package; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.Language; import org.wikibrain.core.model.*; /** * An abstract class used to store information of interest for a page of a query result * Also contains methods to construct a wikibrain core object from the information contained here * @author Toby "Jiajun" Li and derian */ public class QueryReply { public Integer pageId; public String title; public Integer nameSpace; public Boolean isRedirect; public Boolean isDisambig; public QueryReply(int pageId, String title, int nameSpace, boolean isRedirect, boolean isDisambig) { this.pageId = pageId; this.title = title; this.nameSpace = nameSpace; this.isRedirect = isRedirect; this.isDisambig = isDisambig; } public LocalLink getLocalOutLink(Language lang, int sourceId) { return new LocalLink(lang, null, sourceId, pageId, true, -1, null, null); } public LocalLink getLocalInLink(Language lang, int destId) { return new LocalLink(lang, null, pageId, destId, false, -1, null, null); } public LocalPage getLocalPage(Language lang) { return new LocalPage(lang, pageId, this.getTitle(lang), this.getNameSpace(), isRedirect, isDisambig); } public int getId() { return pageId; } /** * * @return A Title: the title of this page */ public Title getTitle(Language lang){ return new Title(title, lang); } /** * * @return A NameSpace: the namespace of this page */ public NameSpace getNameSpace(){ return NameSpace.getNameSpaceByValue(nameSpace.intValue()); } }