package org.wikibrain.core.dao.sql; import; import; import com.typesafe.config.Config; import; import; import org.jooq.*; import org.wikibrain.conf.Configuration; import org.wikibrain.conf.ConfigurationException; import org.wikibrain.conf.Configurator; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.*; import org.wikibrain.core.jooq.Tables; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.Language; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.LanguageSet; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.LocalId; import org.wikibrain.core.model.LocalPage; import org.wikibrain.core.model.NameSpace; import org.wikibrain.core.model.UniversalPage; import java.util.*; /** * * A SQL database implementation of the UniversalPageDao. * * @author Ari Weiland * @author Shilad Sen * */ public class UniversalPageSqlDao extends AbstractSqlDao<UniversalPage> implements UniversalPageDao { private static final TableField [] INSERT_FIELDS = new TableField[] { Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.LANG_ID, Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.PAGE_ID, Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.NAME_SPACE, Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.UNIV_ID, Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.ALGORITHM_ID }; private final int algorithmId; public UniversalPageSqlDao(WpDataSource dataSource, int algorithmId) throws DaoException { super(dataSource, INSERT_FIELDS, "/db/universal-page"); this.algorithmId = algorithmId; } @Override public void save(UniversalPage page) throws DaoException { NameSpace nameSpace = page.getNameSpace(); for (Language language : page.getLanguageSet()) { for (LocalId localPage : page.getLocalEntities(language)) { insert( language.getId(), localPage.getId(), nameSpace.getArbitraryId(), page.getUnivId(), page.getAlgorithmId() ); } } } @Override public Iterable<UniversalPage> get(DaoFilter daoFilter) throws DaoException { DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Collection<Condition> conditions = new ArrayList<Condition>(); if (daoFilter.getNameSpaceIds() != null) { conditions.add(; } if (daoFilter.isRedirect() != null) { conditions.add(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.ALGORITHM_ID.eq(algorithmId)); } Cursor<Record> result = .from(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE) .where(conditions) .limit(daoFilter.getLimitOrInfinity()) .fetchLazy(getFetchSize()); Set<int[]> pages = new HashSet<int[]>(); for (Record record : result) { pages.add(new int[]{ record.getValue(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.UNIV_ID), record.getValue(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.ALGORITHM_ID)}); } return new SqlDaoIterable<UniversalPage, int[]>(result, pages.iterator(), context) { @Override public UniversalPage transform(int[] item) throws DaoException { return getById(item[0]); } }; } catch (RuntimeException e) { freeJooq(context); throw e; } } @Override public int getCount(DaoFilter daoFilter) throws DaoException{ DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Collection<Condition> conditions = new ArrayList<Condition>(); if (daoFilter.getNameSpaceIds() != null) { conditions.add(; } if (daoFilter.isRedirect() != null) { conditions.add(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.ALGORITHM_ID.eq(algorithmId)); } return context.selectDistinct(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.UNIV_ID, Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.ALGORITHM_ID) .from(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE) .where(conditions) .fetchCount(); } finally { freeJooq(context); } } @Override public UniversalPage getById(int univId) throws DaoException { DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Result<Record> result = .from(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE) .where(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.UNIV_ID.eq(univId)) .and(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.ALGORITHM_ID.eq(algorithmId)) .fetch(); return (UniversalPage)buildUniversalPage(result); } finally { freeJooq(context); } } @Override public Map<Integer, UniversalPage> getByIds(Collection<Integer> univIds) throws DaoException { if (univIds == null || univIds.isEmpty()) { return null; } Map<Integer, UniversalPage> map = new HashMap<Integer, UniversalPage>(); for (Integer univId : univIds){ map.put(univId, getById(univId)); } return map; } @Override public UniversalPage getByLocalPage(LocalPage localPage) throws DaoException { int conceptId = getUnivPageId(localPage); if (conceptId < 0) { return null; } return getById(conceptId); } @Override public int getUnivPageId(Language language, int localPageId) throws DaoException { DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Record record = .from(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE) .where(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.LANG_ID.eq(language.getId())) .and(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.PAGE_ID.eq(localPageId)) .and(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.ALGORITHM_ID.eq(algorithmId)) .limit(1) // TODO: Remove .fetchOne(); if (record == null) { return -1; } else { return record.getValue(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.UNIV_ID); } } finally { freeJooq(context); } } @Override public int getUnivPageId(LocalPage localPage) throws DaoException { return getUnivPageId(localPage.getLanguage(), localPage.getLocalId()); } @Override public Map<Language, TIntIntMap> getAllLocalToUnivIdsMap(LanguageSet ls) throws DaoException { DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Map<Language, TIntIntMap> map = new HashMap<Language, TIntIntMap>(); for (Language l : ls) { Cursor<Record> cursor = .from(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE) .where(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.ALGORITHM_ID.eq(algorithmId)) .and(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.LANG_ID.eq(l.getId())) .fetchLazy(getFetchSize()); TIntIntMap ids = new TIntIntHashMap( gnu.trove.impl.Constants.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, gnu.trove.impl.Constants.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, -1, -1); for (Record record : cursor) { ids.put(record.getValue(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.PAGE_ID), record.getValue(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.UNIV_ID)); } map.put(l, ids); } return map; } finally { freeJooq(context); } } @Override public Map<Language, TIntIntMap> getAllUnivToLocalIdsMap(LanguageSet ls) throws DaoException { DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Map<Language, TIntIntMap> map = new HashMap<Language, TIntIntMap>(); for (Language l : ls) { Cursor<Record> cursor = .from(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE) .where(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.ALGORITHM_ID.eq(algorithmId)) .and(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.LANG_ID.eq(l.getId())) .fetchLazy(getFetchSize()); TIntIntMap ids = new TIntIntHashMap( gnu.trove.impl.Constants.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, gnu.trove.impl.Constants.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, -1, -1); for (Record record : cursor) { ids.put(record.getValue(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.UNIV_ID), record.getValue(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.PAGE_ID)); } map.put(l, ids); } return map; } finally { freeJooq(context); } } /** * Returns the local page ids for that language, value in map is -1 they do not exist * @param language * @param universalIds * @return * @throws DaoException */ @Override public Map<Integer, Integer> getLocalIds(Language language, Collection<Integer> universalIds) throws DaoException { DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Object rows[][] = context .select(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.UNIV_ID, Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.PAGE_ID) .from(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE) .where(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.LANG_ID.eq(language.getId())) .and( .and(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.ALGORITHM_ID.eq(algorithmId)) .fetchArrays(); Map<Integer, Integer> result = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); if (rows == null) { return result; } for (Object [] row : rows) { result.put((Integer)row[0], (Integer)row[1]); } return result; } finally { freeJooq(context); } } /** * Returns the local page id for that language, or -1 if it does not exist * @param language * @param universalId * @return * @throws DaoException */ @Override public int getLocalId(Language language, int universalId) throws DaoException { DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Record record = .from(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE) .where(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.LANG_ID.eq(language.getId())) .and(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.UNIV_ID.eq(universalId)) .and(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.ALGORITHM_ID.eq(algorithmId)) .limit(1) // TODO: Remove .fetchOne(); if (record == null) { return -1; } else { return record.getValue(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.PAGE_ID); } } finally { freeJooq(context); } } /** * Build a UniversalPage from a database record representation. * Classes that extend class this should override this method. * * @param result a list of database records * @return a UniversalPage representation of the given database record * @throws DaoException if the record is not a Page */ protected UniversalPage buildUniversalPage(List<Record> result) throws DaoException { if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { return null; } Multimap<Language, LocalId> localPages = HashMultimap.create(result.size(), result.size()); NameSpace nameSpace = NameSpace.getNameSpaceByArbitraryId(result.get(0).getValue(Tables.LOCAL_PAGE.NAME_SPACE)); for(Record record : result) { Language language = Language.getById(record.getValue(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.LANG_ID)); int pageId = record.getValue(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.PAGE_ID); localPages.put(language, new LocalId(language, pageId)); } return new UniversalPage( result.get(0).getValue(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.UNIV_ID), result.get(0).getValue(Tables.UNIVERSAL_PAGE.ALGORITHM_ID), nameSpace, localPages ); } public static class Provider extends org.wikibrain.conf.Provider<UniversalPageDao> { public Provider(Configurator configurator, Configuration config) throws ConfigurationException { super(configurator, config); } @Override public Class getType() { return UniversalPageDao.class; } @Override public String getPath() { return "dao.universalPage"; } @Override public UniversalPageDao get(String name, Config config, Map<String, String> runtimeParams) throws ConfigurationException { if (!config.getString("type").equals("sql")) { return null; } try { int algorithmId = getConfig().get().getInt("mapper." + config.getString("mapper") + ".algorithmId"); return new UniversalPageSqlDao( getConfigurator().get( WpDataSource.class, config.getString("dataSource")), algorithmId ); } catch (DaoException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(e); } } } }