValidatedSequence.class, new CallbackContext() { @Override public boolean shouldExecute() { return !txn.isFinalized(); } @Override public boolean shouldRemove() { return txn.isFinalized(); } }, new OnValidatedSequence() { @Override public void called(UInt32 uInt32) { // Again, just to be safe. if (txnNotFinalizedAndSeenValidatedSequence(txn)) { resubmit(txn, locallyPreemptedSubmissionSequence()); } } }); } } private void resubmit(ManagedTxn txn, UInt32 sequence) { // if (txn.abortedAwaitingFinal()) { // return; // } makeSubmitRequest(txn, sequence); } private void resubmitWithSameSequence(ManagedTxn txn) { UInt32 previouslySubmitted = txn.sequence(); resubmit(txn, previouslySubmitted); } public ManagedTxn manage(Transaction tt) { ManagedTxn txn = new ManagedTxn(tt); tt.account(accountID); return txn; } public void notifyTransactionResult(TransactionResult tr) { if (!tr.validated || !(tr.initiatingAccount().equals(accountID))) { return; } UInt32 txnSequence = tr.txn.get(UInt32.Sequence); seenValidatedSequences.add(txnSequence.longValue()); ManagedTxn txn = submittedTransactionForHash(tr.hash); if (txn != null) { finalizeTxnAndRemoveFromQueue(txn); failedTransactions.remove(txn); txn.emit(ManagedTxn.OnTransactionValidated.class, tr); } else { // TODO Check for transaction malleability, by computing a signing hash // preempt the terPRE_SEQ resubmitFirstTransactionWithTakenSequence(txnSequence); // Some transactions are waiting on this event before resubmission emit(OnValidatedSequence.class, txnSequence.add(new UInt32(1))); } } private ManagedTxn submittedTransactionForHash(Hash256 hash) { for (ManagedTxn pending : getPending()) { if (pending.wasSubmittedWith(hash)) { return pending; } } for (ManagedTxn markedAsFailed : failedTransactions) { if (markedAsFailed.wasSubmittedWith(hash)) { return markedAsFailed; } } return null; } }