package; import org.zstack.header.query.*; import; import; import org.zstack.header.volume.VolumeInventory; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * @inventory inventory for volume snapshot * @category volume snapshot * @example { * "inventory": { * "uuid": "6c8c6b0ea9844ff3bc58cc46b2fde6ce", * "name": "Snapshot-565e50b3c6ab4eb19c3d0dc66b36b3f9", * "description": "Test snapshot", * "type": "Hypervisor", * "volumeUuid": "565e50b3c6ab4eb19c3d0dc66b36b3f9", * "treeUuid": "2e1bea0124eb4b08b88bee3a5fd3d51a", * "hypervisorType": "KVM", * "parentUuid": "b95dd4de16f8486d8de38c014891b7cd", * "primaryStorageUuid": "8e0fbd85f5064c19aad766ae8adb9081", * "primaryStorageInstallPath": "/opt/zstack/nfsprimarystorage/prim-8e0fbd85f5064c19aad766ae8adb9081/dataVolumes/acct-36c27e8ff05c4780bf6d2fa65700f22e/vol-565e50b3c6ab4eb19c3d0dc66b36b3f9/snapshots/6c8c6b0ea9844ff3bc58cc46b2fde6ce.qcow2", * "type": "Data", * "latest": true, * "size": 10485760, * "state": "Enabled", * "status": "Ready", * "createDate": "May 3, 2014 12:00:53 PM", * "lastOpDate": "May 3, 2014 12:00:53 PM", * "backupStorageRefs": [ * { * "volumeSnapshotUuid": "6c8c6b0ea9844ff3bc58cc46b2fde6ce", * "backupStorageUuid": "9656aa7cc6fb46ebab65aedc12a4728c", * "installPath": "nfs:/test1/volumeSnapshots/acct-36c27e8ff05c4780bf6d2fa65700f22e/6c8c6b0ea9844ff3bc58cc46b2fde6ce/6c8c6b0ea9844ff3bc58cc46b2fde6ce.qcow2" * } * ] * } * } * @since 0.1.0 */ @Inventory(mappingVOClass = VolumeSnapshotVO.class) @ExpandedQueries({ @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "volume", inventoryClass = VolumeInventory.class, foreignKey = "volumeUuid", expandedInventoryKey = "uuid"), @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "tree", inventoryClass = VolumeSnapshotTreeInventory.class, foreignKey = "treeUuid", expandedInventoryKey = "uuid"), @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "primaryStorage", inventoryClass = PrimaryStorageInventory.class, foreignKey = "primaryStorageUuid", expandedInventoryKey = "uuid"), @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "backupStorageRef", inventoryClass = VolumeSnapshotBackupStorageRefInventory.class, foreignKey = "uuid", expandedInventoryKey = "backupStorageUuid"), }) @ExpandedQueryAliases({ @ExpandedQueryAlias(alias = "backupStorage", expandedField = "backupStorageRef.backupStorage") }) public class VolumeSnapshotInventory { /** * @desc volume snapshot uuid */ private String uuid; /** * @desc max length of 255 characters */ private String name; /** * @desc max length of 2048 characters * @nullable */ private String description; /** * @desc - Hypervisor: file based snapshot which is created by hypervisor. For example, QCOW2 snapshot in KVM * - Storage: storage based snapshot which is created by primary storage. For example, ISCSI vendor usually provides * their own means to create snapshot from block device * @choices - Hypervisor * - Storage */ private String type; /** * @desc uuid of volume where the snapshot was created from */ private String volumeUuid; /** * @desc uuid of volume snapshot tree the snapshot belongs to */ private String treeUuid; /** * @desc parent snapshot uuid */ private String parentUuid; /** * @desc primary storage uuid if the snapshot is on primary storage. Could be null * @nullable */ private String primaryStorageUuid; /** * @desc path on primary storage if the snapshot is on primary storage. Could be null * @nullable */ private String primaryStorageInstallPath; /** * @desc type of volume where the snapshot was created. See type of :ref:`VolumeInventory` * @choices - Root * - Data */ private String volumeType; private String format; /** * @desc true if the snapshot is the last one of the snapshot branch, false if not * @choices - true * - false */ private Boolean latest; /** * @desc snapshot size in bytes */ private Long size; /** * @desc - Enabled: ok for operations * - Disabled: volume cannot revert to this snapshot * @choices - Enabled * - Disabled */ private String state; /** * @desc - Creating: the snapshot is being created from volume * - CreatingTemplate: a template is being created from the snapshot * - CreatingVolume: a volume is being created from the snapshot * - Ready: ok for operations * - BackingUp: the snapshot is being backed up to backup storage * - Deleting: the snapshot is being deleted * @choices - Creating * - CreatingTemplate * - CreatingVolume * - Ready * - BackingUp * - Deleting */ private String status; /** * @desc the time this resource gets created */ private Timestamp createDate; /** * @desc last time this resource gets operated */ private Timestamp lastOpDate; /** * @desc a list of :ref:`VolumeSnapshotBackupStorageRefInventory` representing information of the snapshot on backup storage */ @Queryable(mappingClass = VolumeSnapshotBackupStorageRefInventory.class, joinColumn = @JoinColumn(name = "volumeSnapshotUuid")) private List<VolumeSnapshotBackupStorageRefInventory> backupStorageRefs; public static VolumeSnapshotInventory valueOf(VolumeSnapshotVO vo) { VolumeSnapshotInventory inv = new VolumeSnapshotInventory(); inv.setName(vo.getName()); inv.setCreateDate(vo.getCreateDate()); inv.setDescription(vo.getDescription()); inv.setLastOpDate(vo.getLastOpDate()); inv.setParentUuid(vo.getParentUuid()); inv.setState(vo.getState().toString()); inv.setType(vo.getType()); inv.setVolumeUuid(vo.getVolumeUuid()); inv.setFormat(vo.getFormat()); inv.setUuid(vo.getUuid()); inv.setStatus(vo.getStatus().toString()); inv.setPrimaryStorageUuid(vo.getPrimaryStorageUuid()); inv.setPrimaryStorageInstallPath(vo.getPrimaryStorageInstallPath()); inv.setLatest(vo.isLatest()); inv.setSize(vo.getSize()); inv.setVolumeType(vo.getVolumeType()); inv.setTreeUuid(vo.getTreeUuid()); inv.setBackupStorageRefs(VolumeSnapshotBackupStorageRefInventory.valueOf(vo.getBackupStorageRefs())); return inv; } public static List<VolumeSnapshotInventory> valueOf(Collection<VolumeSnapshotVO> vos) { List<VolumeSnapshotInventory> invs = new ArrayList<VolumeSnapshotInventory>(); for (VolumeSnapshotVO vo : vos) { invs.add(VolumeSnapshotInventory.valueOf(vo)); } return invs; } public List<VolumeSnapshotBackupStorageRefInventory> getBackupStorageRefs() { return backupStorageRefs; } public boolean isOnBackupStorage(String backupStorageUuid) { for (VolumeSnapshotBackupStorageRefInventory ref : backupStorageRefs) { if (ref.getBackupStorageUuid().equals(backupStorageUuid)) { return true; } } return false; } public void setBackupStorageRefs(List<VolumeSnapshotBackupStorageRefInventory> backupStorageRefs) { this.backupStorageRefs = backupStorageRefs; } public String getFormat() { return format; } public void setFormat(String format) { this.format = format; } public String getTreeUuid() { return treeUuid; } public void setTreeUuid(String treeUuid) { this.treeUuid = treeUuid; } public String getUuid() { return uuid; } public void setUuid(String uuid) { this.uuid = uuid; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getVolumeUuid() { return volumeUuid; } public void setVolumeUuid(String volumeUuid) { this.volumeUuid = volumeUuid; } public String getParentUuid() { return parentUuid; } public void setParentUuid(String parentUuid) { this.parentUuid = parentUuid; } public String getState() { return state; } public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } public Timestamp getCreateDate() { return createDate; } public void setCreateDate(Timestamp createDate) { this.createDate = createDate; } public Timestamp getLastOpDate() { return lastOpDate; } public void setLastOpDate(Timestamp lastOpDate) { this.lastOpDate = lastOpDate; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } public String getPrimaryStorageUuid() { return primaryStorageUuid; } public void setPrimaryStorageUuid(String primaryStorageUuid) { this.primaryStorageUuid = primaryStorageUuid; } public String getPrimaryStorageInstallPath() { return primaryStorageInstallPath; } public void setPrimaryStorageInstallPath(String primaryStorageInstallPath) { this.primaryStorageInstallPath = primaryStorageInstallPath; } public long getSize() { return size; } public void setSize(long size) { this.size = size; } public String getVolumeType() { return volumeType; } public void setVolumeType(String volumeType) { this.volumeType = volumeType; } public boolean isLatest() { return latest; } public void setLatest(boolean latest) { this.latest = latest; } }