package org.zstack.header.cluster; import org.zstack.header.configuration.PythonClassInventory; import; import; import org.zstack.header.query.ExpandedQueries; import org.zstack.header.query.ExpandedQuery; import org.zstack.header.query.ExpandedQueryAlias; import org.zstack.header.query.ExpandedQueryAliases; import; import; import org.zstack.header.vm.VmInstanceInventory; import; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * @inventory inventory for cluster * @example { * "inventory": { * "createDate": "Apr 28, 2014 5:54:09 PM", * "description": "test", * "hypervisorType": "KVM", * "lastOpDate": "Apr 28, 2014 5:54:09 PM", * "name": "cluster1", * "state": "Enabled", * "type": "zstack", * "uuid": "c1bd173d5cd84f0e9e7c47195ae27ec6", * "zoneUuid": "1b830f5bd1cb469b821b4b77babfdd6f" * } * } * @since 0.1.0 */ @Inventory(mappingVOClass = ClusterVO.class) @PythonClassInventory @ExpandedQueries({ @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "zone", inventoryClass = ZoneInventory.class, foreignKey = "zoneUuid", expandedInventoryKey = "uuid"), @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "host", inventoryClass = HostInventory.class, foreignKey = "uuid", expandedInventoryKey = "clusterUuid"), @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "vmInstance", inventoryClass = VmInstanceInventory.class, foreignKey = "uuid", expandedInventoryKey = "clusterUuid"), @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "l2NetworkRef", inventoryClass = L2NetworkClusterRefInventory.class, foreignKey = "uuid", expandedInventoryKey = "clusterUuid", hidden = true), @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "l2VlanNetworkRef", inventoryClass = L2NetworkClusterRefInventory.class, foreignKey = "uuid", expandedInventoryKey = "clusterUuid", hidden = true), @ExpandedQuery(expandedField = "primaryStorageRef", inventoryClass = PrimaryStorageClusterRefInventory.class, foreignKey = "uuid", expandedInventoryKey = "clusterUuid", hidden = true), }) @ExpandedQueryAliases({ @ExpandedQueryAlias(alias = "l2Network", expandedField = "l2NetworkRef.l2Network"), @ExpandedQueryAlias(alias = "l2VlanNetwork", expandedField = "l2VlanNetworkRef.l2Network"), @ExpandedQueryAlias(alias = "primaryStorage", expandedField = "primaryStorageRef.primaryStorage"), }) public class ClusterInventory implements Serializable { /** * @desc max length of 255 characters */ private String name; /** * @desc cluster uuid */ private String uuid; /** * @desc max length of 2048 characters * @nullable */ private String description; /** * @desc when state is Disabled, no vm can be created, unless child resource host has different state Enabled * @choices - Enabled * - Disabled */ private String state; /** * @desc hypervisor type of hosts in cluster. All hosts in the same cluster must have the same hypervisor type. * Now only kvm has been supported * @choices KVM */ private String hypervisorType; /** * @desc the time this resource gets created */ private Timestamp createDate; /** * @desc last time this resource gets operated */ private Timestamp lastOpDate; /** * @desc zone uuid this cluster belongs to. For zone (see :ref:`ZoneInventory`) */ private String zoneUuid; /** * @desc for now, the only type is 'zstack'. This field is reserved for future extension */ private String type; public static ClusterInventory valueOf(ClusterVO vo) { ClusterInventory inv = new ClusterInventory(); inv.setName(vo.getName()); inv.setDescription(vo.getDescription()); inv.setUuid(vo.getUuid()); inv.setState(vo.getState().toString()); inv.setCreateDate(vo.getCreateDate()); inv.setHypervisorType(vo.getHypervisorType()); inv.setZoneUuid(vo.getZoneUuid()); inv.setType(vo.getType()); inv.setLastOpDate(vo.getLastOpDate()); return inv; } public static List<ClusterInventory> valueOf(Collection<ClusterVO> vos) { List<ClusterInventory> invs = new ArrayList<ClusterInventory>(vos.size()); for (ClusterVO vo : vos) { invs.add(ClusterInventory.valueOf(vo)); } return invs; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getUuid() { return uuid; } public void setUuid(String uuid) { this.uuid = uuid; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public String getState() { return state; } public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } public String getHypervisorType() { return hypervisorType; } public void setHypervisorType(String hypervisorType) { this.hypervisorType = hypervisorType; } public String getZoneUuid() { return zoneUuid; } public void setZoneUuid(String zoneUuid) { this.zoneUuid = zoneUuid; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public Timestamp getCreateDate() { return createDate; } public void setCreateDate(Timestamp createDate) { this.createDate = createDate; } public Timestamp getLastOpDate() { return lastOpDate; } public void setLastOpDate(Timestamp lastOpDate) { this.lastOpDate = lastOpDate; } }