package org.wikibrain.loader.pipeline; import com.typesafe.config.Config; import com.typesafe.config.ConfigValue; import; import org.wikibrain.conf.ConfigurationException; import org.wikibrain.core.cmd.Env; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.sql.WpDataSource; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.Language; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.LanguageInfo; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.LanguageSet; import org.wikibrain.spatial.dao.postgis.PostGISDB; import org.wikibrain.spatial.loader.SpatialDataLoader; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * @author Shilad Sen */ public class DiagnosticReport { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DiagnosticReport.class); public static double FUDGE_FACTOR = 1.2; // Better to underpromise than overpromise public interface Diagnostic { /** * Runs a diagnostic and outputs the results using the writer. * @param writer * @return true if the diagnostic passed. */ public boolean runDiagnostic(PrintWriter writer); } private final Env env; private final Map<String, PipelineStage> stages; private final LanguageSet langs; private List<? extends Diagnostic> diagnostics; public DiagnosticReport(Env env, LanguageSet langs, Map<String, PipelineStage> stages) { this.env = env; this.langs = langs; this.stages = stages; this.diagnostics = Arrays.asList( new DownloadDiagnostic(), new CompletionTimeDiagnostic(), new DiskSpaceDiagnostic(), new MemoryDiagnostic(), new DatabaseDiagnostic(), new SpatialDatabaseDiagnostic() ); } public boolean runDiagnostics(PrintWriter writer) { StringBuilder succeeded = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder failed = new StringBuilder(); for (Diagnostic d : diagnostics) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); boolean passed = d.runDiagnostic(pw); if (sw.getBuffer().length() == 0) { continue; } pw.append("\n"); pw.close(); if (passed) { succeeded.append(sw.getBuffer()); } else { failed.append(sw.getBuffer()); } } if (failed.length() > 0) { writer.write("***********************************\n"); writer.write("** SOME DIAGNOSTIC TESTS FAILED! **\n"); writer.write("***********************************\n\n"); writer.write("DIAGNOSTICS THAT FAILED:\n"); writer.write("=======================\n\n"); writer.write(failed.toString()); writer.write("\n\nDIAGNOSTICS THAT SUCCEEDED:\n"); writer.write("===========================\n\n"); } else { writer.write("*************************************\n"); writer.write("** ALL DIAGNOSTIC TESTS SUCCEEDED! **\n"); writer.write("*************************************\n\n"); } writer.write(succeeded.toString()); return failed.length() == 0; } class MemoryDiagnostic implements Diagnostic { @Override public boolean runDiagnostic(PrintWriter writer) { int articles = 0; for (Language lang : langs) { articles += LanguageInfo.getByLanguage(lang).getNumArticles(); } int necessaryGBs; if (articles < 100000) { necessaryGBs = 2; } else if (articles < 200000) { necessaryGBs = 3; } else if (articles < 400000) { necessaryGBs = 4; } else if (articles < 1600000) { necessaryGBs = 6; } else { necessaryGBs = 8; } // TODO: Should we use 1024^3 to be more accurate? double allocatedGBs = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / (1000.0*1000.0*1000.0); boolean passed = (allocatedGBs + 0.01 >= necessaryGBs); if (passed) { writer.write("Amount of memory allocated for the JVM is okay\n"); } else { writer.write("Not enough memory has been allocated for the JVM!\n"); } writer.write(String.format("\tmemory required: %.1fGB\n", (double)necessaryGBs)); writer.write(String.format("\tmemory allocated: %.1fGB\n", allocatedGBs)); return passed; } } class CompletionTimeDiagnostic implements Diagnostic { @Override public boolean runDiagnostic(PrintWriter writer) { double total = 0.0; LinkedHashMap<String, Double> stageMinutes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>(); for (PipelineStage stage : stages.values()) { if (stage.hasBeenRun()) { double minutes = stage.estimateSeconds(langs) / 60.0 * FUDGE_FACTOR; stageMinutes.put(stage.getName(), minutes); total += minutes; } } writer.write(String.format( "Completion time estimate: %.1f minutes (NOT including download time)\n", total)); for (String name : stageMinutes.keySet()) { writer.write(String.format("\tstage %s: %.1f minutes\n", name, stageMinutes.get(name))); } return true; } } class DiskSpaceDiagnostic implements Diagnostic { @Override public boolean runDiagnostic(PrintWriter writer) { double total = 0.0; LinkedHashMap<String, Double> stageMbs = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>(); for (PipelineStage stage : stages.values()) { if (stage.hasBeenRun()) { double mbs = stage.estimateDiskMegabytes(langs) * FUDGE_FACTOR;; total += mbs; stageMbs.put(stage.getName(), mbs); } } if (getAvailableDiskInMBs() >= total) { writer.write( String.format("Disk space is okay. (need %.3f GBs, have %.3f GBs)\n", total / 1024.0, getAvailableDiskInMBs() / 1024.0)); } else { writer.write( String.format("NOT ENOUGH DISK SPACE! (need %.3f GBs, have %.3f GBs)\n", total / 1024.0, getAvailableDiskInMBs() / 1024.0)); } writer.write("\tWarning: Available disk space may be INACCURATE if you have multiple drives.\n"); for (String name : stageMbs.keySet()) { writer.write(String.format("\tstage %s: %.1f MBs\n", name, stageMbs.get(name))); } return true; } } class DownloadDiagnostic implements Diagnostic { @Override public boolean runDiagnostic(PrintWriter writer) { double total = 0.0; LinkedHashMap<String, Double> stageMbs = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>(); for (PipelineStage stage : stages.values()) { if (stage.hasBeenRun()) { double mbs = stage.estimateDownloadMegabytes(langs) * FUDGE_FACTOR; total += mbs; if (mbs > 0.01) { stageMbs.put(stage.getName(), mbs); } } } writer.write(String.format("Rough estimate of download size: %.1f MBs\n", total)); writer.write("\tThis may be an over-estimate if some files have already been downloaded.\n"); writer.write(String.format("\tTime on dial-up (50kbs): %.1f minutes\n", total / 0.005 / 60)); writer.write(String.format("\tTime on Broadband (1Mbs): %.1f minutes\n", total / 0.1 / 60)); writer.write(String.format("\tTime on Broadband (10Mbs): %.1f minutes\n", total / 1 / 60)); writer.write(String.format("\tTime on Broadband (100Mbs): %.1f minutes\n", total / 10 / 60)); for (String name : stageMbs.keySet()) { writer.write(String.format("\tstage %s will download about %.1f about MBs\n", name, stageMbs.get(name))); } return true; } } class DatabaseDiagnostic implements Diagnostic { @Override public boolean runDiagnostic(PrintWriter writer) { Config config = null; try { config = env.getConfigurator().getConfig(WpDataSource.class, null); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } boolean passed = true; try { WpDataSource ds = env.getConfigurator().get(WpDataSource.class); ds.getConnection().close(); writer.write("Connection to database succeeded. Active configuration:\n"); } catch (Exception e) { writer.write("Connection to database FAILED! Active configuration:\n"); passed = false; } for (Map.Entry<String, ConfigValue > entry : config.entrySet()) { writer.write("\t" + entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue().render() + "\n"); } return passed; } } class SpatialDatabaseDiagnostic implements Diagnostic { @Override public boolean runDiagnostic(PrintWriter writer) { boolean found = false; for (PipelineStage stage : stages.values()) { if (stage.getKlass() == SpatialDataLoader.class && stage.hasBeenRun()) { found = true; } } if (!found) { return true; } Config config = null; try { config = env.getConfigurator().getConfig(PostGISDB.class, null); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } boolean passed = true; try { PostGISDB ds = env.getConfigurator().get(PostGISDB.class); writer.write("Connection to spatial database succeeded. Active configuration:\n"); } catch (Exception e) { writer.write("Connection to spatial database FAILED! Active configuration:\n"); passed = false; } for (Map.Entry<String, ConfigValue > entry : config.entrySet()) { writer.write("\t" + entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue().render() + "\n"); } return passed; } } private double getAvailableDiskInMBs() { try { return FileSystemUtils.freeSpaceKb(10000) / 1024; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("failed to calculate free space in current dir:", e); return 0.0; } } }