package; import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod; import org.zstack.header.identity.Action; import org.zstack.header.message.APIEvent; import org.zstack.header.message.APIMessage; import org.zstack.header.message.APIParam; import org.zstack.header.notification.ApiNotification; import; import org.zstack.header.vm.VmNicVO; /** * @api * * @category port forwarding * * @since 0.1.0 * * @cli * * @httpMsg * { "": { "ruleUuid": "bc82d5c4f9394c24b7fa19ee611c0857", "vmNicUuid": "5dfef29a376a49de9e1a887ea9bfe683", "session": { "uuid": "7e4e7b4a7b7641c4beef2a4e7c4b5fa2" } } } * * @msg * { "": { "ruleUuid": "bc82d5c4f9394c24b7fa19ee611c0857", "vmNicUuid": "5dfef29a376a49de9e1a887ea9bfe683", "session": { "uuid": "7e4e7b4a7b7641c4beef2a4e7c4b5fa2" }, "timeout": 1800000, "id": "1e5fc7da29734c6c86249ff6b9190844", "serviceId": "api.portal" } } * * @result * * see :ref:`APIAttachPortForwardingRuleEvent` */ @Action(category = PortForwardingConstant.ACTION_CATEGORY) @RestRequest( path = "/port-forwarding/{ruleUuid}/vm-instances/nics/{vmNicUuid}", method = HttpMethod.POST, responseClass = APIAttachPortForwardingRuleEvent.class ) public class APIAttachPortForwardingRuleMsg extends APIMessage { /** * @desc rule uuid */ @APIParam(resourceType = PortForwardingRuleVO.class, checkAccount = true, operationTarget = true) private String ruleUuid; /** * @desc vm nic uuid the rule attaches to. see :ref:`VmNicInventory` */ @APIParam(resourceType = VmNicVO.class, checkAccount = true, operationTarget = true) private String vmNicUuid; public String getRuleUuid() { return ruleUuid; } public void setRuleUuid(String ruleUuid) { this.ruleUuid = ruleUuid; } public String getVmNicUuid() { return vmNicUuid; } public void setVmNicUuid(String vmNicUuid) { this.vmNicUuid = vmNicUuid; } public static APIAttachPortForwardingRuleMsg __example__() { APIAttachPortForwardingRuleMsg msg = new APIAttachPortForwardingRuleMsg(); msg.setVmNicUuid(uuid()); msg.setRuleUuid(uuid()); return msg; } public ApiNotification __notification__() { APIMessage that = this; return new ApiNotification() { @Override public void after(APIEvent evt) { if (evt.isSuccess()) { ntfy("Attached port forwarding Rule[uuid:%s]",ruleUuid).resource(vmNicUuid,VmNicVO.class.getSimpleName()) .messageAndEvent(that, evt).done(); } } }; } }