package org.zstack.header.volume; import org.zstack.header.configuration.DiskOfferingInventory; import org.zstack.header.configuration.PythonClassInventory; import org.zstack.header.image.ImageInventory; import org.zstack.header.query.ExpandedQueries; import org.zstack.header.query.ExpandedQuery; import; import; import; import org.zstack.header.vm.VmInstanceInventory; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * @inventory inventory for volume * @category volume * @example { * "inventory": { * "uuid": "d4910ee8def241e7afcb55ca1ee685c9", * "name": "d1", * "primaryStorageUuid": "29ea91d6cfb544a392b24f84a43de154", * "vmInstanceUuid": "0135cb45094f4f6fb84375e13d4a1cb8", * "installPath": "/opt/zstack/nfsprimarystorage/prim-29ea91d6cfb544a392b24f84a43de154/dataVolumes/acct-36c27e8ff05c4780bf6d2fa65700f22e/vol-d4910ee8def241e7afcb55ca1ee685c9/d4910ee8def241e7afcb55ca1ee685c9.qcow2", * "type": "Data", * "hypervisorType": "KVM", * "size": 32212254720, * "deviceId": 1, * "state": "Enabled", * "status": "Ready", * "createDate": "May 2, 2014 7:55:15 PM", * "lastOpDate": "May 2, 2014 7:55:15 PM", * "backupStorageRefs": [ * { * "volumeUuid": "d4910ee8def241e7afcb55ca1ee685c9", * "backupStorageUuid": "e028f12592fa40359b9af5b8946b1c53", * "installPath": "nfs:/test1/volumeSnapshots/acct-36c27e8ff05c4780bf6d2fa65700f22e/d4910ee8def241e7afcb55ca1ee685c9/d4910ee8def241e7afcb55ca1ee685c9.qcow2" * } * ] * } * } * @since 0.1.0 */ @Inventory(mappingVOClass = VolumeVO.class) @PythonClassInventory @ExpandedQueries({ @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "vmInstance", inventoryClass = VmInstanceInventory.class, foreignKey = "vmInstanceUuid", expandedInventoryKey = "uuid"), @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "snapshot", inventoryClass = VolumeSnapshotInventory.class, foreignKey = "uuid", expandedInventoryKey = "volumeUuid"), @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "diskOffering", inventoryClass = DiskOfferingInventory.class, foreignKey = "diskOfferingUuid", expandedInventoryKey = "uuid"), @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "primaryStorage", inventoryClass = PrimaryStorageInventory.class, foreignKey = "primaryStorageUuid", expandedInventoryKey = "uuid"), @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "image", inventoryClass = ImageInventory.class, foreignKey = "rootImageUuid", expandedInventoryKey = "uuid"), }) public class VolumeInventory implements Serializable { /** * @desc volume uuid */ private String uuid; /** * @desc max length of 255 characters */ private String name; /** * @desc max length of 2048 characters * @nullable */ private String description; /** * @desc uuid of primary storage the volume is on. See :ref:`PrimaryStorageInventory` */ private String primaryStorageUuid; /** * @desc uuid of vm the volume is attached to. If null, the volume isn't attached * @nullable */ private String vmInstanceUuid; private String diskOfferingUuid; /** * @desc uuid of image from which the volume is created when type = 'Root'. Null when type = 'Data' * @nullable */ private String rootImageUuid; /** * @desc path the volume locates on primary storage. Depending on primary storage type, this field may have various meanings. * For example, for nfs primary storage it is filesystem path */ private String installPath; /** * @desc - Root: vm's root volume where operating system was installed * - Data: data volume that can be attached/detached to/from vm * @choices - Root * - Data */ private String type; private String format; /** * @desc volume size in bytes */ private Long size; private Long actualSize; /** * @desc the order volume attaches to vm. For root volume, deviceId is always zero. For data volume, deviceId could be used * for detecting disk label in operating system. For example, volume having deviceId = 1 may be represented as hdb/sdb/vdb in Linux. */ private Integer deviceId; /** * @desc - Enabled: the volume is ok for operations * - Disabled: the volume can not be attached to vm * <p> * .. note:: state is only meaningful for data volume. Root volume always has state Enabled that can not be changed */ private String state; /** * @desc - Creating: volume is being created from other resource, for example, volume snapshot. * - Ready: the volume is ok for operations * - NotInstantiated: volume is created in database but has not initialized on any primary storage. The volume will be initialized * at first time it attaches to vm and change to status Ready then. * <p> * .. note:: status is only meaningful for data volume. Root volume always has status Ready that can not be changed */ private String status; /** * @desc the time this resource gets created */ private Timestamp createDate; /** * @desc last time this resource gets operated */ private Timestamp lastOpDate; private Boolean isShareable; public VolumeInventory() { } public VolumeInventory(VolumeInventory other) { this.uuid = other.uuid; =; this.description = other.description; this.primaryStorageUuid = other.primaryStorageUuid; this.vmInstanceUuid = other.vmInstanceUuid; this.diskOfferingUuid = other.diskOfferingUuid; this.rootImageUuid = other.rootImageUuid; this.installPath = other.installPath; this.type = other.type; this.format = other.format; this.size = other.size; this.actualSize = other.actualSize; this.deviceId = other.deviceId; this.state = other.state; this.status = other.status; this.createDate = other.createDate; this.lastOpDate = other.lastOpDate; this.isShareable = other.isShareable; } public static VolumeInventory valueOf(VolumeVO vo) { VolumeInventory inv = new VolumeInventory(); inv.setRootImageUuid(vo.getRootImageUuid()); inv.setCreateDate(vo.getCreateDate()); inv.setDescription(vo.getDescription()); inv.setInstallPath(vo.getInstallPath()); inv.setName(vo.getName()); inv.setPrimaryStorageUuid(vo.getPrimaryStorageUuid()); inv.setSize(vo.getSize()); inv.setActualSize(vo.getActualSize()); inv.setState(vo.getState().toString()); inv.setUuid(vo.getUuid()); inv.setVmInstanceUuid(vo.getVmInstanceUuid()); inv.setType(vo.getType().toString()); inv.setDiskOfferingUuid(vo.getDiskOfferingUuid()); inv.setCreateDate(vo.getCreateDate()); inv.setLastOpDate(vo.getLastOpDate()); inv.setDeviceId(vo.getDeviceId()); inv.setStatus(vo.getStatus().toString()); inv.setFormat(vo.getFormat()); inv.setShareable(vo.isShareable()); return inv; } public static List<VolumeInventory> valueOf(Collection<VolumeVO> vos) { List<VolumeInventory> invs = new ArrayList<>(vos.size()); for (VolumeVO vo : vos) { invs.add(VolumeInventory.valueOf(vo)); } return invs; } public Long getActualSize() { return actualSize; } public void setActualSize(Long actualSize) { this.actualSize = actualSize; } public String getFormat() { return format; } public void setFormat(String format) { this.format = format; } public String getDiskOfferingUuid() { return diskOfferingUuid; } public void setDiskOfferingUuid(String diskOfferingUuid) { this.diskOfferingUuid = diskOfferingUuid; } public String getUuid() { return uuid; } public void setUuid(String uuid) { this.uuid = uuid; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public String getPrimaryStorageUuid() { return primaryStorageUuid; } public void setPrimaryStorageUuid(String primaryStorageUuid) { this.primaryStorageUuid = primaryStorageUuid; } public String getVmInstanceUuid() { return vmInstanceUuid; } public void setVmInstanceUuid(String vmInstanceUuid) { this.vmInstanceUuid = vmInstanceUuid; } public String getInstallPath() { return installPath; } public void setInstallPath(String installPath) { this.installPath = installPath; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String volumeType) { this.type = volumeType; } public long getSize() { return size; } public void setSize(long size) { this.size = size; } public boolean isAttached() { return this.vmInstanceUuid != null; } public String getState() { return state; } public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } public String getRootImageUuid() { return rootImageUuid; } public void setRootImageUuid(String rootImageUuid) { this.rootImageUuid = rootImageUuid; } public Integer getDeviceId() { return deviceId; } public void setDeviceId(Integer deviceId) { this.deviceId = deviceId; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } public Timestamp getCreateDate() { return createDate; } public void setCreateDate(Timestamp createDate) { this.createDate = createDate; } public Timestamp getLastOpDate() { return lastOpDate; } public void setLastOpDate(Timestamp lastOpDate) { this.lastOpDate = lastOpDate; } public boolean isShareable() { return isShareable; } public void setShareable(boolean shareable) { isShareable = shareable; } }