package org.wikibrain.core.nlp; import gnu.trove.list.TIntList; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gnu.trove.procedure.TLongIntProcedure; import gnu.trove.set.TLongSet; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TLongHashSet; import; import; import; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.DaoException; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.LocalPageDao; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.Language; import org.wikibrain.core.model.LocalPage; import org.wikibrain.utils.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * A class to remember counts for unigrams and (optionally) bigrams. * * This class uses a hashing trick so that a word's counts can be kept in 12 * bytes of memory. * * * All methods that count words are mutually threadsafe. * All methods that return counts are mutually threadsafe. * The two types of methods cannot be mixed with thread safety, though. * * This class also remembers the number of mentions for each article. * A mention must be in the format "foo:/w/en/1000" or "foo:/w/en/1000/Hercule_Poirot" * where foo is the phrase mentioning the article and 1000 is the Wikipedia article id * of the article with title "Hercule_Poirot." * * @author Shilad Sen */ public class Dictionary implements Closeable { public static final int MAX_DICTIONARY_SIZE = 20000000; // 20M unigrams + bigrams by default. public static int PRUNE_INTERVAL = 10000; // Consider pruning every PRUNE_INTERVAL increments public static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Dictionary.class); /** * Matches mentions like: * foo:/w/en/1000 * foo:/w/en/1000/Hercule_Poirot */ public static final Pattern PATTERN_MENTION = Pattern.compile("(.*?):/w/([^/]+)/(-?\\d+)(/[^ ]*($| ))?"); /** * How should words be stored? IN_MEMORY requires much more memory. */ public static enum WordStorage { ON_DISK, IN_MEMORY, NONE } private final Language language; /** * Whether the text to be tokenized contains mentions of articles. */ private boolean containsMentions = true; /** * Whether bigrams should be counted. */ private boolean countBigrams = false; private final WordStorage wordStorage; private AtomicLong totalWords = new AtomicLong(); private AtomicLong totalBigrams = new AtomicLong(); private AtomicLong totalNgrams = new AtomicLong(); private final TLongIntMap unigramCounts = new TLongIntHashMap(); private final TLongIntMap bigramCounts = new TLongIntHashMap(); private final TLongIntMap ngramCounts = new TLongIntHashMap(); private StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(); private NGramCreator nGramCreator = new NGramCreator(); private BufferedWriter wordWriter; private File wordFile; /** * The maximum number of unigrams + bigrams (not including mentions) */ private int maxDictionarySize = MAX_DICTIONARY_SIZE; /** * Things with less than this number of occurrences will be pruned if * the dictionary size exceeds maxDictionarySize. * * This is incremented BEFORE every pruning (e.g. the first pruning will have * minPruneCount = 2). */ private int minPruneCount = 1; /** * Map of Wikipedia article id -> number of mentions in unigrams. * Only calculated if containsMentions is true. */ private final TIntIntMap mentionCounts = new TIntIntHashMap(); /** * Hashes of interesting ngrams. */ private TLongSet interestingNGrams = null; private TLongSet interestingSubGrams = null; /** * Map from word hashes to actual words. * Only maintained if "rememberWords" is true. */ private final TLongObjectMap<String> words = new TLongObjectHashMap<String>(); public Dictionary(Language language) { this(language, WordStorage.NONE); } public Dictionary(Language language, WordStorage wordMode) { this.language = language; this.wordStorage = wordMode; if (wordMode == WordStorage.ON_DISK) { try { wordFile = File.createTempFile("words", ".txt"); wordFile.deleteOnExit(); wordFile.delete(); wordWriter = WpIOUtils.openWriter(wordFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // shouldn't happen for a temp file... } } } public void setInterestingNgrams(Iterator<String> ngrams) { interestingSubGrams = new TLongHashSet(); interestingNGrams = new TLongHashSet(); while (ngrams.hasNext()) { List<String> words = tokenizer.getWords(language,; if (words.isEmpty()) { continue; } StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); long hash = -1; for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { b.append(' '); } b.append(words.get(i)); hash = hashWord(b.toString()); interestingSubGrams.add(hash); } interestingNGrams.add(hash); } } /** * * Counts words in a file that have not been normalized. * I.e. the separators between words are those traditionally found in plain text. * Note that each line is presumed to be a sentence, so bigrams that span lines are not allowed. * * @param corpus * @throws IOException */ public void countRawFile(File corpus) throws IOException { LineIterator lineIterator = FileUtils.lineIterator(corpus, "UTF-8"); ParallelForEach.iterate( lineIterator, Math.min(3, WpThreadUtils.getMaxThreads()), // 3 seems the optimal number of threads here... 1000, new Procedure<String>() { @Override public void call(String line) throws Exception { countRawText(line); } }, Integer.MAX_VALUE); lineIterator.close(); } /** * * Counts words in a file that have not been normalized. * I.e. the separators between words are only spaces without punctuation. * Note that each line is presumed to be a sentence, so bigrams that span lines are not allowed. * * @param corpus * @throws IOException */ public void countNormalizedFile(File corpus) throws IOException { LineIterator lineIterator = FileUtils.lineIterator(corpus, "UTF-8"); ParallelForEach.iterate( lineIterator, Math.min(3, WpThreadUtils.getMaxThreads()), // 3 seems the optimal number of threads here... 1000, new Procedure<String>() { @Override public void call(String line) throws Exception { countNormalizedText(line); } }, Integer.MAX_VALUE); lineIterator.close(); } /** * Counts words that have not been normalized. I.e. the separators between words * are those traditionally found in plain text. * * @param text */ public void countRawText(String text) { // Count and extract mentions if necessary. if (containsMentions) { Matcher m = PATTERN_MENTION.matcher(text); while (m.find()) { int wpId = Integer.valueOf(; synchronized (mentionCounts) { mentionCounts.adjustOrPutValue(wpId, 1, 1); } } text = PATTERN_MENTION.matcher(text).replaceAll("$1 "); } countWords(tokenizer.getWords(language, text)); } /** * Counts words that have not been normalized. I.e. words are separated ONLY by spaces. * * @param text */ public void countNormalizedText(String text) { countWords(Arrays.asList(text.split(" +"))); } private void countWords(List<String> tokens) { for (String word : tokens) { countUnigram(word); } if (countBigrams) { for (String bigram : nGramCreator.getNGrams(tokens, 2, 2)) { countBigram(bigram); } } if (interestingNGrams != null) { countNgrams(tokens); } } /** * Increments the count for a particular unigram. * * If this.countMentions is true, it scans for, counts, * and removes any article mentions "foo:ID342234" -> "foo" * * If rememberWords is true, and this word hasn't been seen before, * it remembers the word. * * @param word */ public void countUnigram(String word) { word = word.trim(); if (word.isEmpty()) { return; } if (containsMentions) { Matcher m = PATTERN_MENTION.matcher(word); if (m.matches()) { word =; int wpId = Integer.valueOf(; synchronized (mentionCounts) { mentionCounts.adjustOrPutValue(wpId, 1, 1); } } } long hash = getHash(word); if (wordStorage == WordStorage.IN_MEMORY) { synchronized (words) { if (!words.containsKey(hash)) { words.put(hash, word); } } } int n; synchronized (unigramCounts) { n = unigramCounts.adjustOrPutValue(hash, 1, 1); } if (n == 1 && wordStorage == WordStorage.ON_DISK) { try { wordWriter.write(word + "\n"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // shouldn't really happen } } if (totalWords.incrementAndGet() % PRUNE_INTERVAL == 0) { pruneIfNecessary(); } } /** * Counts a bigram. * @param word */ public void countBigram(String word) { word = word.trim(); if (word.isEmpty()) { return; } if (containsMentions) { Matcher m = PATTERN_MENTION.matcher(word); if (m.matches()) { word =; } } long h = getHash(word); synchronized (bigramCounts) { bigramCounts.adjustOrPutValue(h, 1, 1); } if (totalBigrams.incrementAndGet() % PRUNE_INTERVAL == 0) { pruneIfNecessary(); } } public void countNgrams(List<String> words) { for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = i; j < words.size(); j++) { if (j > i) { buffer.append(' '); } buffer.append(words.get(i)); long hash = hashWord(buffer.toString()); if (!interestingNGrams.contains(hash) && !interestingSubGrams.contains(hash)) { break; } } } } public synchronized void pruneIfNecessary() { while (true) { int n1, n2; synchronized (unigramCounts) { n1 = unigramCounts.size(); } synchronized (bigramCounts) { n2 = bigramCounts.size(); } if (n1 + n2 <= maxDictionarySize) { return; } minPruneCount++;"pruning dictionary entries with frequency less than " + minPruneCount); synchronized (unigramCounts) { unigramCounts.retainEntries(new TLongIntProcedure() { @Override public boolean execute(long hash, int count) { return (count >= minPruneCount); } }); n1 = unigramCounts.size(); } synchronized (bigramCounts) { bigramCounts.retainEntries(new TLongIntProcedure() { @Override public boolean execute(long hash, int count) { return (count >= minPruneCount); } }); n2 = bigramCounts.size(); }"after pruning dictionary size is " + (n1 + n2)); // TODO: clear out words, but we need a triple lock... ugh. } } /** * Writes all unigrams and mentions in a dictionary to a file. * @param output * @throws IOException */ public void write(File output) throws IOException { write(output, 1); } /** * Writes all unigrams with at least minCount frequency and all mentions to a file. * @param output * @param minCount * @throws IOException */ public void write(File output, int minCount) throws IOException { if (wordStorage == WordStorage.NONE) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } IOUtils.closeQuietly(this); BufferedWriter writer = WpIOUtils.openWriter(output); writer.write("t " + totalWords.get() + " _\n"); if (wordStorage == WordStorage.ON_DISK) { BufferedReader reader = WpIOUtils.openBufferedReader(this.wordFile); while (true) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } String phrase = line.trim(); long hash = getHash(phrase); int c = unigramCounts.get(hash); if (c < minCount) { continue; } writer.write("w " + c + " " + phrase + "\n"); } reader.close(); } else if (wordStorage == WordStorage.IN_MEMORY) { for (String phrase : words.valueCollection()) { long hash = getHash(phrase); int c = unigramCounts.get(hash); if (c < minCount) { continue; } writer.write("w " + c + " " + phrase + "\n"); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } for (int wpId : mentionCounts.keys()) { writer.write("m " + wpId + " " + mentionCounts.get(wpId) + "\n"); } writer.close(); } /** * Reads an entire unigram dictionary back from a file. * @param file * @throws IOException */ public void read(File file) throws IOException { read(file, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1); } /** * Reads unigrams from a file. * * The top (by frequency) maxWords unigrams are retained. * @param file * @param maxWords * @param minCount * @throws IOException */ public void read(File file, int maxWords, int minCount) throws IOException { if (wordStorage == WordStorage.ON_DISK) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot read into dictionaries using disk storage"); } // Pass 1: store all available counts to figure out cutoff for tracking words TIntList counts = new TIntArrayList(); BufferedReader reader = WpIOUtils.openBufferedReader(file); while (true) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } String tokens[] = line.trim().split(" ", 3); if (tokens[0].equals("w")) { int c = Integer.valueOf(tokens[1]); if (c >= minCount) { counts.add(c); } } } reader.close(); counts.sort(); counts.reverse(); /** * Figure out threshold for saving words */ int threshold = 0; int numSavedAtThreshold = Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (counts.size() > maxWords) { threshold = counts.get(maxWords-1); for (int i = maxWords-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (counts.get(i) == threshold) { numSavedAtThreshold++; } else { break; } } } /** * Restore words */ reader = WpIOUtils.openBufferedReader(file); totalWords.set(0); while (true) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } String tokens[] = line.trim().split(" ", 3); if (tokens[0].equals("w")) { int c = Integer.valueOf(tokens[1]); if (c < threshold || c < minCount) { continue; } if (c == threshold && numSavedAtThreshold == 0) { continue; } if (c == threshold) { numSavedAtThreshold--; } String phrase = tokens[2].trim(); int count = Integer.valueOf(tokens[1]); long hash = getHash(phrase); unigramCounts.put(hash, count); if (wordStorage == WordStorage.IN_MEMORY) { words.put(hash, phrase); } } else if (tokens[0].equals("m")) { mentionCounts.put(Integer.valueOf(tokens[1]), Integer.valueOf(tokens[2])); } else if (tokens[0].equals("t")) { totalWords.set(Long.valueOf(tokens[1])); } else { throw new IOException("unexpected line: " + line); } } reader.close(); counts.sort(); counts.reverse(); } public int getUnigramCount(String bigram) { return unigramCounts.get(getHash(bigram)); } public int getBigramCount(String word1, String word2) { return bigramCounts.get(getHash(word1 + " " + word2)); } public int getBigramCount(String word) { return bigramCounts.get(getHash(word)); } public int getMentionCount(int wpId) { return mentionCounts.get(wpId); } /** * Returns the number of times the article corresponding to the url was mentioned. * @param mentionUrl mention in the format /w/langCode/articleId/ArticleTitle * @return */ public int getMentionCount(String mentionUrl) { if (!mentionUrl.startsWith("/w/")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("format for mentionUrl must be /w/langCode/articleId/ArticleTitle"); } String tokens[] = mentionUrl.split("/", 5); if (tokens.length != 5) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("format for mentionUrl must be /w/langCode/articleId/ArticleTitle"); } return mentionCounts.get(Integer.valueOf(tokens[3])); } public final long getHash(String ngram) { return hashWord(ngram); } public long getTotalCount() { return totalWords.get(); } public void setContainsMentions(boolean containsMentions) { this.containsMentions = containsMentions; } public void setCountBigrams(boolean countBigrams) { this.countBigrams = countBigrams; } public void setTokenizer(StringTokenizer tokenizer) { this.tokenizer = tokenizer; } public void setCreator(NGramCreator creator) { this.nGramCreator = creator; } public int getNumUnigrams() { return unigramCounts.size(); } public int getNumBigrams() { return bigramCounts.size(); } public int getNumMentionedArticles() { return mentionCounts.size(); } /** * Return the n most frequently used unigrams, in decreasing order. * @param n * @return */ public List<String> getFrequentUnigrams(int n) { if (wordStorage != WordStorage.IN_MEMORY) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("WordStorage must be in memory to return strings"); } int threshold = 0; if (n < unigramCounts.size()) { int counts[] = unigramCounts.values(); Arrays.sort(counts); threshold = counts[counts.length - n]; } final List<String> top = new ArrayList<String>(); final int finalThreshold = threshold; unigramCounts.forEachEntry(new TLongIntProcedure() { @Override public boolean execute(long hash, int count) { if (count >= finalThreshold) { top.add(words.get(hash)); } return true; } }); Collections.sort(top, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String w1, String w2) { int r = getUnigramCount(w2) - getUnigramCount(w1); // order is deterministic for testing ease if (r == 0) { r = w1.compareTo(w2); } return r; } }); if (top.size() > n) { return top.subList(0, n); } else { return top; } } /** * Return the n most frequently used unigrams and mentions, in decreasing order of frequency. * * Mentions are encoded as words with the format "/w/WikipediaId/ArticleTitle" * * @param lpd * @param maxWords * @param minWordFreq * @param minMentionFreq * @return */ public List<String> getFrequentUnigramsAndMentions(LocalPageDao lpd, int maxWords, int minWordFreq, int minMentionFreq) throws DaoException { if (wordStorage != WordStorage.IN_MEMORY) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("WordStorage must be in memory to return strings"); } final int threshold; if (maxWords < unigramCounts.size()) { int counts[] = unigramCounts.values(); Arrays.sort(counts); threshold = Math.max(minWordFreq, counts[counts.length - maxWords]); } else { threshold = 0; } final List<String> topWords = new ArrayList<String>(); unigramCounts.forEachEntry(new TLongIntProcedure() { @Override public boolean execute(long hash, int count) { if (count >= threshold) { topWords.add(words.get(hash)); } return true; } }); Collections.sort(topWords, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String w1, String w2) { int r = getUnigramCount(w2) - getUnigramCount(w1); // order is deterministic for testing ease if (r == 0) { r = w1.compareTo(w2); } return r; } }); List<String> result = topWords; if (result.size() > maxWords) result = result.subList(0, maxWords); for (int wpId : mentionCounts.keys()) { if (mentionCounts.get(wpId) >= minMentionFreq) { LocalPage lp = lpd.getById(language, wpId); if (lp != null) { result.add(makeMentionUrl(lp)); } } } Collections.sort(result, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String w1, String w2) { int n1 = (w1.startsWith("/w/")) ? getMentionCount(w1) : getUnigramCount(w1); int n2 = (w2.startsWith("/w/")) ? getMentionCount(w2) : getUnigramCount(w2); int r = n2 - n1; // order is deterministic for testing ease if (r == 0) { r = w1.compareTo(w2); } return r; } }); return result; } private String makeMentionUrl(LocalPage page) { return "/w/" + language.getLangCode() + "/" + page.getLocalId() + "/" + page.getTitle().getCanonicalTitle().replaceAll(" ", "_"); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (this.wordWriter != null) { wordWriter.close(); } } /** * Returns a hashcode for a particular word. * The hashCode 0 will NEVER be returned. * @param w * @return */ public static long hashWord(String w) { long h = MurmurHash.hash64(w); if (h == 0) h = 1; // hack: h == 0 is reserved. return h; } public void setMaxDictionarySize(int maxDictionarySize) { this.maxDictionarySize = maxDictionarySize; } }