package org.ripple.power.ui.view; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class JConsole extends JScrollPane { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final JLabel imageLabel = new JLabel(); private OutputStream fromConsoleStream; private InputStream in; private PrintStream out, err; private AttributeSet attrOut, attrError; private PipePump outPump, errPump; public void setImageIcon(ImageIcon icon) { clear(); imageLabel.setIcon(icon); imageLabel.setVisible(true); } public void imageShow() { imageLabel.setVisible(true); } public void imageHide() { imageLabel.setVisible(false); } public void uiprint(String mes) { if (attrOut != null) { imageHide(); print(mes, attrOut); } } private int commandPos = 0; private List<String> commandHistory = new ArrayList<String>(); private int commandHistoryIndex = 0; private String currentCommand; private MyJTextPane text; private JPopupMenu contextMenu; private final static String CMD_CUT = "Cut"; private final static String CMD_CLEAR = "Clear"; private final static String CMD_COPY = "Copy"; private final static String CMD_PASTE = "Paste"; public JConsole() { super(); setBackground(new Color(70, 70, 70)); setForeground(Color.WHITE); setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; text = new MyJTextPane(); text.setAutoscrolls(true); final Font lFont = new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12); text.setText(""); text.setFont(lFont); text.setMargin(new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1)); text.addKeyListener(new MyKeyListener()); setViewportView(text); int size = 128; imageLabel.setForeground(LColor.white); imageLabel.setBackground(LColor.white); imageLabel.setBounds(RPJSonLog.WIDTH / 2 - size / 2, RPJSonLog.HEIGHT / 2 - size / 2 - 10, size, size); imageLabel.setVisible(false); text.setLayout(null); text.add(imageLabel); contextMenu = new JPopupMenu(); final ActionListener lActionListener = new MyActionListener(); contextMenu.add(new JMenuItem(CMD_CUT)).addActionListener( lActionListener); contextMenu.add(new JMenuItem(CMD_COPY)).addActionListener( lActionListener); contextMenu.add(new JMenuItem(CMD_PASTE)).addActionListener( lActionListener); contextMenu.add(new JMenuItem(CMD_CLEAR)).addActionListener( lActionListener); text.addMouseListener(new MyMouseListener()); MutableAttributeSet attr = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setForeground(attr, Color.BLACK); attr = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setForeground(attr, Color.WHITE); attrOut = attr; attr = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setForeground(attr, Color.RED); StyleConstants.setItalic(attr, true); StyleConstants.setBold(attr, true); attrError = attr; try { fromConsoleStream = new PipedOutputStream(); in = new PipedInputStream((PipedOutputStream) fromConsoleStream); final PipedOutputStream lOutPipe = new PipedOutputStream(); out = new PrintStream(lOutPipe); final PipedOutputStream lErrPipe = new PipedOutputStream(); err = new PrintStream(lErrPipe); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } requestFocus(); } public void setOutAttributes(AttributeSet aAttribs) { attrOut = aAttribs; if (outPump != null) { outPump.setAttr(aAttribs); } } public void setErrAttributes(AttributeSet aAttribs) { attrError = aAttribs; if (errPump != null) { errPump.setAttr(aAttribs); } } public InputStream getInputStream() { return in; } /** * Get the input reader containing the text the user enters in the console. * * @return A text reader from which the user commands can be read. */ public Reader getIn() { return new InputStreamReader(in); } /** * The output stream to the console. * * @return An output stream on which the application can write text to the * console. */ public PrintStream getOut() { return out; } /** * The error stream to the console. * * @return An output stream on which the application can write text to the * console. */ public PrintStream getErr() { return err; } // Focus handling. public void requestFocus() { super.requestFocus(); text.requestFocus(); } // Remember the start of the command line. private void initCommandPos() { commandPos = textLength(); } // Append text to the end of the text already present in the // text component. private void appendConsoleText(String aContent) { final int lTxtLen = textLength();, lTxtLen); text.replaceSelection(aContent); } // Replace part of the text in the text component. private String replaceConsoleText(Object aContent, int aFrom, int aTo) { final String aContentRepr = aContent.toString();, aTo); text.replaceSelection(aContentRepr); return aContentRepr; } private void moveCaret() { if (text.getCaretPosition() < commandPos) { text.setCaretPosition(textLength()); } text.repaint(); } private void processCommand() { String lCommandRepr = getCmd(); if (lCommandRepr.length() != 0) commandHistory.add(lCommandRepr); lCommandRepr = lCommandRepr + "\n"; appendConsoleText("\n"); commandHistoryIndex = 0; acceptLine(lCommandRepr); text.repaint(); } private String getCmd() { try { return text.getText(commandPos, textLength() - commandPos); } catch (BadLocationException e) { return ""; } } // Command history manipulation, go to the previous command. // Note that the index runs in reverse. private void prevHistory() { if (commandHistory.size() == 0) return; if (commandHistoryIndex == 0) currentCommand = getCmd(); if (commandHistoryIndex < commandHistory.size()) { commandHistoryIndex++; showHistory(); } } // Command history manipulation, go to the next command. // Note that the index runs in reverse. private void nextHistory() { if (commandHistoryIndex == 0) return; commandHistoryIndex--; showHistory(); } // Show the command from the command history, pointed to by the index. // Note that the index runs in reverse. private void showHistory() { String lShowLine; if (commandHistoryIndex == 0) lShowLine = currentCommand; else lShowLine = commandHistory.get(commandHistory.size() - commandHistoryIndex); replaceConsoleText(lShowLine, commandPos, textLength()); text.setCaretPosition(textLength()); text.repaint(); } /** * The user of the component can write a command in the console as if the * user typed the command himself. The application using the console can * simnulate user actions in this way. * * @param aCommand */ public void setCommand(String aCommand) { String lCommandRepr = aCommand; if (lCommandRepr.length() != 0) commandHistory.add(lCommandRepr); lCommandRepr = lCommandRepr + "\n"; appendConsoleText(lCommandRepr); commandHistoryIndex = 0; acceptLine(lCommandRepr); text.repaint(); } // Put the text that the user typed into the pipe, so that // interested console clients can read the stuff from the in stream. private void acceptLine(String aLine) { try { fromConsoleStream.write(aLine.getBytes()); fromConsoleStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Clear the console. */ public void clear() { imageHide(); text.setText(""); text.repaint(); } /** * Print output to the console. Note that this will not be interpreted as a * command line. See the setCommand() method for this functionality. * * @param aContent * Print it to the console. */ public void print(final Object aContent) { invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { appendConsoleText(String.valueOf(aContent)); initCommandPos(); text.setCaretPosition(commandPos); } }); } /** * Print error to the console. Note that this will not be interpreted as a * command line. See the setCommand() method for this functionality. * * @param aContent * Print it to the console. */ public void error(Object aContent) { print(aContent, attrError); } /** * Print output to the console. Note that this will not be interpreted as a * command line. See the setCommand() method for this functionality. * * @param aContent * The message to be written to the console. * @param aAttribs * The text attributes used for this message. */ public void print(final Object aContent, final AttributeSet aAttribs) { invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { appendConsoleText(String.valueOf(aContent)); initCommandPos(); text.setCaretPosition(commandPos); } }); } public void setFont(Font aFont) { super.setFont(aFont); if (text != null) text.setFont(aFont); } // Utility method to make sure a task is executed on the Swing display // thread. private void invokeAndWait(Runnable aRunnable) { if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(aRunnable); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else {; } } private int textLength() { return text.getDocument().getLength(); } // The PipePump waits for input on an output stream, and copies the content // to the console window. // It is used to get the text from the pipes which are provided to the user // of the console. // It is the connection between the user streams and the console content. private class PipePump implements Runnable { private InputStream in; private AttributeSet attr; public void setAttr(AttributeSet aAttr) { attr = aAttr; } public void run() { try { final byte[] lBuf = new byte[1024]; int lBytesRead; while (, 0, 1) != -1) { synchronized (JConsole.this) { lBytesRead =, 1, 1023) + 1; print(new String(lBuf, 0, lBytesRead), attr); while (in.available() > 0) { lBytesRead =; print(new String(lBuf, 0, lBytesRead), attr); } } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private class MyKeyListener implements KeyListener { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { type(e); } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { type(e); } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { type(e); } private synchronized void type(KeyEvent e) { switch (e.getKeyCode()) { case (KeyEvent.VK_ENTER): if (e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) { processCommand(); initCommandPos(); text.setCaretPosition(commandPos); } e.consume(); text.repaint(); break; case (KeyEvent.VK_UP): if (e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) prevHistory(); e.consume(); break; case (KeyEvent.VK_DOWN): if (e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) nextHistory(); e.consume(); break; case (KeyEvent.VK_LEFT): case (KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE): case (KeyEvent.VK_DELETE): if (text.getCaretPosition() <= commandPos) e.consume(); break; case (KeyEvent.VK_HOME): text.setCaretPosition(commandPos); e.consume(); break; case (KeyEvent.VK_U): if ((e.getModifiers() & InputEvent.CTRL_MASK) > 0) { replaceConsoleText("", commandPos, textLength()); commandHistoryIndex = 0; e.consume(); } break; case (KeyEvent.VK_ALT): case (KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK): case (KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL): case (KeyEvent.VK_META): case (KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT): case (KeyEvent.VK_PRINTSCREEN): case (KeyEvent.VK_SCROLL_LOCK): case (KeyEvent.VK_PAUSE): case (KeyEvent.VK_INSERT): case (KeyEvent.VK_F1): case (KeyEvent.VK_F2): case (KeyEvent.VK_F3): case (KeyEvent.VK_F4): case (KeyEvent.VK_F5): case (KeyEvent.VK_F6): case (KeyEvent.VK_F7): case (KeyEvent.VK_F8): case (KeyEvent.VK_F9): case (KeyEvent.VK_F10): case (KeyEvent.VK_F11): case (KeyEvent.VK_F12): case (KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE): case (KeyEvent.VK_C): break; default: if ((e.getModifiers() & (InputEvent.CTRL_MASK | InputEvent.ALT_MASK | InputEvent.META_MASK)) == 0) { moveCaret(); } if ((e.paramString().contains("Backspace")) && (text.getCaretPosition() <= commandPos)) { e.consume(); } break; } } } private class MyMouseListener extends MouseAdapter { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent aEvent) { if (aEvent.isPopupTrigger()) aEvent.getSource(), aEvent.getX(), aEvent.getY()); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent aEvent) { if (aEvent.isPopupTrigger()) aEvent.getSource(), aEvent.getX(), aEvent.getY()); } } private class MyActionListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aEvent) { final String lActionCommand = aEvent.getActionCommand(); if (lActionCommand.equals(CMD_CUT)) { text.cut(); } else if (lActionCommand.equals(CMD_COPY)) { text.copy(); } else if (lActionCommand.equals(CMD_PASTE)) { text.paste(); } else if (lActionCommand.equals(CMD_CLEAR)) { clear(); } } } private class MyJTextPane extends RPTextArea { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public MyJTextPane() { super(); setCaretColor(Color.WHITE); setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0)); setForeground(Color.WHITE); setLineWrap(true); setColumns(20); setRows(5); } public void cut() { if (text.getCaretPosition() < commandPos) super.copy(); else super.cut(); } public void paste() { moveCaret(); super.paste(); } } }