package; import; import; import; import; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import org.wikibrain.core.cmd.FileMatcher; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.Language; import; import java.util.*; /** * * @author Yulun Li * * Parses a command line script and generates a .tsv file with the links to the dumps * of specified file type and languages. * */ public class DumpLinkGetter { protected static final String BASEURL_STRING = ""; private Language lang; private List<FileMatcher> matchers; private String dumpDate; // This is the date of the dump. public DumpLinkGetter(Language lang, List<FileMatcher> matchers, String dumpDate) { this.lang = lang; this.matchers = matchers; this.dumpDate = dumpDate; } /** * Get the URL of the index wiki page of a specified language. * @return */ protected String getLanguageWikiUrl() { // langCode with dashes like "roa-tara" should be 'roa_tara' in dump links return BASEURL_STRING + "/" + lang.getLangCode().replace("-", "_") + "wiki/"; } /** * Get file links that are marked "done" (plus MD5sum) on a dump page of the specified language and specified dumpDate * @return * @throws IOException */ public List<String> getFileLinks() throws IOException { List<String> links = new ArrayList<String>(); URL dumpPageUrl = new URL(getLanguageWikiUrl() + dumpDate + "/"); String html = IOUtils.toString(dumpPageUrl.openStream()); if (!html.contains("Dump complete")) { return links; } Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html); Elements linkElements ="ul").select("li.done").select("li.file").select("a[href]"); linkElements.addAll("p.checksum").select("a[href]")); for (Element linkElement : linkElements) { links.add(linkElement.attr("href")); } return links; } /** * Return all links of a particular language the fits one of the patterns * @return hashmap with dump urls and names of dump type */ public Multimap<FileMatcher, DumpLinkInfo> getDumpFiles(List<String> links) throws IOException { Multimap<FileMatcher, DumpLinkInfo> dumpLinks = HashMultimap.create(); Map<String, String> md5s = getMd5Sums(links); for(FileMatcher linkMatcher : matchers){ List<String> results = linkMatcher.match(links); if (!results.isEmpty()) { for (String url : results){ URL linkURL = new URL(BASEURL_STRING + url); DumpLinkInfo linkInfo = new DumpLinkInfo(lang, dumpDate, linkMatcher, linkURL, linkMatcher.getNumber(url)); linkInfo.setMd5(md5s.get(linkInfo.getDownloadName())); dumpLinks.put(linkMatcher, linkInfo); } } } return dumpLinks; } /** * Get MD5 of the dump of the specified language and dumpDate. * Maps download name to MD5 sum. * @param links * @return * @throws IOException */ protected Map<String, String> getMd5Sums(List<String> links) throws IOException { HashMap<String, String> md5s = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (links.isEmpty()) { return md5s; } FileMatcher md5Matcher = FileMatcher.MD5; URL md5Url = new URL(BASEURL_STRING + md5Matcher.match(links).get(0)); List<String> lines = IOUtils.readLines(md5Url.openStream(), "UTF-8"); for (String line : lines) { String[] parsedInfo = line.split("\\W{2}"); String md5 = parsedInfo[0]; String fileName = parsedInfo[1]; md5s.put(fileName, md5); } return md5s; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { DumpLinkGetter testGetter = new DumpLinkGetter(Language.getByLangCode("en"), Arrays.asList(FileMatcher.ARTICLES), "20130604"); // System.out.println(testGetter.getMd5Sums(testGetter.getFileLinks())); System.out.println(testGetter.getDumpFiles(testGetter.getFileLinks())); } }