package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.Language; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * @author Shilad Sen */ public class KnownMostSim { private final Language language; private final String phrase; private final int pageId; private final List<KnownSim> mostSimilar; /** * Creates a new KnownMostSim without a similarity threshold (i.e. keeps everything). * @see #KnownMostSim(java.util.List, double) * @param mostSim */ public KnownMostSim(List<KnownSim> mostSim) { this(mostSim, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); } /** * Creates a new KnownMostSim from a list of KnownSims. * * Each KnownSim's phrase1 and language must be identical. * If the list has duplicate phrase2, they will be merged into a single KnownSim with the mean similarity score. * All (postmerged) KnownSims with similarity less than threshold will be removed. * The final list is sorted in reverse order of similarity. * * @param mostSim */ public KnownMostSim(List<KnownSim> mostSim, double threshold) { if (mostSim.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } // set and check the phrase and language phrase = mostSim.get(0).phrase1; language = mostSim.get(0).language; for (KnownSim ks : mostSim) { if (!ks.phrase1.equals(phrase)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected phrase " + phrase + ", received " + ks.phrase1); } if (!ks.language.equals(language)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected phrase " + language + ", received " + ks.language); } } // set the most common local page id int maxIdCount = 0; int maxId = -1; TIntIntMap idCounts = new TIntIntHashMap(); for (KnownSim ks : mostSim) { if (ks.wpId1 >= 0) { int n = idCounts.adjustOrPutValue(ks.wpId1, 1, 1); if (n > maxIdCount) { maxIdCount = n; maxId = ks.wpId1; } } } this.pageId = maxId; // Set the mean scores for other phrases TObjectIntMap<String> ids = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(); TObjectIntMap<String> counts = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(); TObjectDoubleMap<String> sums = new TObjectDoubleHashMap<String>(); this.mostSimilar = new ArrayList<KnownSim>(); for (KnownSim ks : mostSim) { ids.put(ks.phrase2, ks.wpId2); counts.adjustOrPutValue(ks.phrase2, 1, 1); sums.adjustOrPutValue(ks.phrase2, ks.similarity, ks.similarity); } for (String phrase2 : counts.keySet()) { double mean = sums.get(phrase2) / counts.get(phrase2); if (mean >= threshold) { mostSimilar.add(new KnownSim(phrase, phrase2, pageId, ids.get(phrase2), mean, language)); } } Collections.sort(this.mostSimilar); Collections.reverse(this.mostSimilar); } public KnownMostSim getAboveThreshold(double threshold) { return new KnownMostSim(mostSimilar, threshold); } public Language getLanguage() { return language; } public List<KnownSim> getMostSimilar() { return mostSimilar; } public String getPhrase() { return phrase; } public int getPageId() { return pageId; } }