package org.wikibrain.matrix.knn; import gnu.trove.list.TIntList; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import gnu.trove.set.TIntSet; import org.wikibrain.matrix.DenseMatrix; import org.wikibrain.matrix.DenseMatrixRow; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * A fast neighborhood finder for dense vectors. * * @author Shilad Sen */ public class KmeansKNNFinder implements KNNFinder { private final DenseMatrix matrix; private int sampleSize = 50000; private int maxLeaf = 20; private int branchingFactor = 5; private Node root; public KmeansKNNFinder(DenseMatrix matrix) { this.matrix = matrix; } @Override public void build() throws IOException { root = new Node("R"); root.members.addAll(getSample());; for (DenseMatrixRow row : matrix) {; } } private static class Candidate implements Comparable<Candidate> { Node n; double score; public Candidate(Node n, double score) { this.n = n; this.score = score; } @Override public int compareTo(Candidate o) { return, o.score); } } @Override public Neighborhood query(float[] vector, int k, int maxTraversal, TIntSet validIds) { if (validIds != null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } NeighborhoodAccumulator accum = new NeighborhoodAccumulator(k); TreeSet<Candidate> work = new TreeSet<Candidate>(); work.add(new Candidate(root, -1.0)); int traversed = 0; while (!work.isEmpty()) { Node n = work.pollLast().n; for (int rowId : n.memberIds.toArray()) { DenseMatrixRow row = null; try { row = matrix.getRow(rowId); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } double sim = cosine(vector, row); accum.visit(row.getRowIndex(), sim); traversed++; } if (traversed >= maxTraversal) { break; } if (n.children != null) { for (Node c : n.children) { work.add(new Candidate(c, cosine(vector, c.delegate))); } } } return accum.get(); } @Override public void save(File path) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean load(File path) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void setSampleSize(int sampleSize) { this.sampleSize = sampleSize; } public void setMaxLeaf(int maxLeaf) { this.maxLeaf = maxLeaf; } public void setBranchingFactor(int branchingFactor) { this.branchingFactor = branchingFactor; } private List<DenseMatrixRow> getSample() throws IOException { List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int id : matrix.getRowIds()) { ids.add(id); } Collections.shuffle(ids); if (ids.size() > sampleSize) { ids = ids.subList(0, sampleSize); } List<DenseMatrixRow> sample = new ArrayList<DenseMatrixRow>(); for (int id : ids) { sample.add(matrix.getRow(id)); } return sample; } class Node { String path; DenseMatrixRow delegate; Node[] children = null; TIntList memberIds; List<DenseMatrixRow> members = new ArrayList<DenseMatrixRow>(); Node(String path) { this.path = path; } void build() { // System.out.println("building node with " + members.size()); if (members.size() <= maxLeaf) { endBuild(); return; } initializeRandomly(); for (Node n : children) { n.updateCenter(); } double prevScore = 0.000000001; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { double score = reallocateMembers(); // System.out.println(path + " score at iteration " + i + " is " + score); if (score / prevScore - 1.0 < 0.001) { break; } for (Node n : children) { n.updateCenter(); } prevScore = score; } endBuild(); for (Node n : children) {; } } void place(DenseMatrixRow row) { // If we're a leaf if (children == null) { memberIds.add(row.getRowIndex()); return; } // Otherwise find closest child. findClosestChild(row).place(row); } private void endBuild() { members = null; memberIds = new TIntArrayList(); } private void initializeRandomly() { children = new Node[branchingFactor]; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { children[i] = new Node(path + i); } Collections.shuffle(members); for (int i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) { children[i % branchingFactor].members.add(members.get(i)); } } private double updateCenter() { if (members.isEmpty()) { delegate = null; return 0.0; } // Calculate a new centroid double center [] = new double[members.get(0).getNumCols()]; for (DenseMatrixRow m : members) { for (int i = 0; i < center.length; i++) { center[i] += m.getColValue(i); } } for (int i = 0; i < center.length; i++) { center[i] /= members.size(); } // Pick the best delegate. double compactness = 0.0; double mostSimilar = -10; for (DenseMatrixRow m : members) { double s = cosine(center, m); compactness += s; if (s > mostSimilar) { mostSimilar = s; delegate = m; } } return compactness / members.size(); } private double reallocateMembers() { for (Node n : children) { n.members.clear(); } double score = 0.0; for (DenseMatrixRow m : members) { Node best = findClosestChild(m); score += best.similarity(m); best.members.add(m); } return score / members.size(); } private Node findClosestChild(DenseMatrixRow row) { double bestSim = -10; Node best = null; for (Node n : children) { double s = n.similarity(row); if (s > bestSim) { best = n; bestSim = s; } } if (best == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return best; } private double similarity(DenseMatrixRow row) { return cosine(delegate, row); } private double similarity(float [] v) { return cosine(v, delegate); } } static double cosine(DenseMatrixRow X, DenseMatrixRow Y) { if (X == null || Y == null) { return 0; } double xDotX = 0.0; double yDotY = 0.0; double xDotY = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < X.getNumCols(); i++) { double x = X.getColValue(i); double y = Y.getColValue(i); xDotX += x * x; yDotY += y * y; xDotY += x * y; } if (xDotX * yDotY == 0) { return 0.0; } return xDotY / Math.sqrt(xDotX * yDotY); } static double cosine(double [] X, DenseMatrixRow Y) { if (X == null || Y == null) { return 0; } double xDotX = 0.0; double yDotY = 0.0; double xDotY = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++) { double x = X[i]; double y = Y.getColValue(i); xDotX += x * x; yDotY += y * y; xDotY += x * y; } if (xDotX * yDotY == 0) { return 0.0; } return xDotY / Math.sqrt(xDotX * yDotY); } static double cosine(float [] X, DenseMatrixRow Y) { if (X == null || Y == null) { return 0; } double xDotX = 0.0; double yDotY = 0.0; double xDotY = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++) { double x = X[i]; double y = Y.getColValue(i); xDotX += x * x; yDotY += y * y; xDotY += x * y; } if (xDotX * yDotY == 0) { return 0.0; } return xDotY / Math.sqrt(xDotX * yDotY); } }