package; import; import; import; import; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.DaoException; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.Language; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * utility class used by LiveAPIQuery to parse QueryReply objects from raw query output JSON * author: derian */ public class QueryParser { JsonParser jp = new JsonParser(); /** * Retrieves the string necessary to append to a query URL to retrieve pages starting after the last page * retrieved in the previous query. If the last page alphabetically was retrieved in the previous query, there will be * no continue string. * @param queryResult represents the raw text output of the previous query * @param queryType * @param prefix * @return the query continue string, or "" if no continue string is found */ public String getContinue(String queryResult, String queryType, String prefix) { String continueParam = prefix + "continue"; JsonElement continueElem = jp.parse(queryResult).getAsJsonObject().get("query-continue"); if (continueElem == null) { return ""; } return continueElem.getAsJsonObject().get(queryType).getAsJsonObject().get(continueParam).getAsString(); } /** * adds QueryReply objects parsed from raw query result text to an input QueryReply list * @param lang * @param queryResult raw text output of query * @param queryResultDataSection //section of queryResult in which values of interest can be found * @param values list to which parsed QueryReply objects should be added * @throws DaoException */ public void getQueryReturnValues(Language lang, String queryResult, String queryResultDataSection, List<QueryReply> values) throws DaoException { //get JSON object representing query reply JsonObject queryReplyObject = parseQueryObject(queryResult, "query"); //parse desired values from JSON object into QueryReplies and add to values JsonElement dataSectionElem = queryReplyObject.get(queryResultDataSection); if (dataSectionElem == null) { throw new DaoException("No section \"" + queryResultDataSection + "\" found in reply text:" + "\n" + queryResult); } if (dataSectionElem.isJsonArray()) { JsonArray array = getJsonArrayFromQueryObject(queryReplyObject, queryResultDataSection); getValuesFromJsonArray(array, values); } else { JsonObject object = getJsonObjectFromQueryObject(queryReplyObject, queryResultDataSection); getValuesFromJsonObject(object, values); } } /** * * @param text raw query output JSON * @return JSON object representing the query result */ public JsonObject parseQueryObject(String text, String value) { try { return jp.parse(text).getAsJsonObject().get(value).getAsJsonObject(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.out.println("Input text: \n" + text); return null; } } public JsonArray parseJsonArray(String text) { return jp.parse(text).getAsJsonArray(); } /** * utility method used to get a JSON object containing desired query information * @param queryObject * @param newObjectKey text representing the key of the new object to return * @return a new JSON object within the input queryObject * @throws DaoException */ private JsonObject getJsonObjectFromQueryObject(JsonObject queryObject, String newObjectKey) throws DaoException { if (queryObject.get(newObjectKey).isJsonObject()) { return queryObject.get(newObjectKey).getAsJsonObject(); } else { throw new DaoException("Requested JSON can't be parsed into object"); } } /** * utility method used to get a JSON array containing desired query information * @param queryObject * @param arrayRoot text representing the name of the array * @return a JSON array within the input queryObject * @throws DaoException */ private JsonArray getJsonArrayFromQueryObject(JsonObject queryObject, String arrayRoot) throws DaoException { if (queryObject.get(arrayRoot).isJsonArray()) { return queryObject.get(arrayRoot).getAsJsonArray(); } else { throw new DaoException("Requested JSON can't be parsed into array"); } } /** * The following two methods take either a JSON object or JSON array containing desired information * from a query result. Page ID, title, namespace, redirect, and disambiguation information are retrieved from each * page in the result, and used to create a QueryReply which is added to values */ private void getValuesFromJsonObject(JsonObject jo, List<QueryReply> values) { Set<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> valueSet = jo.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry: valueSet) { QueryReply reply = getQueryReplyFromJsonElement(entry.getValue()); values.add(reply); } } private void getValuesFromJsonArray(JsonArray ja, List<QueryReply> values) { for (JsonElement elem : ja) { QueryReply reply = getQueryReplyFromJsonElement(elem); values.add(reply); } } /** * parses a QueryReply object from a JsonElement representing a page from a query result * @param queryReplyPage JsonElement representing page of query result * @return QueryReply containing useful information about this page */ private QueryReply getQueryReplyFromJsonElement(JsonElement queryReplyPage) { JsonObject entryValue = queryReplyPage.getAsJsonObject(); //fromid field used instead of pageid for all-links query JsonElement entryPageid = entryValue.get("pageid") != null ? entryValue.get("pageid") : entryValue.get("fromid"); JsonElement entryTitle = entryValue.get("title"); JsonElement entryNamespace = entryValue.get("ns"); boolean isRedirect = entryValue.has("redirect"); int pageid = (entryPageid != null ? entryPageid.getAsInt() : -1); String title = (entryTitle != null ? entryTitle.getAsString() : ""); boolean isDisambig = title.contains("(disambiguation)"); int namespace = (entryNamespace != null ? entryNamespace.getAsInt() : -1); return new QueryReply(pageid, title, namespace, isRedirect, isDisambig); } }