package org.ripple.power.hft; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.ripple.power.collection.ArrayUtils; import; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.Core; import com.tictactec.ta.lib.MInteger; public class AnalysisData { public static int getCash(int cash, int leverage, int max) { if (cash < 0) { return 0; } else if (cash > max) { cash = max; } if (leverage > max) { leverage = max; } else if (leverage < 0) { leverage = max; } cash = (cash * leverage) - ((cash * leverage) / 50); if (cash > max) { cash = max; } return cash; } public static int getQuantity(int maxCash, double price, int traderPercentage, int maxQuantity) { if (maxCash == 0) { return ((maxQuantity * traderPercentage) / 100); } else if (price == 0.0) { return ((maxQuantity * traderPercentage) / 100); } else if (maxQuantity == 0) { return ((int) (maxCash / price)); } else if (traderPercentage < 0) { traderPercentage = 0; } else if (traderPercentage > 100) { traderPercentage = 100; } return ((int) (maxCash / price) <= ((maxQuantity * traderPercentage) / 100)) ? ((int) (maxCash / price)) : ((maxQuantity * traderPercentage) / 100); } private static double pdf(double x) { return Math.exp(-x * x / 2) / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI); } public static double cdf(double z) { if (z < -15.0) { return 0.0; } else if (z > 15.0) { return 1.0; } double sum = 0.0, term = z; for (int i = 3; sum + term != sum; i += 2) { sum = sum + term; term = term * z * z / i; } return 0.5 + sum * pdf(z); } public static double dcdf(double z) { double epislon = 0.00001; return (cdf(z - epislon) - cdf(z + epislon)) / ((z - epislon) - (z + epislon)); } public static Double createEMA(java.util.List<Double> values, int period) { if (period <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("period must be greater than 0"); } final int size = values.size(); final Core core = new Core(); final int allocationSize = size - core.emaLookback(period); if (allocationSize <= 0) { return null; } final double[] output = new double[allocationSize]; final MInteger outBegIdx = new MInteger(); final MInteger outNbElement = new MInteger(); double[] _values = ArrayUtils .toPrimitive(values.toArray(new Double[0])); core.ema(0, values.size() - 1, _values, period, outBegIdx, outNbElement, output); return output[outNbElement.value - 1]; } public static Double createMFI(List<Double> highs, List<Double> lows, List<Double> closes, List<Long> volumes, int period) { if (period <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("period must be greater than 0"); } if (highs.size() != lows.size() || highs.size() != closes.size() || highs.size() != volumes.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("input list must be same size"); } final int size = highs.size(); final Core core = new Core(); final int allocationSize = size - core.mfiLookback(period); if (allocationSize <= 0) { return null; } final double[] output = new double[allocationSize]; final MInteger outBegIdx = new MInteger(); final MInteger outNbElement = new MInteger(); double[] _highs = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(highs.toArray(new Double[0])); double[] _lows = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(lows.toArray(new Double[0])); double[] _closes = ArrayUtils .toPrimitive(closes.toArray(new Double[0])); long[] _volumes = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(volumes.toArray(new Long[0])); double[] dv = new double[_volumes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < dv.length; i++) { dv[i] = _volumes[i]; } core.mfi(0, _highs.length - 1, _highs, _lows, _closes, dv, period, outBegIdx, outNbElement, output); return output[outNbElement.value - 1]; } public static Double createRSI(List<Double> values, int period) { if (period <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("period must be greater than 0"); } final int size = values.size(); final Core core = new Core(); final int allocationSize = size - core.rsiLookback(period); if (allocationSize <= 0) { return null; } final double[] output = new double[allocationSize]; final MInteger outBegIdx = new MInteger(); final MInteger outNbElement = new MInteger(); double[] _values = ArrayUtils .toPrimitive(values.toArray(new Double[0])); core.rsi(0, values.size() - 1, _values, period, outBegIdx, outNbElement, output); return output[outNbElement.value - 1]; } public static double getTypicalPrice(double high, double low, double last) { return (high + low + last) / 3.0d; } public static double getTypicalPrice(Candle candle) { return (candle.high + candle.low + candle.close) / 3.0d; } public static MACD.Result createMACDFix(List<Double> values, int period) { if (period <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("period must be greater than 0"); } final int size = values.size(); final Core core = new Core(); final int allocationSize = size - core.macdFixLookback(period); if (allocationSize <= 0) { return null; } final double[] outMACD = new double[allocationSize]; final double[] outMACDSignal = new double[allocationSize]; final double[] outMACDHist = new double[allocationSize]; final MInteger outBegIdx = new MInteger(); final MInteger outNbElement = new MInteger(); double[] _values = ArrayUtils .toPrimitive(values.toArray(new Double[0])); core.macdFix(0, values.size() - 1, _values, period, outBegIdx, outNbElement, outMACD, outMACDSignal, outMACDHist); return MACD.Result.newInstance(outMACD[outNbElement.value - 1], outMACDSignal[outNbElement.value - 1], outMACDHist[outNbElement.value - 1]); } public static double MILLISECONDS_PER_YEAR = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365; public static double convertTimeToExpiry(long aTimeToExpiry) { return aTimeToExpiry / MILLISECONDS_PER_YEAR; } public static double getd1(double aUnderlyingPrice, double aStrikePrice, double aAnnualRate, double aVolatility, double myTimeToExpiry) { return (Math.log(aUnderlyingPrice / aStrikePrice) + (aAnnualRate + aVolatility * aVolatility / 2) * myTimeToExpiry) / (aVolatility * Math.sqrt(myTimeToExpiry)); } public static double getd2(double aVolatility, double myTimeToExpiry, double d1) { return d1 - aVolatility * Math.sqrt(myTimeToExpiry); } public static double getCallOptionPrice(double aUnderlyingPrice, double aStrikePrice, double aAnnualRate, double aVolatility, long aTimeToExpiry) { double myTimeToExpiry = convertTimeToExpiry(aTimeToExpiry); double d1 = getd1(aUnderlyingPrice, aStrikePrice, aAnnualRate, aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry); double d2 = getd2(aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry, d1); return aUnderlyingPrice * AnalysisData.cdf(d1) - aStrikePrice * Math.exp(-aAnnualRate * myTimeToExpiry) * AnalysisData.cdf(d2); } public static double getPutOptionPrice(double aUnderlyingPrice, double aStrikePrice, double aAnnualRate, double aVolatility, long aTimeToExpiry) { double myTimeToExpiry = convertTimeToExpiry(aTimeToExpiry); double d1 = getd1(aUnderlyingPrice, aStrikePrice, aAnnualRate, aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry); double d2 = getd2(aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry, d1); return (1 - AnalysisData.cdf(d2)) * aStrikePrice * Math.exp(-aAnnualRate * myTimeToExpiry) - (1 - AnalysisData.cdf(d1)) * aUnderlyingPrice; } public static double getCallDelta(double aUnderlyingPrice, double aStrikePrice, double aAnnualRate, double aVolatility, long aTimeToExpiry) { double myTimeToExpiry = convertTimeToExpiry(aTimeToExpiry); double d1 = getd1(aUnderlyingPrice, aStrikePrice, aAnnualRate, aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry); return AnalysisData.cdf(d1); } public static double getPutDelta(double aUnderlyingPrice, double aStrikePrice, double aAnnualRate, double aVolatility, long aTimeToExpiry) { return getCallDelta(aUnderlyingPrice, aStrikePrice, aAnnualRate, aVolatility, aTimeToExpiry) - 1; } public static double getGamma(double aUnderlyingPrice, double aStrikePrice, double aAnnualRate, double aVolatility, long aTimeToExpiry) { double myTimeToExpiry = convertTimeToExpiry(aTimeToExpiry); double d1 = getd1(aUnderlyingPrice, aStrikePrice, aAnnualRate, aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry); return AnalysisData.dcdf(d1) / (aUnderlyingPrice * aVolatility * Math.sqrt(myTimeToExpiry)); } public static double getVega(double aUnderlyingPrice, double aStrikePrice, double aAnnualRate, double aVolatility, long aTimeToExpiry) { double myTimeToExpiry = convertTimeToExpiry(aTimeToExpiry); double d1 = getd1(aUnderlyingPrice, aStrikePrice, aAnnualRate, aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry); return AnalysisData.dcdf(d1) * aUnderlyingPrice * Math.sqrt(myTimeToExpiry); } public static double getCallTheta(double aUnderlyingPrice, double aStrikePrice, double aAnnualRate, double aVolatility, long aTimeToExpiry) { double myTimeToExpiry = convertTimeToExpiry(aTimeToExpiry); double d1 = getd1(aUnderlyingPrice, aStrikePrice, aAnnualRate, aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry); double d2 = getd2(aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry, d1); double firstTerm = -aUnderlyingPrice * AnalysisData.dcdf(d1) * aVolatility / ((2 * Math.sqrt(myTimeToExpiry))); double secondTerm = aAnnualRate * aStrikePrice * Math.exp(-aAnnualRate * myTimeToExpiry) * AnalysisData.cdf(d2); return firstTerm - secondTerm; } public static double getPutTheta(double aUnderlyingPrice, double aStrikePrice, double aAnnualRate, double aVolatility, long aTimeToExpiry) { double myTimeToExpiry = convertTimeToExpiry(aTimeToExpiry); double d1 = getd1(aUnderlyingPrice, aStrikePrice, aAnnualRate, aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry); double d2 = getd2(aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry, d1); double firstTerm = -aUnderlyingPrice * AnalysisData.dcdf(d1) * aVolatility / ((2 * Math.sqrt(myTimeToExpiry))); double secondTerm = aAnnualRate * aStrikePrice * Math.exp(-aAnnualRate * myTimeToExpiry) * AnalysisData.cdf(-d2); return firstTerm + secondTerm; } public static double getCallRho(double aUnderlyingPrice, double aStrikePrice, double aAnnualRate, double aVolatility, long aTimeToExpiry) { double myTimeToExpiry = convertTimeToExpiry(aTimeToExpiry); double d1 = getd1(aUnderlyingPrice, aStrikePrice, aAnnualRate, aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry); double d2 = getd2(aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry, d1); return aStrikePrice * myTimeToExpiry * Math.exp(-aAnnualRate * myTimeToExpiry) * AnalysisData.cdf(d2); } public static double getPutRho(double aUnderlyingPrice, double aStrikePrice, double aAnnualRate, double aVolatility, long aTimeToExpiry) { double myTimeToExpiry = convertTimeToExpiry(aTimeToExpiry); double d1 = getd1(aUnderlyingPrice, aStrikePrice, aAnnualRate, aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry); double d2 = getd2(aVolatility, myTimeToExpiry, d1); return -aStrikePrice * myTimeToExpiry * Math.exp(-aAnnualRate * myTimeToExpiry) * AnalysisData.cdf(-d2); } public static List<Integer> negativeWeightCycle(double[][] adjacenyMatrix, int source) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (adjacenyMatrix.length == 0 || adjacenyMatrix.length != adjacenyMatrix[0].length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Adjaceny Matrix is not a square matrix!"); } int[] predecessors = new int[adjacenyMatrix.length]; double[] distance = new double[adjacenyMatrix.length]; double[][] logValMat = createLogValueMatrix(adjacenyMatrix); for (int j = 0; j < adjacenyMatrix.length; j++) { distance[j] = Double.MAX_VALUE; } distance[source] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < logValMat.length - 1; i++) { relaxEdges(logValMat, distance, predecessors); } return findNegativeWeightCycle(logValMat, distance, predecessors); } private static double[][] createLogValueMatrix(double[][] adjacenyMatrix) { double[][] logValMat = adjacenyMatrix.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < adjacenyMatrix.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < adjacenyMatrix[0].length; j++) { double weight = adjacenyMatrix[i][j]; if (weight > 0) { logValMat[i][j] = -Math.log(weight); } else { logValMat[i][j] = Double.MAX_VALUE; } } } return logValMat; } private static void relaxEdges(double[][] logValMat, double[] distance, int[] predecessors) { for (int v = 0; v < logValMat.length; v++) { for (int j = 0; j < logValMat.length; j++) { double weight = logValMat[v][j]; if (weight < Double.MAX_VALUE) { if (weight + distance[v] < distance[j]) { distance[j] = distance[v] + weight; predecessors[j] = v; } } } } } private static List<Integer> findNegativeWeightCycle(double[][] logValMat, double[] distance, int[] predecessors) { for (int v = 0; v < logValMat.length; v++) { for (int j = 0; j < logValMat[0].length; j++) { double weight = logValMat[v][j]; if (weight < Double.MAX_VALUE) { if (weight + distance[v] < distance[j]) { predecessors[j] = v; return createCycleFromPredecessors(predecessors, j); } } } } return new LinkedList<Integer>(); } public static List<Integer> createCycleFromPredecessors(int[] predecessors, int end) { LinkedList<Integer> path = new LinkedList<>(); boolean[] visited = new boolean[predecessors.length]; int current = end; while (true) { if (visited[current]) { LinkedList<Integer> cycle = new LinkedList<Integer>(); cycle.addFirst(current); for (Integer item : path) { cycle.add(item); if (item.intValue() == current) { break; } } return cycle; } path.addFirst(current); visited[current] = true; current = predecessors[current]; } } }