package org.ripple.power.txns; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.ripple.power.CoinUtils; import org.ripple.power.RippleAddress; import org.ripple.power.config.LSystem; import; import org.ripple.power.utils.BigNumber; import org.ripple.power.utils.StringUtils; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.AccountID; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.Amount; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.Currency; import com.ripple.core.coretypes.Issue; public class IssuedCurrency extends RippleDefault { boolean isHighNodeIssuer(BigNumber finalBalance, BigNumber previousBalance, BigNumber highLimit, BigNumber lowLimit) { if (finalBalance.isPositive()) { return true; } else if (finalBalance.isNegative()) { return false; } else if (previousBalance.isPositive()) { return true; } else if (previousBalance.isNegative()) { return false; } else if (lowLimit.isZero() && highLimit.isPositive()) { return false; } else if (highLimit.isZero() && lowLimit.isPositive()) { return true; } else { return false; } } // enter an account with a trust line containing XAU (-0.5%pa) -> hex: private final static String XAU_05PA = "0158415500000000C1F76FF6ECB0BAC600000000"; public BigDecimal amount; public RippleAddress issuer; public String currency = LSystem.nativeCurrency.toUpperCase(); public static final int MIN_SCALE = -96; public static final int MAX_SCALE = 80; public Object tag; public IssuedCurrency() { } public IssuedCurrency(String amountStr) { this(amountStr, false); } public IssuedCurrency(String amountStr, boolean update) { if (amountStr.toLowerCase().indexOf(LSystem.nativeCurrency) != -1) { amountStr = StringUtils.replaceIgnoreCase(amountStr, LSystem.nativeCurrency, "").trim(); int idx = amountStr.indexOf('/'); if (idx != -1) { amountStr = amountStr.substring(0, idx); } if (update) { amountStr = CurrencyUtils.getValueToRipple(amountStr); } } if (amountStr.indexOf('/') == -1) { amount = new BigDecimal(amountStr).stripTrailingZeros(); } else { String[] split = org.ripple.power.utils.StringUtils.split( amountStr, "/"); amount = new BigDecimal(split[0]).stripTrailingZeros(); currency = split[1]; if ("XAU (-0.5%pa)".equals(currency) || "XAU(-0.5%pa)".equals(currency)) { this.currency = XAU_05PA; } else if (currency.length() > 3 && AccountFind.is256hash(currency)) { byte[] buffer = CoinUtils.fromHex(currency); this.currency = CoinUtils.toHex(buffer); } issuer = new RippleAddress(split[2]); int oldScale = amount.scale(); if (oldScale < MIN_SCALE || oldScale > MAX_SCALE) { int newScale = MAX_SCALE - (amount.precision() - amount.scale()); if (newScale < MIN_SCALE || newScale > MAX_SCALE) { throw new RuntimeException("newScale " + newScale + " is out of range"); } amount = amount.setScale(newScale); } } } public IssuedCurrency(String issuerStr, String currencyStr) { this("0", new RippleAddress(issuerStr), currencyStr); } public IssuedCurrency(String amountStr, String issuerStr, String currencyStr) { this(amountStr, new RippleAddress(issuerStr), currencyStr); } public IssuedCurrency(String amountStr, RippleAddress issuer, String currencyStr) { this(new BigDecimal(amountStr).stripTrailingZeros(), issuer, currencyStr); } public IssuedCurrency(IssuedCurrency cur) { this(cur.toString()); } public IssuedCurrency(BigDecimal amount, RippleAddress issuer, String currencyStr) { int oldScale = amount.scale(); if (oldScale < MIN_SCALE || oldScale > MAX_SCALE) { int newScale = MAX_SCALE - (amount.precision() - amount.scale()); if (newScale < MIN_SCALE || newScale > MAX_SCALE) { throw new RuntimeException("newScale " + newScale + " is out of range"); } amount = amount.setScale(newScale); } this.amount = amount; this.issuer = issuer; if ("XAU (-0.5%pa)".equals(currencyStr) || "XAU(-0.5%pa)".equals(currencyStr)) { this.currency = XAU_05PA; } else if (currencyStr.length() > 3 && AccountFind.is256hash(currencyStr)) { byte[] buffer = CoinUtils.fromHex(currencyStr); this.currency = CoinUtils.toHex(buffer); } else { this.currency = currencyStr; } } public IssuedCurrency(BigDecimal xrpAmount) { this.amount = xrpAmount; } public IssuedCurrency(int xrpAmount) { this(BigDecimal.valueOf(xrpAmount)); } public boolean isNative() { return issuer == null || LSystem.nativeCurrency.equalsIgnoreCase(currency); } public boolean isNegative() { return amount.signum() == -1; } public String toGatewayString() { if (issuer == null || currency == null) { return amount.movePointLeft(6).stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " XRP"; } Gateway gateway = Gateway.getGateway(issuer.toString()); if (gateway == null) { return amount.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + "/" + currency + "/" + issuer.toString(); } else { return amount.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + "/" + currency + "/" +; } } @Override public String toString() { if (issuer == null || currency == null) { return amount.movePointLeft(6).stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + " XRP"; } return amount.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + "/" + currency + "/" + issuer; } public BigDecimal scale(float s) { if (amount == null) { return null; } return amount = new BigDecimal(LSystem.getNumber( amount.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(s)), false)); } public void copyFrom(JSONObject jsonDenomination) { if (jsonDenomination == null) { return; } String issuerStr = jsonDenomination.optString("issuer"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(issuerStr)) { issuer = new RippleAddress(issuerStr); } String currencyStr = jsonDenomination.optString("currency"); if (XAU_05PA.equals(currencyStr)) { currency = "XAU (-0.5%pa)"; } else if (currencyStr.length() > 3 && AccountFind.is256hash(currencyStr)) { byte[] buffer = CoinUtils.fromHex(currencyStr); try { currency = new String(buffer, LSystem.encoding); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { currency = new String(buffer); } } else { currency = currencyStr; } String amountStr = LSystem.getNumberShort(jsonDenomination.optString( "value", "0")); amount = new BigDecimal(amountStr); } public void copyFrom(Object jsonObject) { if (jsonObject instanceof String) { amount = new BigDecimal((String) jsonObject); } else { copyFrom((JSONObject) jsonObject); } } public Object toJSON() { if (currency == null) { return amount.toString(); } else { JSONObject jsonThis = new JSONObject(); jsonThis.put("value", amount.toString()); jsonThis.put("issuer", issuer.toString()); jsonThis.put("currency", currency); return jsonThis; } } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((amount == null) ? 0 : amount.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((currency == null) ? 0 : currency.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((issuer == null) ? 0 : issuer.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; IssuedCurrency other = (IssuedCurrency) obj; if (amount == null) { if (other.amount != null) return false; } else if (amount.compareTo(other.amount) != 0) return false; if (currency == null) { if (other.currency != null) return false; } else if (!currency.equals(other.currency)) return false; if (issuer == null) { if (other.issuer != null) return false; } else if (!issuer.equals(other.issuer)) return false; return true; } public Amount getAmount() { if (issuer != null && currency != null) { return new Amount(amount, Currency.fromString(currency), AccountID.fromAddress(issuer.toString())); } return new Amount(amount); } public Issue getIssue() { if (issuer != null && currency != null) { return new Issue(Currency.fromString(currency), AccountID.fromAddress(issuer.toString())); } return null; } public JSONObject getJSON() { if (currency == null) { currency = LSystem.nativeCurrency.toUpperCase(); } JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); if (LSystem.nativeCurrency.equalsIgnoreCase(currency)) { obj.put("currency", currency.toUpperCase()); } else { obj.put("currency", currency.toUpperCase()); obj.put("issuer", issuer.toString()); } return obj; } public Take getTake() { if (currency == null) { currency = LSystem.nativeCurrency.toUpperCase(); } Take take = null; if (LSystem.nativeCurrency.equalsIgnoreCase(currency)) { take = new Take(amount.toString()); } else { take = new Take(amount.toString(), currency, issuer.toString()); } return take; } }