package; import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod; import org.zstack.header.identity.Action; import org.zstack.header.message.APIEvent; import org.zstack.header.message.APIMessage; import org.zstack.header.message.APIParam; import org.zstack.header.notification.ApiNotification; import; /** * @api change l3Network state * @category l3Network * @cli * @httpMsg { * "": { * "uuid": "3424b7a643c348c795aaa8df59c5044f", * "stateEvent": "enable", * "session": { * "uuid": "6d0f7c288ae645458390b5f79ebbc012" * } * } * } * @msg { * "": { * "uuid": "3424b7a643c348c795aaa8df59c5044f", * "stateEvent": "enable", * "session": { * "uuid": "6d0f7c288ae645458390b5f79ebbc012" * }, * "timeout": 1800000, * "id": "551532e755484338a704bf5fba980a2d", * "serviceId": "api.portal" * } * } * @result see :ref:`APIChangeL3NetworkStateEvent` * @since 0.1.0 */ @Action(category = L3NetworkConstant.ACTION_CATEGORY) @RestRequest( path = "/l3-networks/{uuid}/actions", method = HttpMethod.PUT, responseClass = APIChangeL3NetworkStateEvent.class, isAction = true ) public class APIChangeL3NetworkStateMsg extends APIMessage implements L3NetworkMessage { /** * @desc l3Network uuid */ @APIParam(resourceType = L3NetworkVO.class, checkAccount = true, operationTarget = true) private String uuid; /** * @desc - enable: enable l3Network * - disable: disable l3Network * <p> * for details of state of l3Network, see state of :ref:`L3NetworkInventory` * @choices - enable * - disable */ @APIParam(validValues = {"enable", "disable"}) private String stateEvent; public String getUuid() { return uuid; } public void setUuid(String uuid) { this.uuid = uuid; } public String getStateEvent() { return stateEvent; } public void setStateEvent(String stateEvent) { this.stateEvent = stateEvent; } @Override public String getL3NetworkUuid() { return uuid; } public static APIChangeL3NetworkStateMsg __example__() { APIChangeL3NetworkStateMsg msg = new APIChangeL3NetworkStateMsg(); msg.setUuid(uuid()); msg.setStateEvent("enable"); return msg; } public ApiNotification __notification__() { APIMessage that = this; return new ApiNotification() { @Override public void after(APIEvent evt) { ntfy("Changed the state").resource(uuid, L3NetworkVO.class.getSimpleName()) .messageAndEvent(that, evt).done(); } }; } }