package org.ripple.power.ui; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowListener; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.ripple.power.config.LSystem; import org.ripple.power.config.Session; import org.ripple.power.helper.HelperDialog; import org.ripple.power.helper.HelperWindow; import org.ripple.power.hft.ripple.RippleBOTLoader; import org.ripple.power.i18n.LangConfig; import org.ripple.power.txns.AccountFind; import org.ripple.power.txns.AccountInfo; import org.ripple.power.txns.AccountLine; import org.ripple.power.txns.BookOffer; import org.ripple.power.txns.CurrencyUtils; import org.ripple.power.txns.Gateway; import org.ripple.power.txns.IssuedCurrency; import org.ripple.power.txns.OfferCancel; import org.ripple.power.txns.OfferCreate; import org.ripple.power.txns.OfferPrice; import org.ripple.power.txns.OtherData; import org.ripple.power.txns.RippleChartsAPI; import org.ripple.power.txns.Rollback; import org.ripple.power.txns.OfferPrice.OfferFruit; import org.ripple.power.txns.Updateable; import; import org.ripple.power.ui.view.HtmlRenderer; import org.ripple.power.ui.view.RPJSonLog; import org.ripple.power.ui.view.RPLabel; import org.ripple.power.ui.view.RPList; import org.ripple.power.ui.view.RPTextBox; import org.ripple.power.ui.view.RPToast; import org.ripple.power.ui.view.WaitDialog; import org.ripple.power.utils.GraphicsUtils; import org.ripple.power.utils.StringUtils; import org.ripple.power.utils.SwingUtils; import org.ripple.power.wallet.WalletItem; import; import com.other.calc.Calc; import com.ripple.core.types.known.sle.entries.Offer; public class RPExchangeMinDialog extends JDialog implements WindowListener { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // default only the first 20 data show private static final int _LIMIT_PAGE = 20; // automated trading processor private RippleBOTLoader.Trend lastTrend = RippleBOTLoader.Trend.UNKOWN; private ArrayList<OfferFruit> _buyerList = new ArrayList<OfferFruit>(100); private ArrayList<OfferFruit> _sellerList = new ArrayList<OfferFruit>(100); private RPCButton _okButton; private RPCButton _setautoButton; private RPCButton _startautobutton; private RPCButton _autoexButton; private RPCButton _historyButton; private RPCButton _oksellButton; private RPCButton _okbuyButton; private RPCButton _editHFTButton; private RPCButton _autoHFTButton; private RPCButton _exitButton; private RPCButton _calcButton; private RPCButton _stopautonButton; private RPCButton _canceltradingButton; private RPComboBox _curComboBox; private RPComboBox _selectGateawyCombobox; private RPLabel _currencyLabel; private RPLabel _mysellLabel; private RPLabel _coinmarketcapLabel; private RPLabel _mytradingLabel; private RPLabel _tip1Label; private RPLabel _gatewayLabel; private RPLabel _buymLabel; private RPLabel _sellmLabel; private RPLabel _cansellLabel; private RPLabel _canbuyLabel; private RPLabel _mybuyLabel; private RPList _mytradingList; private RPList _buymList; private RPList _sellmList; private RPList _otherMarketList; private javax.swing.JPanel panelOne; private javax.swing.JPanel panelTwo; private javax.swing.JScrollPane scrollPanelOne; private javax.swing.JScrollPane scrollPanelTwo; private javax.swing.JScrollPane scrollPanelThree; private javax.swing.JScrollPane scrollPanelFour; private RPCheckBox _priceTipCheckBox; private RPTextBox _cansellText; private RPTextBox _canbuyText; private RPTextBox _mybuyText; private RPTextBox _mysellText; private RPTextBox _addressText; private WalletItem _item; private final AccountInfo _info = new AccountInfo(); private ArrayList<WaitDialog> _waitDialogs = new ArrayList<WaitDialog>(10); private void warning_noselect() { UIRes.showWarningMessage(this,, UIMessage.noselect); } private void warning_xrp() { UIRes.showWarningMessage(RPExchangeMinDialog.this, UIMessage.warning, LSystem.nativeCurrency.toUpperCase() + "," + UIMessage.errNotMoney); } private void warning_iou(String cur) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cur)) { return; } UIRes.showWarningMessage(RPExchangeMinDialog.this, UIMessage.warning, cur.toUpperCase() + "," + UIMessage.errNotMoney); } private void warning_trust(String mes) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(mes)) { return; } UIRes.showWarningMessage(RPExchangeMinDialog.this, UIMessage.warning, String.format(UIMessage.plasetrust, mes)); } private void empty_trading(String mes) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(mes)) { return; } RPToast toast = RPToast.makeText(this, String.format(UIMessage.sntr, mes)); toast.setFrameLengthMultiplier(20); toast.setFrameRadius(25); toast.display(); } private int cancel_trust(String mes) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(mes)) { return -1; } return UIRes.showConfirmMessage(RPExchangeMinDialog.this,, String.format(UIMessage.ydel, mes), new Object[] { UIMessage.ok, UIMessage.cancel }); } private String info_price() { return LangConfig .get(RPExchangeMinDialog.this, "tip1", "The highest price buyer %s, the seller highest price %s, Spread %s"); } private int info_swap(final String srcAmount, final String srcCurrency, final String dstAmount, final String dstCurrency) { if (_priceTipCheckBox.isSelected()) { Updateable update = new Updateable() { @Override public void action(Object o) { RPBubbleDialog.pop( "Exchange tips:" + srcAmount + "/" + srcCurrency + ", Average exchange " + OfferPrice.getMoneyConvert(srcAmount, srcCurrency, dstCurrency) + "/" + dstCurrency, true); } }; LSystem.postThread(update); } return UIRes.showConfirmMessage(RPExchangeMinDialog.this,, UIMessage.you_cancel_tx(srcAmount + "/" + srcCurrency, dstAmount + "/" + dstCurrency), new Object[] { UIMessage.ok, UIMessage.cancel }); } private HashMap<String, RPExchangeMinInputDialog> inputs = new HashMap<String, RPExchangeMinInputDialog>(); class InputMouselstener implements MouseListener { int flag; int type; public InputMouselstener(int flag, int type) { this.flag = flag; this.type = type; } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (_priceTipCheckBox.isSelected()) { String cur = ((String) _curComboBox.getSelectedItem()).trim(); String[] split = StringUtils.split(cur, "/"); RPExchangeMinInputDialog dialog = inputs.get(cur); if (dialog == null) { dialog = RPExchangeMinInputDialog.showDialog( RPExchangeMinDialog.this, LangConfig.get( RPExchangeMinInputDialog.class, "ppt", "Price prompt")); inputs.put(cur, dialog); } switch (type) { case 0: dialog.setTextContext(_mysellText, _cansellText, split[0], split[1]); break; case 1: dialog.setTextContext(_mybuyText, _canbuyText, split[1], split[0]); break; } if (!dialog.isVisible()) { dialog.setVisible(true); } } } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } } public class MyKeyListener implements KeyListener { int flag; public MyKeyListener(int flag) { this.flag = flag; } @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { String cur = ((String) _curComboBox.getSelectedItem()).trim(); String[] split = StringUtils.split(cur, "/"); RPTextBox textBox = (RPTextBox) e.getSource(); String text = textBox.getText().trim(); String curName = split[0]; switch (flag) { case 0: curName = split[0]; checkText(text, curName, textBox); break; case 1: curName = split[1]; checkText(text, curName, textBox); break; } } } public static RPExchangeMinDialog showDialog(String text, JFrame parent, final WalletItem item) { RPExchangeMinDialog dialog = new RPExchangeMinDialog(text, parent, item); dialog.pack(); dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(parent); dialog.setVisible(true); return dialog; } public RPExchangeMinDialog(String text, JFrame parent, final WalletItem item) { super(parent, text, false); this._item = item; if (_item != null) { _item.setTip(false); } this.setIconImage(UIRes.getIcon()); this.setResizable(false); Dimension dim = new Dimension(992, 620); this.setPreferredSize(dim); this.setSize(dim); this.initComponents(); HelperDialog.setSystemHelperMessage("In the Ripple network, Start online trading . "); } private void initComponents() { _currencyLabel = new RPLabel(); _curComboBox = new RPComboBox(); _okButton = new RPCButton(); panelOne = new javax.swing.JPanel(); _mytradingLabel = new RPLabel(); _tip1Label = new RPLabel(); scrollPanelOne = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); _mytradingList = new RPList(); _buymLabel = new RPLabel(); scrollPanelTwo = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); _buymList = new RPList(); _sellmLabel = new RPLabel(); scrollPanelThree = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); _sellmList = new RPList(); _coinmarketcapLabel = new RPLabel(); scrollPanelFour = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); _otherMarketList = new RPList(); _gatewayLabel = new RPLabel(); _selectGateawyCombobox = new RPComboBox(); panelTwo = new javax.swing.JPanel(); _cansellLabel = new RPLabel(); _cansellText = new RPTextBox(); _canbuyLabel = new RPLabel(); _canbuyText = new RPTextBox(); _oksellButton = new RPCButton(); _mybuyLabel = new RPLabel(); _mybuyText = new RPTextBox(); _mysellLabel = new RPLabel(); _mysellText = new RPTextBox(); _okbuyButton = new RPCButton(); _stopautonButton = new RPCButton(); _canceltradingButton = new RPCButton(); _setautoButton = new RPCButton(); _startautobutton = new RPCButton(); _editHFTButton = new RPCButton(); _autoHFTButton = new RPCButton(); _exitButton = new RPCButton(); _calcButton = new RPCButton(); _autoexButton = new RPCButton(); _addressText = new RPTextBox(); _historyButton = new RPCButton(); _priceTipCheckBox = new RPCheckBox(); Font font = GraphicsUtils.getFont(18); Font font14 = UIRes.getFont(); getContentPane().setLayout(null); _priceTipCheckBox.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "ppt", "Price prompt")); _priceTipCheckBox.setSelected(LSystem.session("system").getBoolean( "exchange_price_tip")); _priceTipCheckBox .addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { Session session = LSystem.session("system"); if (_priceTipCheckBox.isSelected()) { session.set("exchange_price_tip", true); } else { session.set("exchange_price_tip", false); }; } }); panelTwo.add(_priceTipCheckBox); _priceTipCheckBox.setBounds(858, 50, 110, 23); _priceTipCheckBox.setFont(font14); _priceTipCheckBox.setBackground(new LColor(51, 51, 51)); _currencyLabel.setFont(font); // NOI18N _currencyLabel.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "selcur", "Currency")); getContentPane().add(_currencyLabel); _currencyLabel.setBounds(700, 10, 80, 26); _curComboBox.setFont(font); // NOI18N getContentPane().add(_curComboBox); _curComboBox.setBounds(780, 10, 110, 30); // 此处会列出网关所有可能的币种交易,所以不允许自行修改 _curComboBox.setEditable(false); _okButton.setText(UIMessage.ok); _okButton.setFont(font); getContentPane().add(_okButton); _okButton.setBounds(900, 10, 80, 30); _okButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // call submitOK(); } }); panelOne.setBackground(new LColor(51, 51, 51)); panelOne.setLayout(null); _mytradingLabel.setFont(font14); // NOI18N _mytradingLabel.setForeground(new LColor(255, 255, 255)); _mytradingLabel.setText(LangConfig .get(this, "my_trading", "My trading")); panelOne.add(_mytradingLabel); _mytradingLabel.setBounds(380, 185, 210, 18); _tip1Label.setFont(font14); _tip1Label.setHorizontalAlignment(javax.swing.SwingConstants.CENTER); _tip1Label.setText(String.format(info_price(), 0, 0, 0)); panelOne.add(_tip1Label); _tip1Label.setBounds(0, 10, 970, 20); _tip1Label.setForeground(; scrollPanelOne.setViewportView(_mytradingList); if (_item != null) { updateMyTrading(); } panelOne.add(scrollPanelOne); scrollPanelOne.setBounds(380, 210, 210, 110); _buymLabel.setFont(font14); // NOI18N _buymLabel.setForeground(new LColor(255, 255, 255)); _buymLabel.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "bm", "Buyer's Market")); panelOne.add(_buymLabel); _buymLabel.setBounds(10, 45, 360, 16); _buymList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); _buymList.setBackground(new LColor(70, 70, 70)); _buymList.setForeground(; _buymList.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() { @Override public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { RPList list = (RPList) e.getSource(); int idx = list.getSelectedIndex(); listsetforeground(list, idx); if (_buyerList.size() > 0 && idx < _buyerList.size()) { synchronized (_buyerList) { try { Offer offer = _buyerList.get(idx).offer; _mysellText.setText(offer.takerPays().toText()); _cansellText.setText(offer.takerGets().toText()); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } }); scrollPanelTwo.setViewportView(_buymList); _buymList.setCellRenderer(new HtmlRenderer()); panelOne.add(scrollPanelTwo); scrollPanelTwo.setBounds(10, 70, 360, 250); _sellmLabel.setFont(font14); // NOI18N _sellmLabel.setForeground(new LColor(255, 255, 255)); _sellmLabel.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "sm", "Seller's Market")); panelOne.add(_sellmLabel); _sellmLabel.setBounds(600, 45, 360, 16); _sellmList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); _sellmList.setForeground(; _sellmList.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() { @Override public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { RPList list = (RPList) e.getSource(); int idx = list.getSelectedIndex(); if (idx != -1) { listsetforeground(list, idx); synchronized (_sellerList) { if (_sellerList.size() > 0 && idx < _sellerList.size()) { _mybuyText.setText(_sellerList.get(idx).offer .takerPays().toText()); _canbuyText.setText(_sellerList.get(idx).offer .takerGets().toText()); } } } } }); _sellmList.setCellRenderer(new HtmlRenderer()); scrollPanelThree.setViewportView(_sellmList); panelOne.add(scrollPanelThree); scrollPanelThree.setBounds(600, 70, 360, 250); _coinmarketcapLabel.setFont(font14); // NOI18N _coinmarketcapLabel.setForeground(new LColor(255, 255, 255)); _coinmarketcapLabel.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "other_prices", "Other Prices") + "(coinmarketcap)"); panelOne.add(_coinmarketcapLabel); _coinmarketcapLabel.setBounds(380, 45, 210, 18); _otherMarketList.setCellRenderer(new HtmlRenderer()); scrollPanelFour.setViewportView(_otherMarketList); panelOne.add(scrollPanelFour); scrollPanelFour.setBounds(380, 70, 210, 110); getContentPane().add(panelOne); panelOne.setBounds(10, 50, 970, 340); _gatewayLabel.setFont(font); // NOI18N _gatewayLabel.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "selgateway", "Gateway")); getContentPane().add(_gatewayLabel); _gatewayLabel.setBounds(10, 10, 95, 26); _selectGateawyCombobox.setFont(font); // NOI18N _selectGateawyCombobox.setItemModel(Gateway.gatewayList().toArray()); getContentPane().add(_selectGateawyCombobox); _selectGateawyCombobox.setBounds(90, 10, 250, 30); _selectGateawyCombobox.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (e.getSource() instanceof RPComboBox) { callCur((String) e.getItem()); } } }); _selectGateawyCombobox.setSelectedIndex(0); if (_selectGateawyCombobox.getItemCount() > 0) { callCur((String) _selectGateawyCombobox.getSelectedItem()); } panelTwo.setBackground(new LColor(51, 51, 51)); panelTwo.setLayout(null); _cansellLabel.setFont(font14); // NOI18N _cansellLabel.setForeground(new LColor(255, 255, 255)); _cansellLabel.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "cansell", "Can Sell")); panelTwo.add(_cansellLabel); _cansellLabel.setBounds(600, 50, 90, 20); Font font12 = new Font("Dialog", 0, 12); _cansellText.setText("0"); _cansellText.setFont(font12); _cansellText.addKeyListener(new MyKeyListener(1)); _cansellText.addMouseListener(new InputMouselstener(1, 1)); panelTwo.add(_cansellText); _cansellText.setBounds(670, 50, 170, 20); _canbuyLabel.setFont(font14); // NOI18N _canbuyLabel.setForeground(new LColor(255, 255, 255)); _canbuyLabel.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "canbuy", "Can Buy")); panelTwo.add(_canbuyLabel); _canbuyLabel.setBounds(10, 50, 90, 20); _canbuyText.setText("0"); _canbuyText.setFont(font12); _canbuyText.addKeyListener(new MyKeyListener(0)); _canbuyText.addMouseListener(new InputMouselstener(0, 0)); panelTwo.add(_canbuyText); _canbuyText.setBounds(80, 50, 170, 21); _oksellButton.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "oksell", "Confirm Sell")); _oksellButton.setFont(font14); _oksellButton.setActionCommand("sell"); _oksellButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { action_ok(e); } }); panelTwo.add(_oksellButton); _oksellButton.setBounds(860, 10, 95, 23); _mybuyLabel.setFont(font14); // NOI18N _mybuyLabel.setForeground(new LColor(255, 255, 255)); _mybuyLabel.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "mybuy", "My Buy")); panelTwo.add(_mybuyLabel); _mybuyLabel.setBounds(10, 10, 90, 20); _mybuyText.setText("0"); _mybuyText.setFont(font12); panelTwo.add(_mybuyText); _mybuyText.setBounds(80, 10, 170, 21); _mybuyText.addKeyListener(new MyKeyListener(1)); _mybuyText.addMouseListener(new InputMouselstener(0, 1)); _mysellLabel.setFont(font14); // NOI18N _mysellLabel.setForeground(new LColor(255, 255, 255)); _mysellLabel.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "mysell", "My Sell")); panelTwo.add(_mysellLabel); _mysellLabel.setBounds(600, 10, 90, 20); _mysellText.setText("0"); _mysellText.setFont(font12); panelTwo.add(_mysellText); _mysellText.setBounds(670, 10, 170, 21); _mysellText.addKeyListener(new MyKeyListener(0)); _mysellText.addMouseListener(new InputMouselstener(1, 0)); _okbuyButton.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "okbuy", "Confirm Buy")); _okbuyButton.setActionCommand("buy"); _okbuyButton.setFont(font14); panelTwo.add(_okbuyButton); _okbuyButton.setBounds(270, 10, 95, 23); _okbuyButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { action_ok(e); } }); _stopautonButton.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "stopauto", "Stop auto trading")); _stopautonButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { RPToast.playWorking(RPExchangeMinDialog.this); } }); _stopautonButton.setFont(font14); panelTwo.add(_stopautonButton); _stopautonButton.setBounds(560, 90, 130, 23); _canceltradingButton.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "cancel", "Cancel Transaction")); _canceltradingButton.setFont(font14); panelTwo.add(_canceltradingButton); _canceltradingButton.setBounds(410, 10, 140, 23); _canceltradingButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object o = _mytradingList.getSelectedValue(); if (o instanceof BookOffer) { int result = cancel_trust(o.toString()); if (result == 0) { BookOffer offer = (BookOffer) o; OfferCancel.set(_item.getSeed(), offer.sequence, LSystem.getFee(), new Rollback() { @Override public void success(JSONObject res) { RPJSonLog.get().println(res); updateMyTrading(); submitOK(); } @Override public void error(JSONObject res) { RPJSonLog.get().println(res); } }); } } } }); _setautoButton.setText(LangConfig .get(this, "setauto", "Set auto trade")); _setautoButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { RPToast.playWorking(RPExchangeMinDialog.this); } }); _setautoButton.setFont(font14); panelTwo.add(_setautoButton); _setautoButton.setBounds(270, 90, 130, 23); _startautobutton.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "startauto", "Start auto trade")); _startautobutton.setFont(font14); panelTwo.add(_startautobutton); _startautobutton.setBounds(420, 90, 120, 23); _startautobutton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { RPToast.playWorking(RPExchangeMinDialog.this); } }); getContentPane().add(panelTwo); panelTwo.setBounds(10, 400, 970, 130); _editHFTButton.setText(LangConfig .get(this, "editscript", "Edit Script")); _editHFTButton.setFont(font14); getContentPane().add(_editHFTButton); _editHFTButton.setBounds(10, 540, 130, 40); _editHFTButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { RPToast.playWorking(RPExchangeMinDialog.this); } }); _autoHFTButton.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "startscript", "Start Script")); _autoHFTButton.setFont(font14); getContentPane().add(_autoHFTButton); _autoHFTButton.setBounds(150, 540, 140, 40); _autoHFTButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { RPToast.playWorking(RPExchangeMinDialog.this); } }); _exitButton.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "exit", "Exit")); _exitButton.setFont(font14); _exitButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (_item != null) { _item.setTip(false); } SwingUtils.close(RPExchangeMinDialog.this); } }); getContentPane().add(_exitButton); _exitButton.setBounds(880, 540, 100, 40); _calcButton.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "calc", "Calc")); _calcButton.setFont(font14); _calcButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Calc.showDialog(RPExchangeMinDialog.this); } }); getContentPane().add(_calcButton); _calcButton.setBounds(770, 540, 100, 40); _autoexButton.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "autoex", "Auto Exchange")); _autoexButton.setFont(font14); getContentPane().add(_autoexButton); _autoexButton.setBounds(440, 540, 130, 40); getContentPane().add(_addressText); _addressText.setBounds(360, 10, 330, 30); _addressText.setEnabled(false); _historyButton.setText(LangConfig.get(this, "chart", "Price Chart")); _historyButton.setFont(font14); getContentPane().add(_historyButton); _historyButton.setBounds(300, 540, 130, 40); _historyButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { RPChartsHistoryDialog.showDialog(RPExchangeMinDialog.this); } }); if (_item == null) { _setautoButton.setEnabled(false); _startautobutton.setEnabled(false); _stopautonButton.setEnabled(false); _okbuyButton.setEnabled(false); _oksellButton.setEnabled(false); _canceltradingButton.setEnabled(false); } getContentPane().setBackground(UIConfig.dialogbackground); addWindowListener(new windowListener()); pack(); }// </editor-fold> private void callCur(String name) { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(10); ArrayList<Gateway.Item> items = Gateway.getAddress(name).accounts; _addressText.setText(items.get(0).address); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { list.addAll(items.get(i).currencies); } list.add(LSystem.nativeCurrency.toUpperCase()); ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>(100); int size = list.size(); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { String a = list.get(j); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String b = list.get(i); if (!a.equals(b)) { String result = b + "/" + a; if (!temp.contains(result)) { temp.add(result); } result = a + "/" + b; if (!temp.contains(result)) { temp.add(result); } } } } Collections.sort(temp); _curComboBox.setItemModel(temp.toArray()); list.clear(); list = null; temp.clear(); temp = null; } private HashMap<String, Boolean> _flags = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(10); private void submitOK() { submitOK(true); } private synchronized void submitOK(boolean wait) { _tradeFlag = false; if (_tradeThread != null) { _tradeFlag = false; _tradeThread.interrupt(); _tradeThread = null; } final String cur = (String) _curComboBox.getSelectedItem(); final String[] split = StringUtils.split(cur, "/"); if (split.length == 2) { //repaint(); //getContentPane().repaint(); final String address = _addressText.getText().trim(); final WaitDialog dialog = WaitDialog.showDialog( RPExchangeMinDialog.this, wait); _waitDialogs.add(dialog); OfferPrice.load(address, split[0], split[1], new OfferPrice() { @Override public void sell(Offer offer) { } @Override public void buy(Offer offer) { } @Override public void error(JSONObject obj) { if (dialog != null) { dialog.closeDialog(); } /* * if (obj != null) { JSonLog.get().println(obj.toString()); * } */ } @Override public void empty() { if (dialog != null) { dialog.closeDialog(); } empty_trading(cur); } @Override public void complete(final ArrayList<OfferFruit> buys, final ArrayList<OfferFruit> sells, final OfferPrice price) { Updateable update = new Updateable() { @Override public void action(Object o) { _tip1Label.setText(String .format(info_price(), price.highBuy, price.highSell, price.spread)); if (buys.size() > 0) { synchronized (_buyerList) { _buymList .setModel(new javax.swing.AbstractListModel<Object>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public int getSize() { int size = buys.size(); if (size > _LIMIT_PAGE) { return _LIMIT_PAGE; } return size; } public Object getElementAt(int i) { return buys.get(i); } }); _buyerList.clear(); _buyerList.addAll(buys); _mysellText.setText(_buyerList.get(0).offer .takerPays().toText()); _cansellText.setText(_buyerList.get(0).offer .takerGets().toText()); _buymLabel.setText(LangConfig.get( RPExchangeMinDialog.class, "bm", "Buyer's Market") + " Count:" + buys.size()); } } if (sells.size() > 0) { synchronized (_sellerList) { _sellmList .setModel(new javax.swing.AbstractListModel<Object>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public int getSize() { int size = sells.size(); if (size > _LIMIT_PAGE) { return _LIMIT_PAGE; } return size; } public Object getElementAt(int i) { return sells.get(i); } }); _sellerList.clear(); _sellerList.addAll(sells); _mybuyText.setText(_sellerList.get(0).offer .takerPays().toText()); _canbuyText.setText(_sellerList.get(0).offer .takerGets().toText()); _sellmLabel.setText(LangConfig.get( RPExchangeMinDialog.class, "sm", "Seller's Market") + " Count:" + sells.size()); } } if (dialog != null) { dialog.closeDialog(); } _tradeFlag = true; _showTrend = false; loadTradingList(address, split); loadOtherMarketList(address, split); //repaint(); // getContentPane().repaint(); updateTrend(split[0]); } }; LSystem.postThread(update); } }); } } private void updateTrend(String cur) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cur)) { return; } RippleBOTLoader.Trend trend = RippleBOTLoader.getTrend(cur, 7); if (lastTrend != trend) { RPToast.makeText(this, cur.toUpperCase() + " price trend : " + trend).display(); lastTrend = trend; } } private void loadOtherMarketList(String address, String[] split) { String srcCurName = split[0]; String dstCurName = split[1]; OtherData.CoinmarketcapData cData = null; if ((srcCurName.equalsIgnoreCase("usd") && dstCurName .equalsIgnoreCase("btc")) || (srcCurName.equalsIgnoreCase("btc") && dstCurName .equalsIgnoreCase("usd"))) { srcCurName = "usd"; dstCurName = "btc"; } else if ((srcCurName.equalsIgnoreCase(LSystem.nativeCurrency) && dstCurName .equalsIgnoreCase("usd")) || (srcCurName.equalsIgnoreCase("usd") && dstCurName .equalsIgnoreCase(LSystem.nativeCurrency))) { srcCurName = "usd"; dstCurName = LSystem.nativeCurrency; } else if ((srcCurName.equalsIgnoreCase(LSystem.nativeCurrency) && dstCurName .equalsIgnoreCase("btc")) || (srcCurName.equalsIgnoreCase("btc") && dstCurName .equalsIgnoreCase(LSystem.nativeCurrency))) { srcCurName = "btc"; dstCurName = LSystem.nativeCurrency; } else if ((srcCurName.equalsIgnoreCase(LSystem.nativeCurrency) && dstCurName .equalsIgnoreCase("cny")) || (srcCurName.equalsIgnoreCase("cny") && dstCurName .equalsIgnoreCase(LSystem.nativeCurrency))) { srcCurName = "cny"; dstCurName = LSystem.nativeCurrency; } try { cData = OtherData.getCoinmarketcapTo(srcCurName, dstCurName); // fix Coinmarketcap not update if (cData != null && (LSystem.nativeCurrency.equalsIgnoreCase( || "ripple" .equalsIgnoreCase( { double price = Double.parseDouble(cData.price); double realPrice = RippleChartsAPI.getXRPtoUSD(); price = Math.max(price, realPrice); cData.price = LSystem.getNumberShort(price); } if (cData == null) { cData = OtherData.getCoinmarketcapTo("usd", dstCurName); } if (cData == null) { cData = OtherData.getCoinmarketcapTo("usd", srcCurName); } if (cData == null) { String result = OfferPrice.getMoneyConvert("1", srcCurName, dstCurName); if (result != null && !"unkown".equals(result)) { final ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(10); list.add("1/" + srcCurName + "<br>Swap<br>" + result + "/" + dstCurName); _otherMarketList .setModel(new javax.swing.AbstractListModel<Object>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public int getSize() { return list.size(); } public Object getElementAt(int i) { return list.get(i); } }); return; } } if (cData == null) { cData = OtherData.getCoinmarketcapTo("usd", LSystem.nativeCurrency); } } catch (Exception e) { } if (cData != null) { final ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(10); list.add(cData.toHTMLString()); _otherMarketList .setModel(new javax.swing.AbstractListModel<Object>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public int getSize() { return list.size(); } public Object getElementAt(int i) { return list.get(i); } }); } } private void action_ok(ActionEvent e) { Object obj = e.getSource(); if (obj instanceof RPCButton) { final String address = _addressText.getText().trim(); RPCButton btn = (RPCButton) obj; String cur = ((String) _curComboBox.getSelectedItem()).trim(); final String[] split = StringUtils.split(cur, "/"); final String srcCurName = split[0]; final String dstCurName = split[1]; _info.lines.clear(); _info.zero_lines.clear(); switch (btn.getActionCommand()) { case "buy": synchronized (_buyerList) { if (_buyerList.size() > 0) { if (_item != null) { checkTrade(address, _okbuyButton, new Updateable() { @Override public void action(Object o) { submitBuy(address, srcCurName, dstCurName, true); } }); } } else { warning_noselect(); } } break; case "sell": synchronized (_sellerList) { if (_sellerList.size() > 0) { checkTrade(address, _oksellButton, new Updateable() { @Override public void action(Object o) { submitSell(address, srcCurName, dstCurName, false); } }); } else { warning_noselect(); } } break; } } } private void submitBuy(final String address, final String srcCurName, final String dstCurName, final boolean flag) { String myBuytmp = _mybuyText.getText().trim(); String canBuytmp = _canbuyText.getText().trim(); int idx = myBuytmp.indexOf("/"); myBuytmp = myBuytmp.substring(0, idx); idx = canBuytmp.indexOf("/"); canBuytmp = canBuytmp.substring(0, idx); final String myBuy = LSystem.getNumberShort(myBuytmp); final String canBuy = LSystem.getNumberShort(canBuytmp); int result = info_swap(myBuy, dstCurName, canBuy, srcCurName); if (result == 0) { final WaitDialog dialog = WaitDialog .showDialog(RPExchangeMinDialog.this); _waitDialogs.add(dialog); final String myAddress = _item.getPublicKey(); final Updateable updateable = new Updateable() { @Override public void action(Object o) { if (dstCurName.toLowerCase().equals(LSystem.nativeCurrency)) { double a = Double.parseDouble(_info.balance); double b = Double.parseDouble(myBuy); if (b > a) { dialog.closeDialog(); warning_xrp(); return; } } else { boolean dst = false; ArrayList<AccountLine> lines = new ArrayList<AccountLine>( 100); lines.addAll(_info.lines); lines.addAll(_info.zero_lines); for (AccountLine line : lines) { if (line.getIssuer().equals(address)) { if (line.getCurrency().equals(dstCurName)) { dst = true; double a = Double.parseDouble(line .getBalance()); double b = Double.parseDouble(myBuy); if (b > a) { dialog.closeDialog(); warning_iou(dstCurName); return; } } } } if (!dst) { dialog.closeDialog(); warning_trust(dstCurName); return; } } dialog.closeDialog(); callTrade(address, dstCurName, srcCurName, myBuy, canBuy, flag); } }; final AccountFind find = new AccountFind(); find.processInfo(myAddress, _info, new Updateable() { @Override public void action(Object o) { find.processLines(myAddress, _info, updateable); } }); } } private void submitSell(final String address, final String srcCurName, final String dstCurName, final boolean flag) { String mySelltmp = _mysellText.getText().trim(); String canSelltmp = _cansellText.getText().trim(); int idx = mySelltmp.indexOf("/"); mySelltmp = mySelltmp.substring(0, idx); idx = canSelltmp.indexOf("/"); canSelltmp = canSelltmp.substring(0, idx); final String mySell = LSystem.getNumberShort(mySelltmp); final String canSell = LSystem.getNumberShort(canSelltmp); int result = info_swap(mySell, srcCurName, canSell, dstCurName); if (result == 0) { final WaitDialog dialog = WaitDialog .showDialog(RPExchangeMinDialog.this); _waitDialogs.add(dialog); final String myAddress = _item.getPublicKey(); final Updateable updateable = new Updateable() { @Override public void action(Object o) { if (srcCurName.toLowerCase().equals(LSystem.nativeCurrency)) { double a = Double.parseDouble(_info.balance); double b = Double.parseDouble(mySell); if (b > a) { dialog.closeDialog(); warning_xrp(); return; } } else { boolean src = false; ArrayList<AccountLine> lines = new ArrayList<AccountLine>( 100); lines.addAll(_info.lines); lines.addAll(_info.zero_lines); for (AccountLine line : lines) { if (line.getIssuer().equals(address)) { if (line.getCurrency().equals(srcCurName)) { src = true; double a = Double.parseDouble(line .getBalance()); double b = Double.parseDouble(mySell); if (b > a) { dialog.closeDialog(); warning_iou(srcCurName); return; } } } } if (!src) { dialog.closeDialog(); warning_trust(srcCurName); return; } } dialog.closeDialog(); callTrade(address, dstCurName, srcCurName, mySell, canSell, flag); } }; final AccountFind find = new AccountFind(); find.processInfo(myAddress, _info, new Updateable() { @Override public void action(Object o) { find.processLines(myAddress, _info, updateable); } }); } } private void callTrade(final String address, String dstCurName, String srcCurName, String pay, String get, boolean flag) { IssuedCurrency currencySrc = null; IssuedCurrency currencyDst = null; if (flag) { if (LSystem.nativeCurrency.equals(dstCurName.toLowerCase())) { currencySrc = new IssuedCurrency( CurrencyUtils.getValueToRipple(pay)); } else { currencySrc = new IssuedCurrency(pay, address, dstCurName); } if (LSystem.nativeCurrency.equals(srcCurName.toLowerCase())) { currencyDst = new IssuedCurrency( CurrencyUtils.getValueToRipple(get)); } else { currencyDst = new IssuedCurrency(get, address, srcCurName); } } else { if (LSystem.nativeCurrency.equals(dstCurName.toLowerCase())) { currencySrc = new IssuedCurrency( CurrencyUtils.getValueToRipple(get)); } else { currencySrc = new IssuedCurrency(get, address, dstCurName); } if (LSystem.nativeCurrency.equals(srcCurName.toLowerCase())) { currencyDst = new IssuedCurrency( CurrencyUtils.getValueToRipple(pay)); } else { currencyDst = new IssuedCurrency(pay, address, srcCurName); } } OfferCreate.set(_item.getSeed(), flag ? currencyDst : currencySrc, flag ? currencySrc : currencyDst, LSystem.getFee(), new Rollback() { @Override public void success(JSONObject res) { RPJSonLog.get().println(res); try { updateMyTrading(); submitOK(false); } catch (Exception ex) { } } @Override public void error(JSONObject res) { RPJSonLog.get().println(res); } }); } private final static void checkText(String text, String curName, RPTextBox textbox) { String result = text; if (text.indexOf(curName) == -1) { int idx = text.indexOf("/"); if (idx != -1) { text = text.substring(0, idx); result = text + "/" + curName; } else { char[] chars = text.toCharArray(); StringBuffer sbr = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { char c = chars[i]; if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '.') { sbr.append(c); } } result = sbr.toString() + "/" + curName; } if (result.startsWith("/")) { result = "0" + result; } if (!result.startsWith("0/")) { result = String.valueOf(new BigDecimal(result.split("/")[0] .trim()).toString()) + "/" + curName; } textbox.setText(result); } } private boolean closed; private class windowListener implements WindowListener { @Override public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) { HelperWindow.addObject(e.getSource()); } @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { closed = true; HelperWindow.removeObject(e.getSource()); } @Override public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { if (_item != null) { _item.setTip(true); } closed = true; HelperWindow.removeObject(e.getSource()); } @Override public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) { } @Override public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) { } @Override public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { } @Override public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { } } private void checkTrade(final String address, final RPCButton button, final Updateable update) { Object result = _flags.get(address); if (result == null || (!(boolean) result)) { AccountFind.getTrusts(_item.getPublicKey(), new Updateable() { @Override public void action(Object o) { if (o != null) { if (o instanceof ArrayList) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList<IssuedCurrency> lines = (ArrayList<IssuedCurrency>) o; boolean notfind = true; for (IssuedCurrency s : lines) { if (address.equals(s.issuer.toString())) { notfind = false; break; } } if (notfind) { warning_trust(address); // button.setEnabled(false); _flags.put(address, false); } else { _flags.put(address, true); if (update != null) { update.action(RPExchangeMinDialog.this); } } } } } }); } if (result != null && ((boolean) result)) { if (update != null) { update.action(RPExchangeMinDialog.this); } } } private void updateMyTrading() { _info.bookOffers.clear(); final AccountFind find = new AccountFind(); find.processOfffer(_item.getPublicKey(), _info, new Updateable() { @Override public void action(Object o) { _mytradingList .setModel(new javax.swing.AbstractListModel<Object>() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public int getSize() { return _info.bookOffers.size(); } public Object getElementAt(int i) { return _info.bookOffers.get(i); } }); } }); } private Thread _tradeThread; private boolean _tradeFlag; private void updateTrading(final String address, final String src, final String dst) { OfferPrice.load(address, src, dst, new OfferPrice() { @Override public void sell(Offer offer) { } @Override public void buy(Offer offer) { } @Override public void error(JSONObject obj) { } @Override public void empty() { } @Override public void complete(final ArrayList<OfferFruit> buys, final ArrayList<OfferFruit> sells, final OfferPrice price) { Updateable update = new Updateable() { @Override public void action(Object o) { if (sells.size() > 0) { synchronized (_sellerList) { _sellmList .setModel(new javax.swing.AbstractListModel<Object>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public int getSize() { int size = sells.size(); if (size > _LIMIT_PAGE) { return _LIMIT_PAGE; } return size; } public Object getElementAt(int i) { return sells.get(i); } }); _sellerList.clear(); _sellerList.addAll(sells); _sellmLabel.setText(LangConfig.get( RPExchangeMinDialog.class, "sm", "Seller's Market") + " Count:" + sells.size()); } } if (buys.size() > 0) { synchronized (_buyerList) { _buymList .setModel(new javax.swing.AbstractListModel<Object>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public int getSize() { int size = buys.size(); if (size > _LIMIT_PAGE) { return _LIMIT_PAGE; } return size; } public Object getElementAt(int i) { return buys.get(i); } }); _buyerList.clear(); _buyerList.addAll(buys); _buymLabel.setText(LangConfig.get( RPExchangeMinDialog.class, "bm", "Buyer's Market") + " Count:" + buys.size()); } } _tip1Label.setText(String.format(info_price(), price.highBuy, price.highSell, price.spread)); } }; LSystem.postThread(update); } }); } private boolean _showTrend = false; private void loadTradingList(final String address, final String[] split) { if (!_tradeFlag) { return; } /* * if (_item == null) { return; } */ Updateable update = new Updateable() { @Override public void action(Object o) { for (; !closed && _tradeFlag;) { updateTrading(address, split[0], split[1]); loadOtherMarketList(address, split); if (!_showTrend) { updateTrend(split[0]); _showTrend = true; } if (!closed && _tradeFlag) { try { Thread.sleep(LSystem.SECOND * 10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } } }; _tradeThread = LSystem.postThread(update); } public void listsetforeground(RPList jlist, int k) { jlist.setSelectedIndex(k); jlist.setSelectionForeground(new LColor(53, 104, 195)); jlist.setSelectionBackground(new LColor(0, 0, 0)); } public void listgetunsupported(RPList jlist, int k) { jlist.setSelectedIndex(k); jlist.setSelectionForeground(new LColor(250, 250, 0)); jlist.setSelectionBackground(new LColor(128, 128, 128)); } @Override public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { if (_waitDialogs != null) { for (WaitDialog wait : _waitDialogs) { if (wait != null) { wait.closeDialog(); } } } } @Override public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }