package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowire; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Configurable; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.zstack.core.db.DatabaseFacade; import org.zstack.core.errorcode.ErrorFacade; import org.zstack.header.core.workflow.FlowTrigger; import org.zstack.header.core.workflow.NoRollbackFlow; import org.zstack.header.errorcode.OperationFailureException; import; import; import*; import; import; import org.zstack.utils.Utils; import org.zstack.utils.logging.CLogger; import static org.zstack.core.Platform.operr; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import java.util.*; import; /** * Created by frank on 7/1/2015. */ @Configurable(preConstruction = true, autowire = Autowire.BY_TYPE) public class LocalStorageMainAllocatorFlow extends NoRollbackFlow { private static final CLogger logger = Utils.getLogger(LocalStorageMainAllocatorFlow.class); @Autowired protected DatabaseFacade dbf; @Autowired protected ErrorFacade errf; @Autowired protected PrimaryStorageOverProvisioningManager ratioMgr; @Autowired protected PrimaryStoragePhysicalCapacityManager physicalCapacityMgr; private class Result { List<PrimaryStorageVO> result; String error; } @Transactional(readOnly = true) private Result allocate(Map data) { PrimaryStorageAllocationSpec spec = (PrimaryStorageAllocationSpec) data.get(AllocatorParams.SPEC); TypedQuery<LocalStorageHostRefVO> query; String errorInfo; if (spec.getRequiredPrimaryStorageUuid() != null) { String sql = "select ref" + " from PrimaryStorageVO pri, LocalStorageHostRefVO ref, HostVO host" + " where ref.primaryStorageUuid = pri.uuid" + " and pri.state = :state" + " and pri.status = :status" + " and pri.uuid = :uuid" + " and host.uuid = ref.hostUuid" + " and host.state = :hstate" + " and host.status = :hstatus" + " and pri.type = :ptype"; query = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, LocalStorageHostRefVO.class); query.setParameter("state", PrimaryStorageState.Enabled); query.setParameter("status", PrimaryStorageStatus.Connected); query.setParameter("uuid", spec.getRequiredPrimaryStorageUuid()); query.setParameter("hstate", HostState.Enabled); query.setParameter("hstatus", HostStatus.Connected); query.setParameter("ptype", LocalStorageConstants.LOCAL_STORAGE_TYPE); errorInfo = String.format("required local primary storage[uuid:%s] cannot satisfy conditions[state: %s, status: %s]," + " or hosts providing the primary storage don't satisfy conditions[state: %s, status: %s, size > %s bytes]", spec.getRequiredPrimaryStorageUuid(), PrimaryStorageState.Enabled, PrimaryStorageStatus.Connected, HostState.Enabled, HostStatus.Connected, spec.getSize()); } else if (spec.getRequiredHostUuid() != null) { String sql = "select lref" + " from PrimaryStorageVO pri, PrimaryStorageClusterRefVO pref, HostVO host, LocalStorageHostRefVO lref" + " where pri.uuid = pref.primaryStorageUuid" + " and lref.primaryStorageUuid = pri.uuid" + " and host.uuid = :huuid" + " and host.uuid = lref.hostUuid" + " and host.clusterUuid = pref.clusterUuid" + " and pri.state = :pstate" + " and pri.status = :pstatus" + " and host.state = :hstate" + " and host.status = :hstatus" + " and pri.type = :ptype"; query = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, LocalStorageHostRefVO.class); query.setParameter("huuid", spec.getRequiredHostUuid()); query.setParameter("pstate", PrimaryStorageState.Enabled); query.setParameter("pstatus", PrimaryStorageStatus.Connected); query.setParameter("hstate", HostState.Enabled); query.setParameter("hstatus", HostStatus.Connected); query.setParameter("ptype", LocalStorageConstants.LOCAL_STORAGE_TYPE); errorInfo = String.format("the required host[uuid:%s] cannot satisfy conditions[state: %s, status: %s, size > %s bytes]," + " or doesn't belong to a local primary storage satisfying conditions[state: %s, status: %s]," + " or its cluster doesn't attach to any local primary storage", spec.getRequiredHostUuid(), HostState.Enabled, HostStatus.Connected, spec.getSize(), PrimaryStorageState.Enabled, PrimaryStorageStatus.Connected); } else if (spec.getRequiredZoneUuid() != null) { String sql = "select ref" + " from PrimaryStorageVO pri, LocalStorageHostRefVO ref, HostVO host" + " where pri.uuid = ref.primaryStorageUuid" + " and pri.state = :pstate" + " and pri.status = :pstatus" + " and pri.zoneUuid = :zoneUuid" + " and pri.type = :ptype" + " and host.uuid = ref.hostUuid" + " and host.state = :hstate" + " and host.status = :hstatus"; query = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, LocalStorageHostRefVO.class); query.setParameter("pstate", PrimaryStorageState.Enabled); query.setParameter("pstatus", PrimaryStorageStatus.Connected); query.setParameter("zoneUuid", spec.getRequiredZoneUuid()); query.setParameter("hstate", HostState.Enabled); query.setParameter("hstatus", HostStatus.Connected); query.setParameter("ptype", LocalStorageConstants.LOCAL_STORAGE_TYPE); errorInfo = String.format("no local primary storage in zone[uuid:%s] can satisfy conditions[state: %s, status: %s]" + " or contain hosts satisfying conditions[state: %s, status: %s, size > %s bytes]", spec.getRequiredZoneUuid(), PrimaryStorageState.Enabled, PrimaryStorageStatus.Connected, HostState.Enabled, HostStatus.Connected, spec.getSize()); } else { String sql = "select ref" + " from PrimaryStorageVO pri, LocalStorageHostRefVO ref, HostVO host" + " where pri.uuid = ref.primaryStorageUuid" + " and host.uuid = ref.hostUuid" + " and pri.state = :pstate" + " and pri.status = :pstatus" + " and host.state = :hstate" + " and host.status = :hstatus" + " and pri.type = :ptype"; query = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, LocalStorageHostRefVO.class); query.setParameter("pstate", PrimaryStorageState.Enabled); query.setParameter("pstatus", PrimaryStorageStatus.Connected); query.setParameter("hstate", HostState.Enabled); query.setParameter("hstatus", HostStatus.Connected); query.setParameter("ptype", LocalStorageConstants.LOCAL_STORAGE_TYPE); errorInfo = String.format("no local primary storage can satisfy conditions[state: %s, status: %s]" + " or contain hosts satisfying conditions[state: %s, status: %s, size > %s bytes]", PrimaryStorageState.Enabled, PrimaryStorageStatus.Connected, HostState.Enabled, HostStatus.Connected, spec.getSize()); } List<LocalStorageHostRefVO> refs = query.getResultList(); List<LocalStorageHostRefVO> candidateHosts = new ArrayList<>(); for (LocalStorageHostRefVO ref : refs) { if (spec.isNoOverProvisioning()) { if (ref.getAvailableCapacity() > spec.getSize()) { candidateHosts.add(ref); } } else { if (ratioMgr.calculatePrimaryStorageAvailableCapacityByRatio(ref.getPrimaryStorageUuid(), ref.getAvailableCapacity()) > spec.getSize()) { candidateHosts.add(ref); } } } if (!candidateHosts.isEmpty()) { Iterator<LocalStorageHostRefVO> it = candidateHosts.iterator(); List<String> err = new ArrayList<>(); while (it.hasNext()) { LocalStorageHostRefVO ref =; if (!physicalCapacityMgr.checkCapacityByRatio(ref.getPrimaryStorageUuid(), ref.getTotalPhysicalCapacity(), ref.getAvailablePhysicalCapacity())) { err.add(String.format("{the physical capacity usage of the host[uuid:%s] has exceeded the threshold[%s]}", ref.getHostUuid(), physicalCapacityMgr.getRatio(ref.getPrimaryStorageUuid()))); it.remove(); } } if (candidateHosts.isEmpty()) { errorInfo = StringUtils.join(err, ","); } } Set<String> candidates = new HashSet<>(); if (!candidateHosts.isEmpty()) { if (PrimaryStorageAllocationPurpose.CreateNewVm.toString().equals(spec.getPurpose())) { candidates.addAll(considerImageCache(spec, candidateHosts)); } else { candidates.addAll( .map(LocalStorageHostRefVO::getPrimaryStorageUuid) .collect(Collectors.toList()) ); } } List<PrimaryStorageVO> res; if (candidates.isEmpty()) { res = new ArrayList<>(); } else { String sql = "select ps from PrimaryStorageVO ps where ps.uuid in (:psUuids)"; TypedQuery<PrimaryStorageVO> q = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, PrimaryStorageVO.class); q.setParameter("psUuids", candidates); res = q.getResultList(); } if (spec.getRequiredPrimaryStorageTypes() != null && !spec.getRequiredPrimaryStorageTypes().isEmpty()) { Iterator<PrimaryStorageVO> it = res.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PrimaryStorageVO psvo =; if (!spec.getRequiredPrimaryStorageTypes().contains(psvo.getType())) { logger.debug(String.format("the primary storage[name:%s, uuid:%s, type:%s] is not in required primary storage types[%s]," + " remove it", psvo.getName(), psvo.getUuid(), psvo.getType(), spec.getRequiredPrimaryStorageTypes())); it.remove(); } } } Result ret = new Result(); ret.error = errorInfo; ret.result = res; return ret; } private Collection<? extends String> considerImageCache(PrimaryStorageAllocationSpec spec, List<LocalStorageHostRefVO> candidateHosts) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<>(); String sql = "select i.size from ImageVO i where i.uuid = :uuid"; TypedQuery<Long> sq = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, Long.class); sq.setParameter("uuid", spec.getImageUuid()); long imageSize = sq.getSingleResult(); for (LocalStorageHostRefVO ref : candidateHosts) { sql = "select count(i) from ImageCacheVO i where i.installUrl like :mark and i.primaryStorageUuid in (:psUuids)"; TypedQuery<Long> iq = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, Long.class); iq.setParameter("psUuids", ref.getPrimaryStorageUuid()); iq.setParameter("mark", String.format("%%hostUuid://%s%%", ref.getHostUuid())); iq.setMaxResults(1); long count = iq.getSingleResult(); if (count > 0) { // the host has the image in cache ret.add(ref.getPrimaryStorageUuid()); } else { // the host doesn't has the image in cache // we need to add the image size; if (spec.isNoOverProvisioning()) { if (ref.getAvailableCapacity() > spec.getSize() + imageSize) { ret.add(ref.getPrimaryStorageUuid()); } } else { if (ref.getAvailableCapacity() > ratioMgr.calculateByRatio(ref.getPrimaryStorageUuid(), spec.getSize()) + imageSize) { ret.add(ref.getPrimaryStorageUuid()); } } } } return ret; } @Override public void run(FlowTrigger trigger, Map data) { Result ret = allocate(data); if (ret.result.isEmpty()) { throw new OperationFailureException(operr(ret.error)); } data.put(AllocatorParams.CANDIDATES, ret.result);; } }