package org.zstack.compute.vm; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.zstack.core.cloudbus.CloudBus; import org.zstack.core.db.*; import org.zstack.core.db.SimpleQuery.Op; import org.zstack.core.errorcode.ErrorFacade; import org.zstack.header.allocator.HostCapacityVO; import org.zstack.header.allocator.HostCapacityVO_; import org.zstack.header.apimediator.ApiMessageInterceptionException; import org.zstack.header.apimediator.ApiMessageInterceptor; import org.zstack.header.apimediator.StopRoutingException; import org.zstack.header.cluster.ClusterState; import org.zstack.header.cluster.ClusterVO; import org.zstack.header.cluster.ClusterVO_; import org.zstack.header.configuration.*; import org.zstack.header.errorcode.OperationFailureException; import; import; import; import; import org.zstack.header.image.ImageConstant.ImageMediaType; import org.zstack.header.image.ImagePlatform; import org.zstack.header.image.ImageState; import org.zstack.header.image.ImageVO; import org.zstack.header.image.ImageVO_; import org.zstack.header.message.APIMessage; import*; import org.zstack.header.vm.*; import; import; import; import org.zstack.utils.SizeUtils; import; import; import static org.zstack.core.Platform.argerr; import static org.zstack.core.Platform.operr; import static org.zstack.utils.CollectionDSL.list; import javax.persistence.Tuple; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import java.util.*; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: frank * Time: 9:55 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class VmInstanceApiInterceptor implements ApiMessageInterceptor { @Autowired private CloudBus bus; @Autowired private DatabaseFacade dbf; @Autowired private ErrorFacade errf; private void setServiceId(APIMessage msg) { if (msg instanceof VmInstanceMessage) { VmInstanceMessage vmsg = (VmInstanceMessage) msg; bus.makeTargetServiceIdByResourceUuid(msg, VmInstanceConstant.SERVICE_ID, vmsg.getVmInstanceUuid()); } } @Override public APIMessage intercept(APIMessage msg) throws ApiMessageInterceptionException { if (msg instanceof APIDestroyVmInstanceMsg) { validate((APIDestroyVmInstanceMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APICreateVmInstanceMsg) { validate((APICreateVmInstanceMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APIGetVmAttachableDataVolumeMsg) { validate((APIGetVmAttachableDataVolumeMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APIDetachL3NetworkFromVmMsg) { validate((APIDetachL3NetworkFromVmMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APIAttachL3NetworkToVmMsg) { validate((APIAttachL3NetworkToVmMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APIAttachIsoToVmInstanceMsg) { validate((APIAttachIsoToVmInstanceMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APISetVmBootOrderMsg) { validate((APISetVmBootOrderMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APIDeleteVmStaticIpMsg) { validate((APIDeleteVmStaticIpMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APISetVmStaticIpMsg) { validate((APISetVmStaticIpMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APIStartVmInstanceMsg) { validate((APIStartVmInstanceMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APICreateStartVmInstanceSchedulerMsg) { validate((APICreateStartVmInstanceSchedulerMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APICreateStopVmInstanceSchedulerMsg) { validate((APICreateStopVmInstanceSchedulerMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APICreateRebootVmInstanceSchedulerMsg) { validate((APICreateRebootVmInstanceSchedulerMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APIGetInterdependentL3NetworksImagesMsg) { validate((APIGetInterdependentL3NetworksImagesMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APIUpdateVmInstanceMsg) { validate((APIUpdateVmInstanceMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APISetVmConsolePasswordMsg) { validate((APISetVmConsolePasswordMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APIChangeInstanceOfferingMsg) { validate((APIChangeInstanceOfferingMsg) msg); } setServiceId(msg); return msg; } private void validate(APIChangeInstanceOfferingMsg msg) { new SQLBatch() { @Override protected void scripts() { VmInstanceVO vo = Q.New(VmInstanceVO.class).eq(VmInstanceVO_.uuid, msg.getVmInstanceUuid()).find(); InstanceOfferingVO instanceOfferingVO = Q.New(InstanceOfferingVO.class).eq(InstanceOfferingVO_.uuid, msg.getInstanceOfferingUuid()).find(); if (!VmGlobalConfig.NUMA.value(Boolean.class) && !VmInstanceState.Stopped.equals(vo.getState())) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr( "the VM cannot do online cpu/memory update because it is not of NUMA architecture. Please stop the VM then do the cpu/memory update again" )); } if (!VmInstanceState.Stopped.equals(vo.getState()) && !VmInstanceState.Running.equals(vo.getState())) { throw new OperationFailureException(operr("The state of vm[uuid:%s] is %s. Only these state[%s] is allowed to update cpu or memory.", vo.getUuid(), vo.getState(), StringUtils.join(list(VmInstanceState.Running, VmInstanceState.Stopped), ","))); } if (VmInstanceState.Stopped.equals(vo.getState())) { return; } if (instanceOfferingVO.getCpuNum() < vo.getCpuNum() || instanceOfferingVO.getMemorySize() < vo.getMemorySize()) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr( "can't not decrease capacity when vm[:uuid] is running", vo.getUuid() )); } } }.execute(); } private void validate(APIUpdateVmInstanceMsg msg) { new SQLBatch() { @Override protected void scripts() { VmInstanceVO vo = Q.New(VmInstanceVO.class).eq(VmInstanceVO_.uuid, msg.getVmInstanceUuid()).find(); Integer cpuSum = msg.getCpuNum(); Long memorySize = msg.getMemorySize(); if ((cpuSum == null && memorySize == null)) { return; } VmInstanceState vmState = Q.New(VmInstanceVO.class).select(VmInstanceVO_.state).eq(VmInstanceVO_.uuid, msg.getVmInstanceUuid()).findValue(); if (!VmGlobalConfig.NUMA.value(Boolean.class) && !VmInstanceState.Stopped.equals(vmState)) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr( "the VM cannot do online cpu/memory update because it is not of NUMA architecture. Please stop the VM then do the cpu/memory update again" )); } if (!VmInstanceState.Stopped.equals(vo.getState()) && !VmInstanceState.Running.equals(vo.getState())) { throw new OperationFailureException(operr("The state of vm[uuid:%s] is %s. Only these state[%s] is allowed to update cpu or memory.", vo.getUuid(), vo.getState(), StringUtils.join(list(VmInstanceState.Running, VmInstanceState.Stopped), ","))); } if (VmInstanceState.Stopped.equals(vmState)) { return; } if (msg.getCpuNum() != null && msg.getCpuNum() < vo.getCpuNum()) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr( "can't not decrease cpu of vm[:uuid] when it is running", vo.getUuid() )); } if (msg.getMemorySize() != null && msg.getMemorySize() < vo.getMemorySize()) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr( "can't not decrease memory size of vm[:uuid] when it is running", vo.getUuid() )); } } }.execute(); } private void validate(APIGetInterdependentL3NetworksImagesMsg msg) { if (msg.getL3NetworkUuids() == null && msg.getImageUuid() == null) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr( "either l3NetworkUuids or imageUuid must be set" )); } } private void validate(APIStartVmInstanceMsg msg) { // host uuid overrides cluster uuid if (msg.getHostUuid() != null) { msg.setClusterUuid(null); } } private void validate(APICreateStartVmInstanceSchedulerMsg msg) { // host uuid overrides cluster uuid if (msg.getHostUuid() != null) { msg.setClusterUuid(null); } SimpleQuery<VmInstanceVO> q = dbf.createQuery(VmInstanceVO.class);; q.add(VmInstanceVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getVmInstanceUuid()); VmInstanceState state = q.findValue(); if (state == VmInstanceState.Destroyed) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("vm[uuid:%s] can only create scheduler when state is not Destroyed", msg.getVmInstanceUuid())); } } private void validate(APICreateStopVmInstanceSchedulerMsg msg) { SimpleQuery<VmInstanceVO> q = dbf.createQuery(VmInstanceVO.class);; q.add(VmInstanceVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getVmInstanceUuid()); VmInstanceState state = q.findValue(); if (state == VmInstanceState.Destroyed) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("vm[uuid:%s] can only create scheduler when state is not Destroyed", msg.getVmInstanceUuid())); } } private void validate(APICreateRebootVmInstanceSchedulerMsg msg) { SimpleQuery<VmInstanceVO> q = dbf.createQuery(VmInstanceVO.class);; q.add(VmInstanceVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getVmInstanceUuid()); VmInstanceState state = q.findValue(); if (state == VmInstanceState.Destroyed) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("vm[uuid:%s] can only create scheduler when state is not Destroyed", msg.getVmInstanceUuid())); } } private void validate(APISetVmStaticIpMsg msg) { if (!NetworkUtils.isIpv4Address(msg.getIp())) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("%s is not a valid IPv4 address", msg.getIp())); } SimpleQuery<VmNicVO> q = dbf.createQuery(VmNicVO.class); q.add(VmNicVO_.vmInstanceUuid, Op.EQ, msg.getVmInstanceUuid()); q.add(VmNicVO_.l3NetworkUuid, Op.EQ, msg.getL3NetworkUuid()); if (!q.isExists()) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("the VM[uuid:%s] has no nic on the L3 network[uuid:%s]", msg.getVmInstanceUuid(), msg.getL3NetworkUuid())); } } private void validate(APIDeleteVmStaticIpMsg msg) { SimpleQuery<VmNicVO> q = dbf.createQuery(VmNicVO.class); q.add(VmNicVO_.vmInstanceUuid, Op.EQ, msg.getVmInstanceUuid()); q.add(VmNicVO_.l3NetworkUuid, Op.EQ, msg.getL3NetworkUuid()); if (!q.isExists()) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("the VM[uuid:%s] has no nic on the L3 network[uuid:%s]", msg.getVmInstanceUuid(), msg.getL3NetworkUuid())); } } private void validate(APISetVmBootOrderMsg msg) { if (msg.getBootOrder() != null) { for (String o : msg.getBootOrder()) { try { VmBootDevice.valueOf(o); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("invalid boot device[%s] in boot order%s", o, msg.getBootOrder())); } } } } private void validate(APIAttachIsoToVmInstanceMsg msg) { String isoUuid = new IsoOperator().getIsoUuidByVmUuid(msg.getVmInstanceUuid()); if (isoUuid != null) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("VM[uuid:%s] already has an ISO[uuid:%s] attached", msg.getVmInstanceUuid(), isoUuid)); } } private void validate(APIAttachL3NetworkToVmMsg msg) { SimpleQuery<VmInstanceVO> q = dbf.createQuery(VmInstanceVO.class);, VmInstanceVO_.state); q.add(VmInstanceVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getVmInstanceUuid()); Tuple t = q.findTuple(); String type = t.get(0, String.class); VmInstanceState state = t.get(1, VmInstanceState.class); if (!VmInstanceConstant.USER_VM_TYPE.equals(type)) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("unable to attach a L3 network. The vm[uuid: %s] is not a user vm", type)); } if (!VmInstanceState.Running.equals(state) && !VmInstanceState.Stopped.equals(state)) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("unable to detach a L3 network. The vm[uuid: %s] is not Running or Stopped; the current state is %s", msg.getVmInstanceUuid(), state)); } SimpleQuery<VmNicVO> nq = dbf.createQuery(VmNicVO.class); nq.add(VmNicVO_.l3NetworkUuid, Op.EQ, msg.getL3NetworkUuid()); nq.add(VmNicVO_.vmInstanceUuid, Op.EQ, msg.getVmInstanceUuid()); if (nq.isExists()) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("unable to attach a L3 network. The L3 network[uuid:%s] is already attached to the vm[uuid: %s]", msg.getL3NetworkUuid(), msg.getVmInstanceUuid())); } SimpleQuery<L3NetworkVO> l3q = dbf.createQuery(L3NetworkVO.class);, L3NetworkVO_.system); l3q.add(L3NetworkVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getL3NetworkUuid()); t = l3q.findTuple(); L3NetworkState l3state = t.get(0, L3NetworkState.class); boolean system = t.get(1, Boolean.class); if (l3state == L3NetworkState.Disabled) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("unable to attach a L3 network. The L3 network[uuid:%s] is disabled", msg.getL3NetworkUuid())); } if (system) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("unable to attach a L3 network. The L3 network[uuid:%s] is a system network", msg.getL3NetworkUuid())); } if (msg.getStaticIp() != null) { SimpleQuery<IpRangeVO> iprq = dbf.createQuery(IpRangeVO.class); iprq.add(IpRangeVO_.l3NetworkUuid, Op.EQ, msg.getL3NetworkUuid()); List<IpRangeVO> iprs = iprq.list(); boolean found = false; for (IpRangeVO ipr : iprs) { if (NetworkUtils.isIpv4InRange(msg.getStaticIp(), ipr.getStartIp(), ipr.getEndIp())) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("the static IP[%s] is not in any IP range of the L3 network[uuid:%s]", msg.getStaticIp(), msg.getL3NetworkUuid())); } SimpleQuery<UsedIpVO> uq = dbf.createQuery(UsedIpVO.class); uq.add(UsedIpVO_.l3NetworkUuid, Op.EQ, msg.getL3NetworkUuid()); uq.add(UsedIpVO_.ip, Op.EQ, msg.getStaticIp()); if (uq.isExists()) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("the static IP[%s] has been occupied on the L3 network[uuid:%s]", msg.getStaticIp(), msg.getL3NetworkUuid())); } } } @Transactional(readOnly = true) private void validate(APIDetachL3NetworkFromVmMsg msg) { String sql = "select vm.uuid, vm.type, vm.state from VmInstanceVO vm, VmNicVO nic where vm.uuid = nic.vmInstanceUuid and nic.uuid = :uuid"; TypedQuery<Tuple> q = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, Tuple.class); q.setParameter("uuid", msg.getVmNicUuid()); Tuple t = q.getSingleResult(); String vmUuid = t.get(0, String.class); String vmType = t.get(1, String.class); VmInstanceState state = t.get(2, VmInstanceState.class); if (!VmInstanceConstant.USER_VM_TYPE.equals(vmType)) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("unable to detach a L3 network. The vm[uuid: %s] is not a user vm", msg.getVmInstanceUuid())); } if (!VmInstanceState.Running.equals(state) && !VmInstanceState.Stopped.equals(state)) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("unable to detach a L3 network. The vm[uuid: %s] is not Running or Stopped; the current state is %s", msg.getVmInstanceUuid(), state)); } msg.setVmInstanceUuid(vmUuid); } private static <T> List<T> getDuplicateElements(List<T> list) { List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(); Set<T> set = new HashSet<T>(); for (T e : list) { if (!set.add(e)) { result.add(e); } } return result; } private void validate(APIGetVmAttachableDataVolumeMsg msg) { SimpleQuery<VmInstanceVO> q = dbf.createQuery(VmInstanceVO.class);; q.add(VmInstanceVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getVmInstanceUuid()); VmInstanceState state = q.findValue(); if (state != VmInstanceState.Stopped && state != VmInstanceState.Running) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("vm[uuid:%s] can only attach volume when state is Running or Stopped, current state is %s", msg.getVmInstanceUuid(), state)); } } private void validate(APICreateVmInstanceMsg msg) { SimpleQuery<InstanceOfferingVO> iq = dbf.createQuery(InstanceOfferingVO.class);; iq.add(InstanceOfferingVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getInstanceOfferingUuid()); InstanceOfferingState istate = iq.findValue(); if (istate == InstanceOfferingState.Disabled) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("instance offering[uuid:%s] is Disabled, can't create vm from it", msg.getInstanceOfferingUuid())); } SimpleQuery<ImageVO> imgq = dbf.createQuery(ImageVO.class);, ImageVO_.system, ImageVO_.mediaType); imgq.add(ImageVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getImageUuid()); Tuple imgt = imgq.findTuple(); ImageState imgState = imgt.get(0, ImageState.class); if (imgState == ImageState.Disabled) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("image[uuid:%s] is Disabled, can't create vm from it", msg.getImageUuid())); } ImageMediaType imgFormat = imgt.get(2, ImageMediaType.class); if (imgFormat != ImageMediaType.RootVolumeTemplate && imgFormat != ImageMediaType.ISO) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("image[uuid:%s] is of mediaType: %s, only RootVolumeTemplate and ISO can be used to create vm", msg.getImageUuid(), imgFormat)); } if (imgFormat == ImageMediaType.ISO && msg.getRootDiskOfferingUuid() == null) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("rootDiskOfferingUuid cannot be null when image mediaType is ISO")); } boolean isSystemImage = imgt.get(1, Boolean.class); if (isSystemImage && (msg.getType() == null || VmInstanceConstant.USER_VM_TYPE.equals(msg.getType()))) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("image[uuid:%s] is system image, can't be used to create user vm", msg.getImageUuid())); } List<String> allDiskOfferingUuids = new ArrayList<String>(); if (msg.getRootDiskOfferingUuid() != null) { allDiskOfferingUuids.add(msg.getRootDiskOfferingUuid()); } if (msg.getDataDiskOfferingUuids() != null) { allDiskOfferingUuids.addAll(msg.getDataDiskOfferingUuids()); } if (!allDiskOfferingUuids.isEmpty()) { SimpleQuery<DiskOfferingVO> dq = dbf.createQuery(DiskOfferingVO.class);; dq.add(DiskOfferingVO_.state, Op.EQ, DiskOfferingState.Disabled); dq.add(DiskOfferingVO_.uuid, Op.IN, allDiskOfferingUuids); List<String> diskUuids = dq.listValue(); if (!diskUuids.isEmpty()) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("disk offerings[uuids:%s] are Disabled, can not create vm from it", diskUuids)); } } SimpleQuery<L3NetworkVO> l3q = dbf.createQuery(L3NetworkVO.class);, L3NetworkVO_.system, L3NetworkVO_.state); List<String> uuids = new ArrayList<>(msg.getL3NetworkUuids()); List<String> duplicateElements = getDuplicateElements(uuids); if (duplicateElements.size() > 0) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("Can't add same uuid in the l3Network,uuid: %s", duplicateElements.get(0))); } l3q.add(L3NetworkVO_.uuid, Op.IN, msg.getL3NetworkUuids()); List<Tuple> l3ts = l3q.listTuple(); for (Tuple t : l3ts) { String l3Uuid = t.get(0, String.class); Boolean system = t.get(1, Boolean.class); L3NetworkState state = t.get(2, L3NetworkState.class); if (state != L3NetworkState.Enabled) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("l3Network[uuid:%s] is Disabled, can not create vm on it", l3Uuid)); } if (system && (msg.getType() == null || VmInstanceConstant.USER_VM_TYPE.equals(msg.getType()))) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("l3Network[uuid:%s] is system network, can not create user vm on it", l3Uuid)); } } // smaller taking precedence if (msg.getHostUuid() != null) { msg.setClusterUuid(null); msg.setZoneUuid(null); } else if (msg.getClusterUuid() != null) { msg.setZoneUuid(null); } if (msg.getZoneUuid() != null) { SimpleQuery<ZoneVO> zq = dbf.createQuery(ZoneVO.class);; zq.add(ZoneVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getZoneUuid()); ZoneState zoneState = zq.findValue(); if (zoneState == ZoneState.Disabled) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("zone[uuid:%s] is specified but it's Disabled, can not create vm from it", msg.getZoneUuid())); } } if (msg.getClusterUuid() != null) { SimpleQuery<ClusterVO> cq = dbf.createQuery(ClusterVO.class);; cq.add(ClusterVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getClusterUuid()); ClusterState clusterState = cq.findValue(); if (clusterState == ClusterState.Disabled) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("cluster[uuid:%s] is specified but it's Disabled, can not create vm from it", msg.getClusterUuid())); } } if (msg.getHostUuid() != null) { SimpleQuery<HostVO> hq = dbf.createQuery(HostVO.class);, HostVO_.status); hq.add(HostVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getHostUuid()); Tuple t = hq.findTuple(); HostState hostState = t.get(0, HostState.class); if (hostState == HostState.Disabled) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("host[uuid:%s] is specified but it's Disabled, can not create vm from it", msg.getHostUuid())); } HostStatus connectionState = t.get(1, HostStatus.class); if (connectionState != HostStatus.Connected) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("host[uuid:%s] is specified but it's connection status is %s, can not create vm from it", msg.getHostUuid(), connectionState)); } } if (msg.getType() == null) { msg.setType(VmInstanceConstant.USER_VM_TYPE); } if (VmInstanceConstant.USER_VM_TYPE.equals(msg.getType())) { if (msg.getDefaultL3NetworkUuid() == null && msg.getL3NetworkUuids().size() != 1) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("there are more than one L3 network specified in l3NetworkUuids, but defaultL3NetworkUuid is null")); } else if (msg.getDefaultL3NetworkUuid() == null && msg.getL3NetworkUuids().size() == 1) { msg.setDefaultL3NetworkUuid(msg.getL3NetworkUuids().get(0)); } else if (msg.getDefaultL3NetworkUuid() != null && !msg.getL3NetworkUuids().contains(msg.getDefaultL3NetworkUuid())) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("defaultL3NetworkUuid[uuid:%s] is not in l3NetworkUuids%s", msg.getDefaultL3NetworkUuid(), msg.getL3NetworkUuids())); } } } private void validate(APIDestroyVmInstanceMsg msg) { if (!dbf.isExist(msg.getUuid(), VmInstanceVO.class)) { APIDestroyVmInstanceEvent evt = new APIDestroyVmInstanceEvent(msg.getId()); bus.publish(evt); throw new StopRoutingException(); } } private void validate(APISetVmConsolePasswordMsg msg) { String pwd = msg.getConsolePassword(); if (pwd.startsWith("password")){ throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("The console password cannot start with 'password' which may trigger a VNC security issue")); } } }