package; import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod; import org.zstack.header.cluster.ClusterVO; import org.zstack.header.message.APIEvent; import org.zstack.header.message.APIMessage; import org.zstack.header.message.APIParam; import org.zstack.header.notification.ApiNotification; import; /** * @api attach l2Network to cluster * @category l2network * @cli * @httpMsg { * "": { * "l2NetworkUuid": "a766f7dec6e5477f9842289950b51e63", * "clusterUuid": "cb97e076b2e7497d9d4018fb4b4cfcea", * "session": { * "uuid": "d93f354c4339450e8c2a4c31de89da15" * } * } * } * @msg { * "": { * "l2NetworkUuid": "a766f7dec6e5477f9842289950b51e63", * "clusterUuid": "cb97e076b2e7497d9d4018fb4b4cfcea", * "session": { * "uuid": "d93f354c4339450e8c2a4c31de89da15" * }, * "timeout": 1800000, * "id": "88c2cf5b89ed4c528091d1c69872f83e", * "serviceId": "api.portal" * } * } * @result see :ref:`APIAttachL2NetworkToClusterEvent` * @since 0.1.0 */ @RestRequest( path = "/l2-networks/{l2NetworkUuid}/clusters/{clusterUuid}", method = HttpMethod.POST, responseClass = APIAttachL2NetworkToClusterEvent.class, parameterName = "null" ) public class APIAttachL2NetworkToClusterMsg extends APIMessage implements L2NetworkMessage { /** * @desc l2Network uuid */ @APIParam(resourceType = L2NetworkVO.class) private String l2NetworkUuid; /** * @desc cluster uuid. See :ref:`ClusterInventory` */ @APIParam(resourceType = ClusterVO.class) private String clusterUuid; @Override public String getL2NetworkUuid() { return l2NetworkUuid; } public String getClusterUuid() { return clusterUuid; } public void setClusterUuid(String clusterUuid) { this.clusterUuid = clusterUuid; } public void setL2NetworkUuid(String l2NetworkUuid) { this.l2NetworkUuid = l2NetworkUuid; } public static APIAttachL2NetworkToClusterMsg __example__() { APIAttachL2NetworkToClusterMsg msg = new APIAttachL2NetworkToClusterMsg(); msg.setL2NetworkUuid(uuid()); msg.setClusterUuid(uuid()); return msg; } public ApiNotification __notification__() { APIMessage that = this; return new ApiNotification() { @Override public void after(APIEvent evt) { ntfy("Attached to a cluster[uuid:%s]", clusterUuid) .resource(l2NetworkUuid, L2NetworkVO.class.getSimpleName()) .context("clusterUuid", clusterUuid) .messageAndEvent(that, evt).done(); ntfy("Attached to a L2 network[uuid:%s]", l2NetworkUuid) .resource(clusterUuid, ClusterVO.class.getSimpleName()) .context("l2NetworkUuid", l2NetworkUuid) .messageAndEvent(that, evt).done(); } }; } }