/* * Copyright (C) 2012 ZXing authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.zxing.oned; import com.google.zxing.BarcodeFormat; import com.google.zxing.NotFoundException; import com.google.zxing.Result; import com.google.zxing.ResultMetadataType; import com.google.zxing.ResultPoint; import com.google.zxing.common.BitArray; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.Map; /** * @see UPCEANExtension5Support */ final class UPCEANExtension2Support { private final int[] decodeMiddleCounters = new int[4]; private final StringBuilder decodeRowStringBuffer = new StringBuilder(); Result decodeRow(int rowNumber, BitArray row, int[] extensionStartRange) throws NotFoundException { StringBuilder result = decodeRowStringBuffer; result.setLength(0); int end = decodeMiddle(row, extensionStartRange, result); String resultString = result.toString(); Map<ResultMetadataType, Object> extensionData = parseExtensionString(resultString); Result extensionResult = new Result( resultString, null, new ResultPoint[] { new ResultPoint( (extensionStartRange[0] + extensionStartRange[1]) / 2.0f, (float) rowNumber), new ResultPoint((float) end, (float) rowNumber), }, BarcodeFormat.UPC_EAN_EXTENSION); if (extensionData != null) { extensionResult.putAllMetadata(extensionData); } return extensionResult; } int decodeMiddle(BitArray row, int[] startRange, StringBuilder resultString) throws NotFoundException { int[] counters = decodeMiddleCounters; counters[0] = 0; counters[1] = 0; counters[2] = 0; counters[3] = 0; int end = row.getSize(); int rowOffset = startRange[1]; int checkParity = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 2 && rowOffset < end; x++) { int bestMatch = UPCEANReader.decodeDigit(row, counters, rowOffset, UPCEANReader.L_AND_G_PATTERNS); resultString.append((char) ('0' + bestMatch % 10)); for (int counter : counters) { rowOffset += counter; } if (bestMatch >= 10) { checkParity |= 1 << (1 - x); } if (x != 1) { // Read off separator if not last rowOffset = row.getNextSet(rowOffset); rowOffset = row.getNextUnset(rowOffset); } } if (resultString.length() != 2) { throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance(); } if (Integer.parseInt(resultString.toString()) % 4 != checkParity) { throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance(); } return rowOffset; } /** * @param raw * raw content of extension * @return formatted interpretation of raw content as a {@link Map} mapping * one {@link ResultMetadataType} to appropriate value, or * {@code null} if not known */ private static Map<ResultMetadataType, Object> parseExtensionString( String raw) { if (raw.length() != 2) { return null; } Map<ResultMetadataType, Object> result = new EnumMap<>( ResultMetadataType.class); result.put(ResultMetadataType.ISSUE_NUMBER, Integer.valueOf(raw)); return result; } }