package; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.zstack.core.cloudbus.CloudBus; import org.zstack.core.db.DatabaseFacade; import org.zstack.core.db.SimpleQuery; import org.zstack.core.db.SimpleQuery.Op; import org.zstack.core.errorcode.ErrorFacade; import org.zstack.header.apimediator.ApiMessageInterceptionException; import org.zstack.header.apimediator.ApiMessageInterceptor; import org.zstack.header.apimediator.StopRoutingException; import org.zstack.header.errorcode.SysErrors; import org.zstack.header.message.APIMessage; import org.zstack.header.vm.VmNicVO; import org.zstack.header.vm.VmNicVO_; import; import; import static org.zstack.core.Platform.argerr; import static org.zstack.core.Platform.operr; import javax.persistence.Tuple; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; /** */ public class EipApiInterceptor implements ApiMessageInterceptor { @Autowired private DatabaseFacade dbf; @Autowired private ErrorFacade errf; @Autowired private CloudBus bus; private void setServiceId(APIMessage msg) { if (msg instanceof EipMessage) { EipMessage emsg = (EipMessage) msg; bus.makeTargetServiceIdByResourceUuid(msg, EipConstant.SERVICE_ID, emsg.getEipUuid()); } } @Override public APIMessage intercept(APIMessage msg) throws ApiMessageInterceptionException { if (msg instanceof APICreateEipMsg) { validate((APICreateEipMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APIDeleteEipMsg) { validate((APIDeleteEipMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APIDetachEipMsg) { validate((APIDetachEipMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APIAttachEipMsg) { validate((APIAttachEipMsg) msg); } else if (msg instanceof APIGetEipAttachableVmNicsMsg) { validate((APIGetEipAttachableVmNicsMsg) msg); } setServiceId(msg); return msg; } private void validate(APIGetEipAttachableVmNicsMsg msg) { if (msg.getVipUuid() == null && msg.getEipUuid() == null) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("either eipUuid or vipUuid must be set")); } if (msg.getEipUuid() != null) { SimpleQuery<EipVO> q = dbf.createQuery(EipVO.class);, EipVO_.vmNicUuid); q.add(EipVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getEipUuid()); Tuple t = q.findTuple(); EipState state = t.get(0, EipState.class); if (state != EipState.Enabled) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("eip[uuid:%s] is not in state of Enabled, cannot get attachable vm nic", msg.getEipUuid())); } String vmNicUuid = t.get(1, String.class); if (vmNicUuid != null) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("eip[uuid:%s] has attached to vm nic[uuid:%s], cannot get attachable vm nic", msg.getEipUuid(), vmNicUuid)); } } } private void validate(final APIAttachEipMsg msg) { SimpleQuery<EipVO> q = dbf.createQuery(EipVO.class);, EipVO_.vmNicUuid, EipVO_.vipIp); q.add(EipVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getEipUuid()); Tuple t = q.findTuple(); String vmNicUuid = t.get(1, String.class); if (vmNicUuid != null) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("eip[uuid:%s] has attached to another vm nic[uuid:%s], can't attach again", msg.getEipUuid(), vmNicUuid)); } EipState state = t.get(0, EipState.class); if (state != EipState.Enabled) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("eip[uuid: %s] can only be attached when state is %s, current state is %s", msg.getEipUuid(), EipState.Enabled, state)); } String vipIp = t.get(2, String.class); isVipInVmNicSubnet(vipIp, msg.getVmNicUuid()); VipVO vip = new Callable<VipVO>() { @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public VipVO call() { String sql = "select vip" + " from VipVO vip, EipVO eip" + " where vip.uuid = eip.vipUuid" + " and eip.uuid = :eipUuid"; TypedQuery<VipVO> q = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, VipVO.class); q.setParameter("eipUuid", msg.getEipUuid()); return q.getSingleResult(); } }.call(); VmNicVO nic = dbf.findByUuid(msg.getVmNicUuid(), VmNicVO.class); if (nic.getL3NetworkUuid().equals(vip.getL3NetworkUuid())) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("guest l3Network of vm nic[uuid:%s] and vip l3Network of EIP[uuid:%s] are the same network", msg.getVmNicUuid(), msg.getEipUuid())); } // check if the vm already has a network where the vip comes checkIfVmAlreadyHasVipNetwork(nic.getVmInstanceUuid(), vip); } private void validate(APIDetachEipMsg msg) { SimpleQuery<EipVO> q = dbf.createQuery(EipVO.class);; q.add(EipVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getUuid()); String vmNicUuid = q.findValue(); if (vmNicUuid == null) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("eip[uuid:%s] has not attached to any vm nic", msg.getUuid())); } } private void validate(APIDeleteEipMsg msg) { if (!dbf.isExist(msg.getUuid(), EipVO.class)) { APIDeleteEipEvent evt = new APIDeleteEipEvent(msg.getId()); bus.publish(evt); throw new StopRoutingException(); } } private void isVipInVmNicSubnet(String eipIp, String vmNicUuid) { SimpleQuery<VmNicVO> q = dbf.createQuery(VmNicVO.class);, VmNicVO_.netmask); q.add(VmNicVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, vmNicUuid); Tuple t = q.findTuple(); String gw = t.get(0, String.class); String netmask = t.get(1, String.class); SubnetUtils sub = new SubnetUtils(gw, netmask); if (sub.getInfo().isInRange(eipIp)) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("overlap public and private subnets. The subnet of EIP[%s] is an overlap with the subnet[%s/%s]" + " of the VM nic[uuid:%s].", eipIp, gw, netmask, vmNicUuid)); } } @Transactional(readOnly = true) private void checkIfVmAlreadyHasVipNetwork(String vmUuid, VipVO vip) { String sql = "select count(*) from VmNicVO nic, VmInstanceVO vm where nic.vmInstanceUuid = vm.uuid" + " and vm.uuid = :vmUuid and nic.l3NetworkUuid = :vipL3Uuid"; TypedQuery<Long> q = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, Long.class); q.setParameter("vmUuid", vmUuid); q.setParameter("vipL3Uuid", vip.getL3NetworkUuid()); Long c = q.getSingleResult(); if (c > 0) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("the vm[uuid:%s] that the EIP is about to attach is already on the public network[uuid:%s] from which" + " the vip[uuid:%s, name:%s, ip:%s] comes", vmUuid, vip.getL3NetworkUuid(), vip.getUuid(), vip.getName(), vip.getIp())); } } private void validate(APICreateEipMsg msg) { VipVO vip = dbf.findByUuid(msg.getVipUuid(), VipVO.class); if (vip.getUseFor() != null) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("vip[uuid:%s] has been occupied other network service entity[%s]", msg.getVipUuid(), vip.getUseFor())); } if (vip.getState() != VipState.Enabled) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(operr("vip[uuid:%s] is not in state[%s], current state is %s", msg.getVipUuid(), VipState.Enabled, vip.getState())); } if (msg.getVmNicUuid() != null) { isVipInVmNicSubnet(vip.getIp(), msg.getVmNicUuid()); SimpleQuery<VmNicVO> nicq = dbf.createQuery(VmNicVO.class); nicq.add(VmNicVO_.uuid, Op.EQ, msg.getVmNicUuid()); VmNicVO nic = nicq.find(); if (nic.getL3NetworkUuid().equals(vip.getL3NetworkUuid())) { throw new ApiMessageInterceptionException(argerr("guest l3Network of vm nic[uuid:%s] and vip l3Network of vip[uuid: %s] are the same network", msg.getVmNicUuid(), msg.getVipUuid())); } // check if the vm already has a network where the vip comes checkIfVmAlreadyHasVipNetwork(nic.getVmInstanceUuid(), vip); } } }