package org.wikibrain.spatial.loader; import; import; import org.wikibrain.conf.Configuration; import org.wikibrain.core.WikiBrainException; import org.wikibrain.spatial.WikiBrainShapeFile; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Convenience class to deal with spatial data folder structure. Structure is as follows: * * Each reference system has its own folder (will ignore any reference system that starts with '_' * Each layerGroup has its own subdirectory * Shapefiles that are placed in each folder will be loaded for the same layer * * For example: baseFolder/earth/country/naturalEarth.shp * * @author bjhecht and shilad */ public class SpatialDataFolder { private final File baseFolder; /** * Will create the folder if it does not exist. By default, installs an empty "earth" reference system if "earth" reference system does not exist * @param baseFolder */ public SpatialDataFolder(File baseFolder){ this.baseFolder = baseFolder; if (!baseFolder.exists()){ baseFolder.mkdirs(); } } /** * Returns true of spatial data folder has a given layer * @param layerGroup * @param refSysName * @return */ public boolean hasLayerGroup(String refSysName, String layerGroup) { return !getFilesInLayerGroup(refSysName, layerGroup).isEmpty(); } public File getRawFolder() { return FileUtils.getFile(baseFolder, "_raw"); } public WikiBrainShapeFile getShapeFile(String refSys, String layerGroup, String name) { return new WikiBrainShapeFile(FileUtils.getFile(baseFolder, refSys, layerGroup, name + ".shp")); } public WikiBrainShapeFile getShapeFile(String refSys, String layerGroup, String name, String encoding) { return new WikiBrainShapeFile(FileUtils.getFile(baseFolder, refSys, layerGroup, name + ".shp"), encoding); } /** * Returns true if the spatial data folder has a reference system * @param refSysName * @return */ public boolean hasReferenceSystem(String refSysName){ File refFolder = getReferenceSystemFolder(refSysName); return isImportantFile(refFolder) && !getLayerGroups(refSysName).isEmpty(); } /** * Returns the file for the given reference system * @return * @param refSysName */ public File getReferenceSystemFolder(String refSysName) { return FileUtils.getFile(baseFolder, refSysName); } /** * Returns the directory for the given reference system and layer * @param refSys e.g. "earth" * @param layerGroup e.g. "country" * @return */ public File getLayerGroupFolder(String refSys, String layerGroup) { return FileUtils.getFile(baseFolder, refSys, layerGroup); } /** * Deletes a reference system. Use with caution! * @param refSysName * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public void deleteReferenceSystem(String refSysName) throws FileNotFoundException{ FileUtils.deleteQuietly(getReferenceSystemFolder(refSysName)); } /** * Gets reference system names */ public Set<String> getReferenceSystems(){ Set<String> rVal = Sets.newHashSet(); for (File refFolder : baseFolder.listFiles()){ String refSysName = refFolder.getName(); if (hasReferenceSystem(refSysName)) { rVal.add(refSysName); } } return rVal; } private static boolean isImportantFile(File file) { return file.exists() && !file.isHidden() && !file.getName().startsWith("_"); } public Set<String> getLayerGroups(String refSysName) { Set<String> layerGroups = new HashSet<String>(); for (File file : getReferenceSystemFolder(refSysName).listFiles()) { String layerGroup = file.getName(); if (isImportantFile(file) && !getFilesInLayerGroup(refSysName, layerGroup).isEmpty()) { layerGroups.add(layerGroup); } } return layerGroups; } /** * Deletes a layer. Use with caution. * @param refSysName Reference system of layer to delete * @param layerGroup Layer to delete * @throws WikiBrainException */ public void deleteLayer(String refSysName, String layerGroup) throws WikiBrainException { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(FileUtils.getFile(baseFolder, refSysName, layerGroup)); } public List<WikiBrainShapeFile> getFilesInLayerGroup(String refSysName, String layerName) { List<WikiBrainShapeFile> shapeFiles = new ArrayList<WikiBrainShapeFile>(); for (File file : getLayerGroupFolder(refSysName, layerName).listFiles()) { if (isImportantFile(file) && file.toString().toLowerCase().endsWith(".shp")) { shapeFiles.add(new WikiBrainShapeFile(file)); } } return shapeFiles; } /** * Hack: Better to ask the configurator for this! * @param conf * @return */ public static SpatialDataFolder get(Configuration conf) { return new SpatialDataFolder(conf.getFile("spatial.dir")); } }