package; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils; import org.zstack.core.Platform; import org.zstack.core.errorcode.ErrorFacade; import org.zstack.core.keyvalue.Op; import org.zstack.header.apimediator.ApiMessageInterceptionException; import org.zstack.header.errorcode.ErrorCode; import org.zstack.header.errorcode.OperationFailureException; import org.zstack.header.errorcode.SysErrors; import org.zstack.header.exception.CloudRuntimeException; import static org.zstack.core.Platform.argerr; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static org.zstack.utils.CollectionDSL.list; /** * Created by frank on 7/27/2015. */ public class MonUri { private String hostname; private int monPort = 6789; private String sshUsername; private String sshPassword; private int sshPort = 22; private static List<String> allowedQueryParameter; static { allowedQueryParameter = list("monPort"); } public static void checkQuery(URI uri) { List<NameValuePair> params = URLEncodedUtils.parse(uri, "UTF-8"); for (NameValuePair p : params) { if (!allowedQueryParameter.contains(p.getName())) { throw new CloudRuntimeException(String.format("unknown parameter[%s]", p.getName())); } } } public static String getQueryValue(URI uri, String name) { List<NameValuePair> params = URLEncodedUtils.parse(uri, "UTF-8"); for (NameValuePair p : params) { if (!allowedQueryParameter.contains(p.getName())) { throw new CloudRuntimeException(String.format("unknown parameter[%s]", p.getName())); } if (p.getName().equals(name)) { return p.getValue(); } } return null; } private static final String MON_URL_FORMAT = "sshUsername:sshPassword@hostname:[sshPort]/?[monPort=]"; private ErrorCode errorCode(String err) { return argerr(err); } public MonUri(String url) { try { int at = url.lastIndexOf("@"); if (at == -1) { throw new OperationFailureException(errorCode(String.format("invalid monUrl[%s], the sshUsername:sshPassword part is invalid. A valid monUrl is" + " in format of %s", url, MON_URL_FORMAT))); } String userInfo = url.substring(0, at); if (!userInfo.contains(":")) { throw new OperationFailureException(errorCode(String.format("invalid monUrl[%s], the sshUsername:sshPassword part is invalid. A valid monUrl is" + " in format of %s", url, MON_URL_FORMAT))); } String rest = url.substring(at+1, url.length()); String[] ssh = userInfo.split(":"); sshUsername = ssh[0]; sshPassword = ssh[1]; URI uri = new URI(String.format("ssh://%s", rest)); hostname = uri.getHost(); if (hostname == null) { throw new OperationFailureException(errorCode( String.format("invalid monUrl[%s], hostname cannot be null. A valid monUrl is" + " in format of %s", url, MON_URL_FORMAT) )); } sshPort = uri.getPort() == -1 ? sshPort : uri.getPort(); if (sshPort < 1 || sshPort > 65535) { throw new OperationFailureException(errorCode( String.format("invalid monUrl[%s], the ssh port is greater than 65535 or smaller than 1. A valid monUrl is" + " in format of %s", url, MON_URL_FORMAT) )); } String v = getQueryValue(uri, CephConstants.MON_PARAM_MON_PORT); monPort = v == null ? monPort : Integer.valueOf(v); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new CloudRuntimeException(e); } } public int getSshPort() { return sshPort; } public void setSshPort(int sshPort) { this.sshPort = sshPort; } public int getMonPort() { return monPort; } public void setMonPort(int monPort) { this.monPort = monPort; } public String getHostname() { return hostname; } public void setHostname(String hostname) { this.hostname = hostname; } public String getSshUsername() { return sshUsername; } public void setSshUsername(String sshUsername) { this.sshUsername = sshUsername; } public String getSshPassword() { return sshPassword; } public void setSshPassword(String sshPassword) { this.sshPassword = sshPassword; } }