package; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowire; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Configurable; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.zstack.core.db.DatabaseFacade; import; import; import; import; import org.zstack.utils.DebugUtils; import org.zstack.utils.Utils; import org.zstack.utils.logging.CLogger; import javax.persistence.LockModeType; import javax.persistence.Tuple; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Created by frank on 1/23/2016. */ @Configurable(preConstruction = true, autowire = Autowire.BY_TYPE) public class LocalStorageCapacityRecalculator { private static final CLogger logger = Utils.getLogger(LocalStorageCapacityRecalculator.class); @Autowired private DatabaseFacade dbf; @Autowired private PrimaryStorageOverProvisioningManager ratioMgr; @Transactional public LocalStorageCapacityRecalculator calculateByHostUuids(String psUuid, List<String> huuids) { DebugUtils.Assert(!huuids.isEmpty(), "hostUuids cannot be empty"); Map<String, Long> hostCap = new HashMap<>(); // count volume String sql = "select sum(vol.size), ref.hostUuid" + " from VolumeVO vol, LocalStorageResourceRefVO ref" + " where vol.primaryStorageUuid = :psUuid" + " and vol.uuid = ref.resourceUuid" + " and ref.primaryStorageUuid = vol.primaryStorageUuid" + " and ref.hostUuid in (:huuids)" + " group by ref.hostUuid"; TypedQuery<Tuple> q = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, Tuple.class); q.setParameter("psUuid", psUuid); q.setParameter("huuids", huuids); List<Tuple> ts = q.getResultList(); for (Tuple t : ts) { if (t.get(0, Long.class) == null) { // no volume continue; } long cap = t.get(0, Long.class); String hostUuid = t.get(1, String.class); hostCap.put(hostUuid, ratioMgr.calculateByRatio(psUuid, cap)); } // count snapshot sql = "select sum(snapshot.size), ref.hostUuid" + " from VolumeSnapshotVO snapshot, LocalStorageResourceRefVO ref" + " where snapshot.primaryStorageUuid = :psUuid" + " and snapshot.uuid = ref.resourceUuid" + " and ref.primaryStorageUuid = snapshot.primaryStorageUuid" + " and ref.hostUuid in (:huuids)" + " group by ref.hostUuid"; TypedQuery<Tuple> snapshotTypeQuery = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, Tuple.class); snapshotTypeQuery.setParameter("psUuid", psUuid); snapshotTypeQuery.setParameter("huuids", huuids); List<Tuple> snapshotList = snapshotTypeQuery.getResultList(); for (Tuple t : snapshotList) { if (t.get(0, Long.class) == null) { // no snpashot continue; } long cap = t.get(0, Long.class); String huuid = t.get(1, String.class); Long ncap = hostCap.get(huuid); ncap = ncap == null ? cap : ncap + cap; hostCap.put(huuid, ncap); } // count imageCache for (String huuid : huuids) { // note: templates in image cache are physical size // do not calculate over provisioning for them sql = "select sum(i.size)" + " from ImageCacheVO i" + " where i.installUrl like :mark" + " and i.primaryStorageUuid = :psUuid" + " group by i.primaryStorageUuid"; TypedQuery<Long> iq = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, Long.class); iq.setParameter("psUuid", psUuid); iq.setParameter("mark", String.format("%%hostUuid://%s%%", huuid)); List<Long> is = iq.getResultList(); if (!is.isEmpty()) { Long isize = is.get(0); Long ncap = hostCap.get(huuid); ncap = ncap == null ? isize : ncap + isize; hostCap.put(huuid, ncap); } else { // if the host has no volume and image cache // set its used capacity to zero Long ncap = hostCap.get(huuid); ncap = ncap == null ? 0 : ncap; hostCap.put(huuid, ncap); } } for (Map.Entry<String, Long> e : hostCap.entrySet()) { String hostUuid = e.getKey(); long used = e.getValue(); String sqlLocalStorageHostRefVO = "select ref" + " from LocalStorageHostRefVO ref" + " where hostUuid = :hostUuid" + " and primaryStorageUuid = :primaryStorageUuid"; TypedQuery<LocalStorageHostRefVO> query = dbf.getEntityManager(). createQuery(sqlLocalStorageHostRefVO, LocalStorageHostRefVO.class); query.setParameter("hostUuid", hostUuid); query.setParameter("primaryStorageUuid", psUuid); LocalStorageHostRefVO ref; List<LocalStorageHostRefVO> localStorageHostRefVOS = query.setLockMode(LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE).getResultList(); if(localStorageHostRefVOS.size() > 0){ ref = localStorageHostRefVOS.get(0); }else{ break; } long old = ref.getAvailableCapacity(); long avail = ref.getTotalCapacity() - used - ref.getSystemUsedCapacity(); ref.setAvailableCapacity(avail); dbf.getEntityManager().merge(ref); logger.debug(String.format("re-calculated available capacity[before:%s, now: %s] of host[uuid:%s]" + " of the local storage[uuid:%s] with over-provisioning ratio[%s]", old, avail, hostUuid, psUuid, ratioMgr.getRatio(psUuid))); } return this; } @Transactional public LocalStorageCapacityRecalculator calculateByPrimaryStorageUuid(String psUuid) { String sql = "select ref.hostUuid" + " from LocalStorageHostRefVO ref" + " where ref.primaryStorageUuid = :psUuid"; TypedQuery<String> hq = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, String.class); hq.setParameter("psUuid", psUuid); List<String> huuids = hq.getResultList(); if (huuids != null && !huuids.isEmpty()) { calculateByHostUuids(psUuid, huuids); }else{ // when ps is detached, LocalStorageHostRefVO is empty, need reset ps capacity calculateTotalCapacity(psUuid); } return this; } @Transactional public LocalStorageCapacityRecalculator calculateTotalCapacity(String psUuid) { String sql = "select sum(ref.totalCapacity)," + " sum(ref.availableCapacity)," + " sum(ref.totalPhysicalCapacity)," + " sum(ref.availablePhysicalCapacity)" + " from LocalStorageHostRefVO ref" + " where ref.primaryStorageUuid = :psUuid"; TypedQuery<Tuple> q = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, Tuple.class); q.setParameter("psUuid", psUuid); Tuple ts = q.getSingleResult(); final long totalCapacity; final long availableCapacity; final long totalPhysicalCapacity; final long availablePhysicalCapacity; PrimaryStorageCapacityUpdater pupdater = new PrimaryStorageCapacityUpdater(psUuid); if (ts != null) { totalCapacity = ts.get(0) == null ? 0 : ts.get(0, Long.class); availableCapacity = ts.get(1) == null ? 0 : ts.get(1, Long.class); totalPhysicalCapacity = ts.get(2) == null ? 0 : ts.get(2, Long.class); availablePhysicalCapacity = ts.get(3) == null ? 0 : ts.get(3, Long.class); } else { totalCapacity = 0; availableCapacity = 0; totalPhysicalCapacity = 0; availablePhysicalCapacity = 0; } PrimaryStorageCapacityUpdaterRunnable() { @Override public PrimaryStorageCapacityVO call(PrimaryStorageCapacityVO cap) { cap.setTotalCapacity(totalCapacity); cap.setAvailableCapacity(availableCapacity); cap.setTotalPhysicalCapacity(totalPhysicalCapacity); cap.setAvailablePhysicalCapacity(availablePhysicalCapacity); return cap; } }); return this; } }