package org.wikibrain.core.dao.matrix; import; import com.typesafe.config.Config; import gnu.trove.function.TDoubleFunction; import gnu.trove.list.TIntList; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import; import; import gnu.trove.procedure.TIntProcedure; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.wikibrain.conf.Configuration; import org.wikibrain.conf.ConfigurationException; import org.wikibrain.conf.Configurator; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.DaoException; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.DaoFilter; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.LocalLinkDao; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.Language; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.LanguageSet; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.LocalId; import org.wikibrain.core.model.LocalLink; import org.wikibrain.matrix.*; import org.wikibrain.utils.*; import*; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * <p>This class wraps a local link dao delegate and builds a fast, sparse, matrix * and its transpose to speed up graph lookups.</p> * * <p> * Three API calls are partially supported: * 1. The three-argument version of getLinks() * 2. get() if a) a language and b) either a src or dest is specified. * 3. count() for the same requirements as 2. * 4. PageRank values (beware that PageRank estimates are lazily calculated * the first time a pagerank value is requested.) * </p> * * <p> * All other calls are delegated to the passed-in delegate. * Note that this dao also loads the links into the delegate. * </p> * * @author Shilad Sen */ public class MatrixLocalLinkDao implements LocalLinkDao { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MatrixLocalLinkDao.class); private final File dir; private LocalLinkDao delegate; private SparseMatrix matrix = null; private SparseMatrix transpose = null; private Map<Language, TIntDoubleMap> pageRanks = null; private Set<File> allWriterFiles = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<File, Boolean>()); private Set<BufferedWriter> allWriters = Collections.newSetFromMap( new ConcurrentHashMap<BufferedWriter, Boolean>()); private ThreadLocal<BufferedWriter> writers = new ThreadLocal<BufferedWriter>(); public MatrixLocalLinkDao(LocalLinkDao delegate, File dir) throws DaoException { this.delegate = delegate; this.dir = dir; dir.mkdirs(); try { load(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DaoException(e); } if (matrix == null && transpose == null) { boolean delegateHasData = false; try { delegateHasData = delegate.get(new DaoFilter().setLimit(1)).iterator().hasNext(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Error occurred while trying to fetch links from " + delegate + ". Assuming it is empty and continuing."); } if (delegateHasData) { LOG.warn("MatrixLocalLinkDao empty, but delegate is not. Attempting to rebuild..."); rebuild(); } } } /** * Rebuild the dao from the delegate. * @throws DaoException */ public void rebuild() throws DaoException { LocalLinkDao tmp = delegate; this.delegate = null; IOUtils.closeQuietly(matrix); IOUtils.closeQuietly(transpose); matrix = null; transpose = null; FileUtils.deleteQuietly(getMatrixFile()); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(getTransposeFile()); beginLoad(); ParallelForEach.iterate(tmp.get(new DaoFilter()).iterator(), new Procedure<LocalLink>() { @Override public void call(LocalLink ll) throws Exception { save(ll); } }); endLoad(); this.delegate = tmp; } private void load() throws IOException { if (!getMatrixFile().isFile()) { LOG.warn("Matrix" + getMatrixFile()+ " missing, disabling fast lookups."); } else if (!getTransposeFile().isFile()) { LOG.warn("Matrix" + getTransposeFile()+ " missing, disabling fast lookups."); } else { matrix = new SparseMatrix(getMatrixFile()); transpose = new SparseMatrix(getTransposeFile()); } if (getPageRanksFile().isFile() && getPageRanksFile().lastModified() > getMatrixFile().lastModified()) { pageRanks = (Map<Language, TIntDoubleMap>) WpIOUtils.readObjectFromFile(getPageRanksFile()); } } @Override public LocalLink getLink(Language language, int sourceId, int destId) throws DaoException { return delegate.getLink(language, sourceId, destId); } @Override public void beginLoad() throws DaoException { allWriters.clear(); if (delegate != null) delegate.beginLoad(); // Initialize object database with existing links if (matrix != null) { ParallelForEach.iterate(matrix.iterator(), new Procedure<SparseMatrixRow>() { @Override public void call(SparseMatrixRow row) throws Exception { BufferedWriter writer = getSortingWriter(); for (int i = 0; i < row.getNumCols(); i++) { writer.write(row.getRowIndex() + " " + row.getColIndex(i) + "\n"); } } }); } } /** * Calculates the PageRank associated with a particular page. * Currently only implemented by the MatrixLocalLinkDao. * PageRank estimation is performed lazily, so the first time this method is called * will be very expensive, and future invocations will be cached. * * @param language * @param pageId * @return An estimate of the pageRank. The sum of PageRank values for all pages will * approximately sum to 1.0. */ @Override public double getPageRank(Language language, int pageId) { if (pageRanks == null) { synchronized (this) { if (pageRanks == null) { pageRanks = computePageRanks(); try { WpIOUtils.writeObjectToFile(getPageRanksFile(), pageRanks); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected exception:", e); } } } } TIntDoubleMap langRanks = pageRanks.get(language); if (langRanks != null && langRanks.containsKey(pageId)) { return langRanks.get(pageId); } else { return 0.0; } } /** * Calculates the PageRank associated with a particular page. * Currently only implemented by the MatrixLocalLinkDao. * PageRank estimation is performed lazily, so the first time this method is called * will be very expensive, and future invocations will be cached. * * @param localId * @return An estimate of the pageRank. The sum of PageRank values for all pages will * approximately sum to 1.0. */ @Override public double getPageRank(LocalId localId) { return getPageRank(localId.getLanguage(), localId.getId()); } private BufferedWriter getSortingWriter() throws IOException { if (writers.get() == null) { File file = File.createTempFile("links-sorter", ".txt"); file.deleteOnExit(); file.delete(); writers.set(WpIOUtils.openWriter(file)); allWriters.add(writers.get()); allWriterFiles.add(file); } return writers.get(); } private static final double DAMPING_FACTOR = 0.85; private static class LangRanks { TIntDoubleMap pageSums = new TIntDoubleHashMap(); TIntDoubleMap nextSums = new TIntDoubleHashMap(); } private Map<Language, TIntDoubleMap> computePageRanks() { Map<Language, LangRanks> ranks = new HashMap<Language, LangRanks>(); // Set initial weights for (SparseMatrixRow row : matrix) { LocalId src = LocalId.fromInt(row.getRowIndex()); LangRanks lr = ranks.get(src.getLanguage()); if (lr == null) { lr = new LangRanks(); ranks.put(src.getLanguage(), lr); } lr.pageSums.put(src.getId(), 1.0); } // normalize (divide by num pages) for (final LangRanks lr : ranks.values()) { final int n = lr.pageSums.size(); lr.pageSums.transformValues(new TDoubleFunction() { @Override public double execute(double v) { return 1.0 / n; } }); } // perform iterations for (int i = 0;i < 20; i++) { for (SparseMatrixRow row : matrix) { int ncols = row.getNumCols(); if (ncols == 0) continue; LocalId src = LocalId.fromInt(row.getRowIndex()); LangRanks lr = ranks.get(src.getLanguage()); double w = lr.pageSums.get(src.getId()) / ncols; for (int j = 0; j < ncols; j++) { LocalId dest = LocalId.fromInt(row.getColIndex(j)); if (dest.getLanguage() == src.getLanguage()) { lr.nextSums.adjustOrPutValue(dest.getId(), w, w); } } } // update values, measure change final double[] delta = {0.0}; for (final LangRanks lr : ranks.values()) { final int n = lr.nextSums.size(); lr.nextSums.forEachKey(new TIntProcedure() { @Override public boolean execute(int id) { double ps = lr.pageSums.get(id); double ns = (1.0 - DAMPING_FACTOR) / n + DAMPING_FACTOR * lr.nextSums.get(id); delta[0] += Math.abs(ps - ns); lr.nextSums.put(id, 0); lr.pageSums.put(id, ns); return true; } }); }"change in pageranks at iteration {} is {}.", i, delta); } Map<Language, TIntDoubleMap> result = new HashMap<Language, TIntDoubleMap>(); for (Language lang : ranks.keySet()) { result.put(lang, ranks.get(lang).pageSums); } return result; } @Override public void save(LocalLink item) throws DaoException { if (delegate != null); // skip red links if (item.getDestId() < 0 || item.getSourceId() < 0) { return; } LocalId src = new LocalId(item.getLanguage(), item.getSourceId()); LocalId dest = new LocalId(item.getLanguage(), item.getDestId()); if (!src.canPackInInt() || !dest.canPackInInt()) { return; } try { BufferedWriter writer = getSortingWriter(); writer.write(src.toInt() + " " + dest.toInt() + "\n"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DaoException(e); } } public File getMatrixFile() { return new File(dir, "links.matrix"); } public File getPageRanksFile() { return new File(dir, "pageRanks.bin"); } public File getTransposeFile() { return new File(dir, "links-transpose.matrix"); } @Override public void clear() throws DaoException { delegate.clear(); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(getMatrixFile()); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(getTransposeFile()); } private static final int MAX_SORT_THREADS = 4; private File sortFiles() throws IOException { for (BufferedWriter writer : allWriters) { writer.close(); } ParallelForEach.iterate(allWriterFiles.iterator(), MAX_SORT_THREADS, 10, new Procedure<File>() { @Override public void call(File file) throws Exception { sort(file, MAX_SORT_THREADS); } }, 10); File file = File.createTempFile("local-links-sorted.", ".txt"); file.deleteOnExit(); Comparator<String> comparator = new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String r1, String r2){ return r1.compareTo(r2);}};"merging all sorted files to " + file); ExternalSort.mergeSortedFiles(new ArrayList<File>(allWriterFiles), file, comparator, Charset.forName("utf-8")); return file; } private static final int SORT_FILES_MAX = 100; private static final long SORT_MEMORY_MAX = (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / MAX_SORT_THREADS / 5); private void sort(File file, long concurrentThreads) throws IOException { long maxMemory = SORT_MEMORY_MAX / concurrentThreads; int maxFiles = (int) Math.max( SORT_FILES_MAX / concurrentThreads, (int)(file.length() / (maxMemory / 2)));"sorting " + file + " using max of " + maxFiles); Comparator<String> comparator = new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String r1, String r2){ return r1.compareTo(r2);}}; List<File> l = ExternalSort.sortInBatch( WpIOUtils.openBufferedReader(file), file.length(), comparator, maxFiles, maxMemory, Charset.forName("utf-8"), null, true, 0, false);"merging " + file); ExternalSort.mergeSortedFiles(l, file, comparator, Charset.forName("utf-8"));"finished sorting" + file); } @Override public void endLoad() throws DaoException { if (delegate != null) delegate.endLoad(); try { // close the old matrix and transpose"closing existing matrix and transpose."); if (matrix != null) IOUtils.closeQuietly(matrix); if (transpose != null) IOUtils.closeQuietly(transpose);"sorting files"); File file = sortFiles();"writing adjacency matrix rows"); ValueConf vconf = new ValueConf(); // unused because there are no values. SparseMatrixWriter writer = new SparseMatrixWriter(getMatrixFile(), vconf); BufferedReader reader = WpIOUtils.openBufferedReader(file); TIntList packedDest = new TIntArrayList(); int cellCount = 0; int rowCount = 0; LocalId lastSrc = null; while (true) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } String tokens[] = line.trim().split(" "); if (tokens.length == 2){ cellCount++; LocalId src = LocalId.fromInt(Integer.valueOf(tokens[0])); LocalId dest = LocalId.fromInt(Integer.valueOf(tokens[1])); if (lastSrc != null && !src.equals(lastSrc)) { if (++rowCount % 100000 == 0) {"writing adjacency matrix row " + rowCount + ", found " + cellCount + " links"); } SparseMatrixRow row = new SparseMatrixRow( vconf, lastSrc.toInt(), packedDest.toArray(), new short[packedDest.size()] ); writer.writeRow(row); packedDest.clear(); } packedDest.add(dest.toInt()); lastSrc = src; } else {"Invalid line: '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(line) + "'"); } } if (packedDest.size() > 0) { SparseMatrixRow row = new SparseMatrixRow( vconf, lastSrc.toInt(), packedDest.toArray(), new short[packedDest.size()] ); writer.writeRow(row); }"finalizing adjacency matrix"); writer.finish();"loading adjacency matrix"); matrix = new SparseMatrix(getMatrixFile());"writing transpose of adjacency matrix"); SparseMatrixTransposer transposer = new SparseMatrixTransposer(matrix, getTransposeFile()); transposer.transpose();"loading transpose of adjacency matrix"); transpose = new SparseMatrix(getTransposeFile()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DaoException(e); } } @Override public Iterable<LocalLink> getLinks(Language language, int localId, boolean outlinks, boolean isParseable, LocalLink.LocationType locationType) throws DaoException { return delegate.getLinks(language, localId, outlinks, isParseable, locationType); } @Override public Iterable<LocalLink> getLinks(Language language, int localId, boolean outlinks) throws DaoException { LocalId id = new LocalId(language, localId); if (!id.canPackInInt()) { return delegate.getLinks(language, localId, outlinks); } List<LocalLink> links = new ArrayList<LocalLink>(); try { SparseMatrixRow row = outlinks ? matrix.getRow(id.toInt()) : transpose.getRow(id.toInt()); if (row == null) { return links; } for (int i = 0; i < row.getNumCols(); i++) { LocalId lid = LocalId.fromInt(row.getColIndex(i)); int srcId = outlinks ? localId : lid.getId(); int destId = outlinks ? lid.getId() : localId; LocalLink ll = new LocalLink( lid.getLanguage(), null, srcId, destId, outlinks, 0, true, LocalLink.LocationType.NONE ); links.add(ll); } return links; } catch (IOException e) { throw new DaoException(e); } } @Override public Iterable<LocalLink> get(DaoFilter daoFilter) throws DaoException { // there must be languages if (daoFilter.getLangIds() == null) { return delegate.get(daoFilter); } // either source ids or dest ids must be set if (daoFilter.getSourceIds() == null && daoFilter.getDestIds() == null) { return delegate.get(daoFilter); } // both must not be set if (daoFilter.getSourceIds() != null && daoFilter.getDestIds() != null) { return delegate.get(daoFilter); } // we don't handle location types if (daoFilter.getLocTypes() != null || daoFilter.isParseable() != null) { return delegate.get(daoFilter); } // collect link set List<LocalLink> links = new ArrayList<LocalLink>(); int limit = daoFilter.getLimitOrInfinity(); if (daoFilter.getSourceIds() != null) { for (int langId : daoFilter.getLangIds()) { for (int srcId : daoFilter.getSourceIds()) { for (LocalLink ll : getLinks(Language.getById(langId), srcId, true)) { links.add(ll); if (links.size() >= limit) break; } } } } else if (daoFilter.getDestIds() != null) { for (int langId : daoFilter.getLangIds()) { for (int destId : daoFilter.getDestIds()) { for (LocalLink ll : getLinks(Language.getById(langId), destId, false)) { links.add(ll); if (links.size() >= limit) break; } } } } return links; } @Override public int getCount(DaoFilter daoFilter) throws DaoException { // there must be languages if (daoFilter.getLangIds() == null) { return delegate.getCount(daoFilter); } // either source ids or dest ids must be set if (daoFilter.getSourceIds() == null && daoFilter.getDestIds() == null) { return delegate.getCount(daoFilter); } // both must not be set if (daoFilter.getSourceIds() != null && daoFilter.getDestIds() != null) { return delegate.getCount(daoFilter); } // we don't handle location types if (daoFilter.getLocTypes() != null || daoFilter.isParseable() != null) { return delegate.getCount(daoFilter); } // collect link count try { int count = 0; if (daoFilter.getSourceIds() != null) { List<Integer> packed = getPackedIds(daoFilter); if (packed == null) { return delegate.getCount(daoFilter); } for (int key : packed) { SparseMatrixRow row = matrix.getRow(key); count += (row == null) ? 0 : row.getNumCols(); } } else if (daoFilter.getDestIds() != null) { List<Integer> packed = getPackedIds(daoFilter); if (packed == null) { return delegate.getCount(daoFilter); } for (int key : packed) { SparseMatrixRow row = transpose.getRow(key); count += (row == null) ? 0 : row.getNumCols(); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return count; } catch (IOException e) { throw new DaoException(e); } } @Override public LanguageSet getLoadedLanguages() throws DaoException { return delegate.getLoadedLanguages(); } public SparseMatrix getMatrix() { return matrix; } public SparseMatrix getTranspose() { return transpose; } private List<Integer> getPackedIds(DaoFilter filter) { if (filter.getSourceIds() != null && filter.getDestIds() != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } Collection<Integer> ids = (filter.getSourceIds() != null) ? filter.getSourceIds() : filter.getDestIds(); if (ids == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } List<Integer> packed = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int langId : filter.getLangIds()) { for (int id : ids) { LocalId lid = new LocalId(Language.getById(langId), id); if (!lid.canPackInInt()) { return null; } packed.add(lid.toInt()); } } return packed; } public static class Provider extends org.wikibrain.conf.Provider<LocalLinkDao> { public Provider(Configurator configurator, Configuration config) throws ConfigurationException { super(configurator, config); } @Override public Class<LocalLinkDao> getType() { return LocalLinkDao.class; } @Override public String getPath() { return "dao.localLink"; } @Override public MatrixLocalLinkDao get(String name, Config config, Map<String, String> runtimeParams) throws ConfigurationException { if (!config.getString("type").equals("matrix")) { return null; } try { return new MatrixLocalLinkDao( getConfigurator().get( LocalLinkDao.class, config.getString("delegate")), new File(config.getString("path")) ); } catch (DaoException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(e); } } } }