package joptsimple.examples; import; import joptsimple.OptionParser; import joptsimple.OptionSet; import joptsimple.OptionSpec; import org.junit.Test; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class ExportOptionsTest { private static Properties asProperties( OptionSet options, String prefix ) { Properties properties = new Properties(); for ( Entry<OptionSpec<?>, List<?>> entry : options.asMap().entrySet() ) { OptionSpec<?> spec = entry.getKey(); properties.setProperty( asPropertyKey( prefix, spec ), asPropertyValue( entry.getValue(), options.has( spec ) ) ); } return properties; } private static String asPropertyKey( String prefix, OptionSpec<?> spec ) { List<String> flags = spec.options(); for ( String flag : flags ) if ( 1 < flag.length() ) return null == prefix ? flag : ( prefix + '.' + flag ); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No usable non-short flag: " + flags ); } private static String asPropertyValue( List<?> values, boolean present ) { // Simple flags have no values; treat presence/absence as true/false return values.isEmpty() ? String.valueOf( present ) : Joiner.on( "," ).join( values ); } @Test public void allowsExportOfOptions() { Properties expected = new Properties(); expected.setProperty( "rice.count", "3" ); // Cannot check path as string directly - Windows flips the leading slash expected.setProperty( "rice.output-dir", new File( "/tmp" ).toString() ); expected.setProperty( "", "false" ); expected.setProperty( "rice.verbose", "true" ); OptionParser parser = new OptionParser(); OptionSpec<Integer> count = parser.accepts( "count" ).withRequiredArg().ofType( Integer.class ); OptionSpec<File> outputDir = parser.accepts( "output-dir" ).withOptionalArg().ofType( File.class ); OptionSpec<Void> verbose = parser.accepts( "verbose" ); OptionSpec<Void> fun = parser.accepts( "fun" ); OptionSpec<File> files = parser.nonOptions().ofType( File.class ); OptionSet options = parser.parse( "--count", "3", "--output-dir", "/tmp", "--verbose", "a.txt", "b.txt" ); assertEquals( expected, asProperties( options, "rice" ) ); } }