package org.wikibrain.core.dao.sql; import com.typesafe.config.Config; import com.typesafe.config.ConfigValue; import; import; import gnu.trove.set.TIntSet; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet; import org.jooq.*; import org.wikibrain.conf.Configuration; import org.wikibrain.conf.ConfigurationException; import org.wikibrain.conf.Configurator; import org.wikibrain.core.WikiBrainException; import org.wikibrain.core.dao.*; import org.wikibrain.core.jooq.Tables; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.Language; import org.wikibrain.core.lang.LanguageInfo; import org.wikibrain.core.model.*; import; import java.util.*; /** * * A SQL database implementation of the LocalCategoryMemberDao. * * @author Shilad Sen * @author Ari Weiland * */ public class LocalCategoryMemberSqlDao extends AbstractSqlDao<LocalCategoryMember> implements LocalCategoryMemberDao { private static final TableField [] INSERT_FIELDS = new TableField[] { Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS.LANG_ID, Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS.CATEGORY_ID, Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS.ARTICLE_ID, }; private final LocalPageDao localPageDao; private Map<Language, CategoryGraph> graphs = new HashMap<Language, CategoryGraph>(); /** * Only used to identify top-level categories. */ private final UniversalPageDao univDao; // See public static final int TOP_LEVEL_CONCEPT = 4587687; // Language-specific top-level concept overrides (language -> title) private Map<Language, Title> topLevelLangOverrides = new HashMap<Language, Title>(); public LocalCategoryMemberSqlDao(WpDataSource dataSource, LocalPageDao localArticleDao) throws DaoException { this(dataSource, localArticleDao, null); } public LocalCategoryMemberSqlDao(WpDataSource dataSource, LocalPageDao localArticleDao, UniversalPageDao univDao) throws DaoException { super(dataSource, INSERT_FIELDS, "/db/category-members"); this.localPageDao = localArticleDao; this.univDao = univDao; } @Override public void save(LocalCategoryMember member) throws DaoException { insert( member.getLanguage().getId(), member.getCategoryId(), member.getArticleId() ); } public void addTopLevelOverride(Language language, String topLevelTitle) { this.topLevelLangOverrides.put(language, new Title(topLevelTitle, language)); } @Override public Set<LocalPage> guessTopLevelCategories(Language language) throws DaoException { int topLevelId = -1; Title override = topLevelLangOverrides.get(language); if (override != null) { System.out.println("title is " + override); topLevelId = localPageDao.getIdByTitle(override); if (topLevelId < 0) { LOG.warn("top level category {} for language {} not found.", override, language); } } if (topLevelId < 0) { if (univDao == null) { throw new DaoException("Universal dao required for top level categories."); } topLevelId = univDao.getLocalId(language, TOP_LEVEL_CONCEPT); } Set<LocalPage> result = new HashSet<LocalPage>(); if (topLevelId < 0) { return result; } for (int id : getCategoryMemberIds(language, topLevelId)) { LocalPage page = localPageDao.getById(language, id); if (page.getNameSpace() == NameSpace.CATEGORY) { result.add(page); } } return result; } @Override public void save(LocalPage category, LocalPage article) throws DaoException, WikiBrainException { if (!graphs.isEmpty()) { graphs.clear(); } save(new LocalCategoryMember(category, article)); } @Override public LocalPage getClosestCategory(LocalPage page, Set<LocalPage> candidates, boolean weightedDistance) throws DaoException { CategoryGraph graph = getGraph(page.getLanguage()); CategoryBfs bfs = new CategoryBfs(graph, page.getLocalId(), page.getLanguage(), Integer.MAX_VALUE, null, this); bfs.setAddPages(false); bfs.setExploreChildren(false); Map<Integer, LocalPage> indexToCandidates = new HashMap<Integer, LocalPage>(); for (LocalPage c : candidates) { indexToCandidates.put(graph.catIdToIndex(c.getLocalId()), c); } List<LocalPage> matches = new ArrayList<LocalPage>(); while (bfs.hasMoreResults() && matches.isEmpty()) { CategoryBfs.BfsVisited visited = bfs.step(); for (int catId : visited.cats.keys()) { if (indexToCandidates.containsKey(catId)) { matches.add(indexToCandidates.get(catId)); } } } if (matches.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return matches.get(new Random().nextInt(matches.size())); } } static class CatCost implements Comparable<CatCost> { LocalPage topLevelCat; int catId; int catIndex; // dense internal id from category graph, not an article id. double cost; public CatCost(LocalPage topLevelCat, int catId, int catIndex, double cost) { this.topLevelCat = topLevelCat; this.catId = catId; this.catIndex = catIndex; this.cost = cost; } @Override public int compareTo(CatCost o) { return, o.cost); } } @Override public Map<LocalPage, TIntDoubleMap> getClosestCategories(Set<LocalPage> topLevelCats) throws DaoException { return getClosestCategories(topLevelCats, null, true); } /** * For each article, identifies the closest category among the specified candidate set. * Distance is measured using shortest path in the category graph. * * @param candidateCategories The categories to consider as candidates (e.g. those considered "top-level"). * @param pageIds If not null, only considers articles in the provided pageIds. * @param weighted If true, use page-rank weighted edges so paths that traverse more * general categories are penalized more highly. * @return Map with candidates as keys and the articles that have them as closest category * as values. The values are a map of article ids to distances. * @throws DaoException */ @Override public Map<LocalPage, TIntDoubleMap> getClosestCategories(Set<LocalPage> candidateCategories, TIntSet pageIds, boolean weighted) throws DaoException { Map<LocalPage, TIntDoubleMap> results = new HashMap<LocalPage, TIntDoubleMap>(); if (candidateCategories.isEmpty()) { return results; } Language language = candidateCategories.iterator().next().getLanguage(); CategoryGraph graph = getGraph(language); int numPages = (pageIds == null) ? LanguageInfo.getByLanguage(language).getNumArticles() : pageIds.size(); PriorityQueue<CatCost> frontier = new PriorityQueue<CatCost>(); for (LocalPage p : candidateCategories) { if (p.getLanguage() != language) throw new IllegalStateException("Category languages must be identitical"); CatCost cc = new CatCost(p, p.getLocalId(), graph.catIdToIndex(p.getLocalId()), 0.0); if (cc.catIndex >= 0) { frontier.add(cc); } results.put(p, new TIntDoubleHashMap(numPages)); } TIntSet visited = new TIntHashSet(numPages*3); // both articles and categories while (!frontier.isEmpty()) { CatCost cc = frontier.poll(); if (visited.contains(cc.catId)) continue; visited.add(cc.catId); // Handle pages of categories for (int pageId : graph.catPages[cc.catIndex]) { if (!visited.contains(pageId) && (pageIds == null || pageIds.contains(pageId))) { visited.add(pageId); results.get(cc.topLevelCat).put(pageId, cc.cost); } } // Descend to unexplored child categories. for (int childIndex : graph.catChildren[cc.catIndex]) { int childId = graph.catIndexToId(childIndex); if (!visited.contains(childId)) { double childCost = cc.cost + (weighted ? graph.catCosts[childIndex] : 1.0); frontier.add(new CatCost(cc.topLevelCat, childId, childIndex, childCost)); } } } return results; } /** * Returns distance to specified categories for requested pages. * Distance is measured using shortest path in the category graph. * * @param candidateCategories The categories to consider as candidates (e.g. those considered "top-level"). * @param pageId The article id we want to find. * @param weighted If true, use page-rank weighted edges so paths that traverse more * general categories are penalized more highly. * @return Map with article ids as keys and distances to each category id as values. * @throws DaoException * */ @Override public TIntDoubleMap getCategoryDistances(Set<LocalPage> candidateCategories, int pageId, boolean weighted) throws DaoException { Language language = candidateCategories.iterator().next().getLanguage(); CategoryGraph graph = getGraph(language); Map<Integer, TIntDoubleMap> results = new HashMap<Integer, TIntDoubleMap>(); // Indexes for goal categories TIntSet goalIndexes = new TIntHashSet(); for (LocalPage p : candidateCategories) { int i = graph.catIdToIndex(p.getLocalId()); if (i >= 0) goalIndexes.add(i); } // Search upwards from each page TIntSet visited = new TIntHashSet(); // all we care about in CatCost for this search is the category index and cost PriorityQueue<CatCost> frontier = new PriorityQueue<CatCost>(); TIntDoubleMap distances = new TIntDoubleHashMap(); for (int catId : getCategoryIds(language, pageId)) { int i = graph.catIdToIndex(catId); if (i >= 0) frontier.add(new CatCost(null, -1, i, graph.catCosts[i])); } while (!frontier.isEmpty() && distances.size() != candidateCategories.size()) { CatCost cc = frontier.poll(); if (visited.contains(cc.catIndex)) continue; visited.add(cc.catIndex); if (goalIndexes.contains(cc.catIndex)) { distances.put(graph.catIndexToId(cc.catIndex), cc.cost); } else { // Ascend to unexplored parent categories. for (int parentIndex : graph.catParents[cc.catIndex]) { if (!visited.contains(parentIndex)) { double parentCost = cc.cost + (weighted ? graph.catCosts[parentIndex] : 1.0); frontier.add(new CatCost(null, -1, parentIndex, parentCost)); } } } } return distances; } /** * This method should generally not be used. * @param daoFilter a set of filters to limit the search * @return * @throws DaoException */ @Override public Iterable<LocalCategoryMember> get(DaoFilter daoFilter) throws DaoException { DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Collection<Condition> conditions = new ArrayList<Condition>(); if (daoFilter.getLangIds() != null) { conditions.add(; } Cursor<Record> result = from(Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS). where(conditions). limit(daoFilter.getLimitOrInfinity()). fetchLazy(getFetchSize()); return new SimpleSqlDaoIterable<LocalCategoryMember>(result, context) { @Override public LocalCategoryMember transform(Record r) { return buildLocalCategoryMember(r); } }; } catch (RuntimeException e) { freeJooq(context); throw e; } } @Override public int getCount(DaoFilter daoFilter) throws DaoException{ DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Collection<Condition> conditions = new ArrayList<Condition>(); if (daoFilter.getLangIds() != null) { conditions.add(; } return context.selectCount(). from(Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS). where(conditions). fetchOne().value1(); } finally { freeJooq(context); } } @Override public Collection<Integer> getCategoryMemberIds(Language language, int categoryId) throws DaoException { DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Result<Record> result = from(Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS). where(Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS.CATEGORY_ID.eq(categoryId)). and(Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS.LANG_ID.eq(language.getId())). fetch(); return extractIds(result, false); } finally { freeJooq(context); } } @Override public Collection<Integer> getCategoryMemberIds(LocalPage localCategory) throws DaoException { return getCategoryMemberIds(localCategory.getLanguage(), localCategory.getLocalId()); } @Override public Map<Integer, LocalPage> getCategoryMembers(Language language, int categoryId) throws DaoException { Collection<Integer> articleIds = getCategoryMemberIds(language, categoryId); return localPageDao.getByIds(language, articleIds); } @Override public Map<Integer, LocalPage> getCategoryMembers(LocalPage localCategory) throws DaoException { Collection<Integer> articleIds = getCategoryMemberIds(localCategory); return localPageDao.getByIds(localCategory.getLanguage(), articleIds); } @Override public Collection<Integer> getCategoryIds(Language language, int articleId) throws DaoException { DSLContext context = getJooq(); try { Result<Record> result = from(Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS). where(Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS.ARTICLE_ID.eq(articleId)). and(Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS.LANG_ID.eq(language.getId())). fetch(); return extractIds(result, true); } finally { freeJooq(context); } } @Override public Collection<Integer> getCategoryIds(LocalPage localArticle) throws DaoException { return getCategoryIds(localArticle.getLanguage(), localArticle.getLocalId()); } @Override public Map<Integer, LocalPage> getCategories(Language language, int articleId) throws DaoException { Collection<Integer> categoryIds = getCategoryIds(language, articleId); return localPageDao.getByIds(language, categoryIds); } @Override public Map<Integer, LocalPage> getCategories(LocalPage localArticle) throws DaoException { Collection<Integer> categoryIds = getCategoryIds(localArticle); return localPageDao.getByIds(localArticle.getLanguage(), categoryIds); } @Override public synchronized CategoryGraph getGraph(Language language) throws DaoException { if (graphs.containsKey(language)) { return graphs.get(language); } String key = "cat-graph-" + language.getLangCode(); if (cache != null) { CategoryGraph graph = (CategoryGraph) cache.get(key, LocalPage.class, LocalCategoryMember.class); if (graph != null) { graphs.put(language, graph); return graph; } } LocalCategoryGraphBuilder builder = new LocalCategoryGraphBuilder(localPageDao, this); CategoryGraph graph =; cache.put(key, graph); graphs.put(language, graph); return graph; } private Collection<Integer> extractIds(Result<Record> result, boolean categoryIds) { if (result.isEmpty()) { return null; } Collection<Integer> pageIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(Record record : result) { pageIds.add(categoryIds ? record.getValue(Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS.CATEGORY_ID) : record.getValue(Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS.ARTICLE_ID) ); } return pageIds; } private LocalCategoryMember buildLocalCategoryMember(Record r) { return new LocalCategoryMember( r.getValue(Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS.CATEGORY_ID), r.getValue(Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS.ARTICLE_ID), Language.getById(r.getValue(Tables.CATEGORY_MEMBERS.LANG_ID)) ); } public static class Provider extends org.wikibrain.conf.Provider<LocalCategoryMemberDao> { public Provider(Configurator configurator, Configuration config) throws ConfigurationException { super(configurator, config); } @Override public Class getType() { return LocalCategoryMemberDao.class; } @Override public String getPath() { return "dao.localCategoryMember"; } @Override public LocalCategoryMemberDao get(String name, Config config, Map<String, String> runtimeParams) throws ConfigurationException { if (!config.getString("type").equals("sql")) { return null; } try { UniversalPageDao univDao = null; MetaInfoDao metaDao = getConfigurator().get(MetaInfoDao.class); if (metaDao.isLoaded(UniversalPage.class)) { univDao = getConfigurator().get(UniversalPageDao.class); } LocalCategoryMemberSqlDao dao = new LocalCategoryMemberSqlDao( getConfigurator().get( WpDataSource.class, config.getString("dataSource")), getConfigurator().get(LocalPageDao.class), univDao); Config c = config.getConfig("topLevelCats"); for (Map.Entry<String, ConfigValue> e : c.entrySet()) { dao.addTopLevelOverride(Language.getByLangCode(e.getKey()), (String) e.getValue().unwrapped()); } String cachePath = getConfig().get().getString("dao.sqlCachePath"); File cacheDir = new File(cachePath); if (!cacheDir.isDirectory()) { cacheDir.mkdirs(); } dao.useCache(cacheDir); return dao; } catch (DaoException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(e); } } } }