package com.ripple.crypto.ecdsa; import com.ripple.utils.Sha512; import com.ripple.utils.Utils; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import static com.ripple.config.Config.getB58IdentiferCodecs; public class Seed { // See final byte[] seedBytes; public Seed(byte[] seedBytes) { this.seedBytes = seedBytes; } @Override public String toString() { return getB58IdentiferCodecs().encodeFamilySeed(seedBytes); } public byte[] getBytes() { return seedBytes; } public IKeyPair keyPair() { return createKeyPair(seedBytes, 0); } public IKeyPair rootKeyPair() { return createKeyPair(seedBytes, -1); } public IKeyPair keyPair(int account) { return createKeyPair(seedBytes, account); } public static Seed fromBase58(String b58) { return new Seed(getB58IdentiferCodecs().decodeFamilySeed(b58)); } public static Seed fromPassPhrase(String passPhrase) { return new Seed(passPhraseToSeedBytes(passPhrase)); } public static byte[] passPhraseToSeedBytes(String phrase) { try { return new Sha512(phrase.getBytes("utf-8")).finish128(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static IKeyPair createKeyPair(byte[] seedBytes) { return createKeyPair(seedBytes, 0); } public static IKeyPair createKeyPair(byte[] seedBytes, int accountNumber) { BigInteger secret, pub, privateGen; // The private generator (aka root private key, master private key) privateGen = computePrivateGen(seedBytes); byte[] publicGenBytes = computePublicGenerator(privateGen); if (accountNumber == -1) { // The root keyPair return new KeyPair(privateGen, Utils.uBigInt(publicGenBytes)); } else { secret = computeSecretKey(privateGen, publicGenBytes, accountNumber); pub = computePublicKey(secret); return new KeyPair(secret, pub); } } /** * * @param secretKey secret point on the curve as BigInteger * @return corresponding public point */ public static byte[] getPublic(BigInteger secretKey) { return SECP256K1.basePointMultipliedBy(secretKey); } /** * * @param privateGen secret point on the curve as BigInteger * @return the corresponding public key is the public generator * (aka public root key, master public key). * return as byte[] for convenience. */ public static byte[] computePublicGenerator(BigInteger privateGen) { return getPublic(privateGen); } public static BigInteger computePublicKey(BigInteger secret) { return Utils.uBigInt(getPublic(secret)); } public static BigInteger computePrivateGen(byte[] seedBytes) { byte[] privateGenBytes; BigInteger privateGen; int i = 0; while (true) { privateGenBytes = new Sha512().add(seedBytes) .add32(i++) .finish256(); privateGen = Utils.uBigInt(privateGenBytes); if (privateGen.compareTo(SECP256K1.order()) == -1) { break; } } return privateGen; } public static BigInteger computeSecretKey(BigInteger privateGen, byte[] publicGenBytes, int accountNumber) { BigInteger secret; int i; i=0; while (true) { byte[] secretBytes = new Sha512().add(publicGenBytes) .add32(accountNumber) .add32(i++) .finish256(); secret = Utils.uBigInt(secretBytes); if (secret.compareTo(SECP256K1.order()) == -1) { break; } } secret = secret.add(privateGen).mod(SECP256K1.order()); return secret; } public static IKeyPair getKeyPair(byte[] seedBytes) { return createKeyPair(seedBytes, 0); } public static IKeyPair getKeyPair(String b58) { return getKeyPair(getB58IdentiferCodecs().decodeFamilySeed(b58)); } }