package org.zstack.header.cluster; import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod; import org.zstack.header.message.APIEvent; import org.zstack.header.message.APIMessage; import org.zstack.header.message.APIParam; import org.zstack.header.notification.ApiNotification; import; /** * @api change state of cluster. See field 'state' of :ref:`ClusterInventory` for details. * When changing cluster state, the states of descendant resources(hosts) are changed in cascade as well. * <p> * For example, putting a cluster into Disabled will change all hosts in this cluster into * Disabled state, however, you can enable a host without effecting cluster's state later. * Host state is not necessary to be the same with cluster state * @cli * @httpMsg { * "org.zstack.header.cluster.APIChangeClusterStateMsg": { * "session": { * "uuid": "056414ac9bac43998b974c1af1670bea" * }, * "uuid": "44e981a73c7d414a995d5894b086670a", * "stateEvent": "enable" * } * } * @msg { * "org.zstack.header.cluster.APIChangeClusterStateMsg": { * "uuid": "44e981a73c7d414a995d5894b086670a", * "stateEvent": "enable", * "session": { * "uuid": "056414ac9bac43998b974c1af1670bea" * }, * "timeout": 1800000, * "id": "1e886cf057944a54888d8f826edf2028", * "serviceId": "api.portal" * } * } * @result see :ref:`APIChangeClusterStateEvent` * @since 0.1.0 */ @RestRequest( path = "/clusters/{uuid}/actions", method = HttpMethod.PUT, isAction = true, responseClass = APIChangeClusterStateEvent.class ) public class APIChangeClusterStateMsg extends APIMessage implements ClusterMessage { /** * @desc cluster uuid */ @APIParam(resourceType = ClusterVO.class) private String uuid; /** * @desc - enable: enable cluster * - disable: disable cluster * <p> * see state in :ref:`ClusterInventory` for details * @choices - enable * - disable */ @APIParam(validValues = {"enable", "disable"}) private String stateEvent; public APIChangeClusterStateMsg() { } public APIChangeClusterStateMsg(String uuid, String stateEvent) { this.uuid = uuid; this.stateEvent = stateEvent; } public void setUuid(String clusterUuid) { this.uuid = clusterUuid; } public String getStateEvent() { return stateEvent; } public void setStateEvent(String stateEvent) { this.stateEvent = stateEvent; } public String getUuid() { return uuid; } @Override public String getClusterUuid() { return getUuid(); } public static APIChangeClusterStateMsg __example__() { APIChangeClusterStateMsg msg = new APIChangeClusterStateMsg(); msg.setUuid(uuid()); msg.setStateEvent("disable"); return msg; } public ApiNotification __notification__() { APIMessage that = this; return new ApiNotification() { @Override public void after(APIEvent evt) { ntfy("Changed the state to %s", ((APIChangeClusterStateEvent)evt).getInventory().getState()) .resource(uuid, ClusterVO.class.getSimpleName()) .messageAndEvent(that, evt).done(); } }; } }