package org.wikibrain.spatial.cookbook.tflevaluate; import; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point; import org.geotools.referencing.GeodeticCalculator; import org.wikibrain.conf.ConfigurationException; import org.wikibrain.conf.Configurator; import org.wikibrain.core.WikiBrainException; import org.wikibrain.core.cmd.Env; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.DaoException; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.LocalPageDao; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.UniversalPageDao; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.Language; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.LanguageSet; import org.wikibrain.core.model.Title; import org.wikibrain.core.model.UniversalPage; import org.wikibrain.spatial.dao.SpatialDataDao; import; import; import org.wikibrain.utils.ParallelForEach; import org.wikibrain.utils.Procedure; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * */ public class ToblersLawEvaluator { private static int WIKIDATA_CONCEPTS = 1; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ToblersLawEvaluator.class); private Random random = new Random(); private final SpatialDataDao sdDao; private final LocalPageDao lpDao; private final UniversalPageDao upDao; private final List<Language> langs; private final Map<Language, SRMetric> metrics; private final List<UniversalPage> concepts = new ArrayList<UniversalPage>(); private final Map<Integer, Point> locations = new HashMap<Integer, Point>(); private final Env env; private CSVWriter output; public ToblersLawEvaluator(Env env, LanguageSet languages) throws ConfigurationException { this.env = env; //this.langs = new ArrayList<Language>(env.getLanguages().getLanguages()); langs = new ArrayList<Language>(); for(Language lang : languages.getLanguages()) langs.add(lang); // Get data access objects Configurator c = env.getConfigurator(); this.sdDao = c.get(SpatialDataDao.class); this.lpDao = c.get(LocalPageDao.class); this.upDao = c.get(UniversalPageDao.class); // build SR metrics this.metrics = new HashMap<Language, SRMetric>(); for(Language lang : langs){ SRMetric m = c.get(SRMetric.class, "ensemble", "language", lang.getLangCode()); metrics.put(lang, m); } } /** * Load all locations from all language editions of Wikipedia to concepts * * @throws DaoException */ public void retrieveAllLocations() throws DaoException { // Get all known concept geometries Map<Integer, Geometry> geometries = sdDao.getAllGeometriesInLayer("wikidata", "earth");"Found %d total geometries, now loading geometries", geometries.size())); // Build up list of concepts in all languages for (Integer conceptId : geometries.keySet()){ UniversalPage concept = upDao.getById(conceptId); if (concept != null && concept.hasAllLanguages(new LanguageSet(langs))) { concepts.add(concept); Geometry g1 = geometries.get(conceptId); locations.put(conceptId, g1.getCentroid()); if (concepts.size() % 1000 == 0) {"Loaded %d geometries with articles in %s...", concepts.size(), langs)); } } }"Found %d geometries with articles in %s", concepts.size(), langs)); } /** * Load specified tagged geometries to concepts * @param geometries * @throws DaoException */ public void retrieveLocations(Map<Integer, Geometry> geometries) throws DaoException {"Found %d total geometries, now loading geometries", geometries.size())); // Build up list of concepts in all languages for (Integer conceptId : geometries.keySet()){ UniversalPage concept = upDao.getById(conceptId); if (concept != null && concept.hasAllLanguages(new LanguageSet(langs))) { concepts.add(concept); Geometry g1 = geometries.get(conceptId); locations.put(conceptId, g1.getCentroid()); if (concepts.size() % 1000 == 0) {"Loaded %d geometries with articles in %s...", concepts.size(), langs)); } } }"Finish loading %d geometries with articles in %s", concepts.size(), langs)); } /** * Evaluate a specified number of random pairs from loaded concepts * @param outputPath * @param numSamples * @throws IOException */ public void evaluateSample(File outputPath, int numSamples) throws IOException { this.output = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(outputPath), ','); writeHeader(); if(concepts.size() == 0) LOG.warn("No concept has been retrieved"); ParallelForEach.range(0, numSamples, new Procedure<Integer>() { @Override public void call(Integer i) throws Exception { evaluateOneSample(); } }); this.output.close(); } private void evaluateOneSample() throws DaoException, WikiBrainException, IOException { UniversalPage c1 = concepts.get(random.nextInt(concepts.size())); UniversalPage c2 = concepts.get(random.nextInt(concepts.size())); List<SRResult> results = new ArrayList<SRResult>(); for (Language lang : langs) { SRMetric sr = metrics.get(lang); results.add(sr.similarity(c1.getLocalId(lang), c2.getLocalId(lang), false)); } writeRow(c1, c2, results); } /** * Evaluate all pairs from loaded concepts * @param outputPath * @throws IOException * @throws DaoException * @throws WikiBrainException */ public void evaluateAll(File outputPath) throws IOException, DaoException, WikiBrainException { this.output = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(outputPath), ','); writeHeader(); if(concepts.size() == 0) LOG.warn("No cocept has been retrieved"); int counter = 0; int total_size = concepts.size() * concepts.size(); for(UniversalPage c1: concepts){ for(UniversalPage c2: concepts){ counter ++; if(counter % 1000 == 0)"Evaluating %d out of %d pairs", counter, total_size)); if(c1.equals(c2)) continue; List<SRResult> results = new ArrayList<SRResult>(); for (Language lang : langs) { SRMetric sr = metrics.get(lang); results.add(sr.similarity(c1.getLocalId(lang), c2.getLocalId(lang), false)); } writeRow(c1, c2, results); } } this.output.close(); } /** * * @return A list of parsed concepts */ public List<UniversalPage> getParsedConcepts(){ return concepts; } /** * Evaluate all pairs that one location is in "concepts1" and the other one is in "concepts2" * @param outputPath * @param concepts1 * @param concepts2 * @throws IOException * @throws DaoException * @throws WikiBrainException */ public void evaluateBipartite(File outputPath, List<UniversalPage> concepts1, List<UniversalPage> concepts2) throws IOException, DaoException, WikiBrainException { this.output = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(outputPath), ','); writeHeader(); if(concepts1.size() == 0 || concepts2.size() == 0) LOG.warn("No concept has been retrieved"); int counter = 0; int total_size = concepts1.size() * concepts2.size(); for(UniversalPage c1: concepts1){ for(UniversalPage c2: concepts2){ counter ++; if(counter % 1000 == 0)"Evaluating %d out of %d pairs", counter, total_size)); if(c1.equals(c2)) continue; try { List<SRResult> results = new ArrayList<SRResult>(); for (Language lang : langs) { SRMetric sr = metrics.get(lang); results.add(sr.similarity(c1.getLocalId(lang), c2.getLocalId(lang), false)); } writeRow(c1, c2, results); } catch (Exception e){ LOG.warn(String.format("Error evaluating between %s and %s", c1.getBestEnglishTitle(lpDao, true), c2.getBestEnglishTitle(lpDao, true))); } } } this.output.close(); } private void writeHeader() throws IOException { String[] headerEntries = new String[5 + langs.size()]; headerEntries[0] = "ITEM_NAME_1"; headerEntries[1] = "ITEM_ID_1"; headerEntries[2] = "ITEM_NAME_2"; headerEntries[3] = "ITEM_ID_2"; headerEntries[4] = "SPATIAL_DISTANCE"; int counter = 0; for (Language lang : langs) { headerEntries[5 + counter] = lang.getLangCode() + "_SR"; counter ++; } output.writeNext(headerEntries); output.flush(); } private void writeRow(UniversalPage c1, UniversalPage c2, List<SRResult> results) throws WikiBrainException, IOException { double km; Point p1 = locations.get(c1.getUnivId()).getCentroid(); Point p2 = locations.get(c2.getUnivId()).getCentroid(); GeodeticCalculator geoCalc = new GeodeticCalculator(); geoCalc.setStartingGeographicPoint(p1.getX(), p1.getY()); geoCalc.setDestinationGeographicPoint(p2.getX(), p2.getY()); km = geoCalc.getOrthodromicDistance() / 1000; Title t1 = c1.getBestEnglishTitle(lpDao, true); Title t2 = c2.getBestEnglishTitle(lpDao, true); String[] rowEntries = new String[5 + langs.size()]; rowEntries[0] = t1.getCanonicalTitle(); rowEntries[1] = String.valueOf(c1.getUnivId()); rowEntries[2] = t2.getCanonicalTitle(); rowEntries[3] = String.valueOf(c2.getUnivId()); rowEntries[4] = String.valueOf(km); int counter = 0; for (SRResult result : results) { rowEntries[5 + counter] = String.valueOf(result.getScore()); counter ++; } output.writeNext(rowEntries); output.flush(); } }