package org.checkerframework.javacutil; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeVariable; import javax.lang.model.type.WildcardType; import javax.lang.model.util.Elements; import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotatedTypeTree; import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ArrayAccessTree; import com.sun.source.tree.AssignmentTree; import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree; import com.sun.source.tree.NewArrayTree; import com.sun.source.tree.NewClassTree; import com.sun.source.tree.Tree; import com.sun.source.tree.TypeParameterTree; import com.sun.source.util.TreePath; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /*>>> import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.*; */ /** * Static utility methods used by annotation abstractions in this package. Some * methods in this class depend on the use of Sun javac internals; any procedure * in the Checker Framework that uses a non-public API should be placed here. */ public class InternalUtils { // Class cannot be instantiated. private InternalUtils() { throw new AssertionError("Class InternalUtils cannot be instantiated."); } /** * Gets the {@link Element} ("symbol") for the given Tree API node. * * @param tree the {@link Tree} node to get the symbol for * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if {@code tree} is null or is not a valid javac-internal tree * (JCTree) * @return the {@code {@link Symbol}} for the given tree, or null if one * could not be found */ public static /*@Nullable*/ Element symbol(Tree tree) { if (tree == null) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("InternalUtils.symbol: tree is null"); return null; // dead code } if (!(tree instanceof JCTree)) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("InternalUtils.symbol: tree is not a valid Javac tree"); return null; // dead code } if (TreeUtils.isExpressionTree(tree)) { tree = TreeUtils.skipParens((ExpressionTree) tree); } switch (tree.getKind()) { case VARIABLE: case METHOD: case CLASS: case ENUM: case INTERFACE: case ANNOTATION_TYPE: case TYPE_PARAMETER: return TreeInfo.symbolFor((JCTree) tree); // symbol() only works on MethodSelects, so we need to get it manually // for method invocations. case METHOD_INVOCATION: return TreeInfo.symbol(((JCMethodInvocation) tree).getMethodSelect()); case ASSIGNMENT: return TreeInfo.symbol((JCTree)((AssignmentTree)tree).getVariable()); case ARRAY_ACCESS: return symbol(((ArrayAccessTree)tree).getExpression()); case NEW_CLASS: return ((JCNewClass)tree).constructor; case MEMBER_REFERENCE: // TreeInfo.symbol, which is used in the default case, didn't handle // member references until JDK8u20. So handle it here. return ((JCMemberReference) tree).sym; default: return TreeInfo.symbol((JCTree) tree); } } /** * Determines whether or not the node referred to by the given * {@link TreePath} is an anonymous constructor (the constructor for an * anonymous class. * * @param method the {@link TreePath} for a node that may be an anonymous * constructor * @return true if the given path points to an anonymous constructor, false * if it does not */ public static boolean isAnonymousConstructor(final MethodTree method) { /*@Nullable*/ Element e = InternalUtils.symbol(method); if (e == null || !(e instanceof Symbol)) return false; if ((((/*@NonNull*/ Symbol)e).flags() & Flags.ANONCONSTR) != 0) return true; return false; } /** * indicates whether it should return the constructor that gets invoked * in cases of anonymous classes */ private static final boolean RETURN_INVOKE_CONSTRUCTOR = true; /** * Determines the symbol for a constructor given an invocation via * {@code new}. * * If the tree is a declaration of an anonymous class, then method returns * constructor that gets invoked in the extended class, rather than the * anonymous constructor implicitly added by the constructor (JLS * * @param tree the constructor invocation * @return the {@link ExecutableElement} corresponding to the constructor * call in {@code tree} */ public static ExecutableElement constructor(NewClassTree tree) { if (!(tree instanceof JCTree.JCNewClass)) { ErrorReporter.errorAbort("InternalUtils.constructor: not a javac internal tree"); return null; // dead code } JCNewClass newClassTree = (JCNewClass) tree; if (RETURN_INVOKE_CONSTRUCTOR && tree.getClassBody() != null) { // anonymous constructor bodies should contain exactly one statement // in the form: // super(arg1, ...) // or // o.super(arg1, ...) // // which is a method invocation (!) to the actual constructor // the method call is guaranteed to return nonnull JCMethodDecl anonConstructor = (JCMethodDecl) TreeInfo.declarationFor(newClassTree.constructor, newClassTree); assert anonConstructor != null; assert anonConstructor.body.stats.size() == 1; JCExpressionStatement stmt = (JCExpressionStatement) anonConstructor.body.stats.head; JCTree.JCMethodInvocation superInvok = (JCMethodInvocation) stmt.expr; return (ExecutableElement) TreeInfo.symbol(superInvok.meth); } Element e = newClassTree.constructor; assert e instanceof ExecutableElement; return (ExecutableElement) e; } public final static List<AnnotationMirror> annotationsFromTypeAnnotationTrees(List<? extends AnnotationTree> annos) { List<AnnotationMirror> annotations = new ArrayList<AnnotationMirror>(annos.size()); for (AnnotationTree anno : annos) annotations.add(((JCAnnotation)anno).attribute); return annotations; } public final static List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotationsFromTree(AnnotatedTypeTree node) { return annotationsFromTypeAnnotationTrees(((JCAnnotatedType)node).annotations); } public final static List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotationsFromTree(TypeParameterTree node) { return annotationsFromTypeAnnotationTrees(((JCTypeParameter)node).annotations); } public final static List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotationsFromArrayCreation(NewArrayTree node, int level) { assert node instanceof JCNewArray; final JCNewArray newArray = ((JCNewArray) node); if (level == -1) { return annotationsFromTypeAnnotationTrees(newArray.annotations); } if (newArray.dimAnnotations.length() > 0 && (level >= 0) && (level < newArray.dimAnnotations.size())) return annotationsFromTypeAnnotationTrees(newArray.dimAnnotations.get(level)); return Collections.emptyList(); } public static TypeMirror typeOf(Tree tree) { return ((JCTree) tree).type; } /** * Returns whether a TypeVariable represents a captured type. */ public static boolean isCaptured(TypeVariable typeVar) { return ((Type.TypeVar) typeVar).isCaptured(); } /** * Returns whether a TypeMirror represents a class type. */ public static boolean isClassType(TypeMirror type) { return (type instanceof Type.ClassType); } /** * Returns the least upper bound of two {@link TypeMirror}s. * * @param processingEnv The {@link ProcessingEnvironment} to use. * @param tm1 A {@link TypeMirror}. * @param tm2 A {@link TypeMirror}. * @return The least upper bound of {@code tm1} and {@code tm2}. */ public static TypeMirror leastUpperBound( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, TypeMirror tm1, TypeMirror tm2) { Type t1 = (Type) tm1; Type t2 = (Type) tm2; JavacProcessingEnvironment javacEnv = (JavacProcessingEnvironment) processingEnv; Types types = Types.instance(javacEnv.getContext()); if (types.isSameType(t1, t2)) { // Special case if the two types are equal. return t1; } // Handle the 'null' type manually (not done by types.lub). if (t1.getKind() == TypeKind.NULL) { return t2; } if (t2.getKind() == TypeKind.NULL) { return t1; } // Special case for primitives. if (TypesUtils.isPrimitive(t1) || TypesUtils.isPrimitive(t2)) { if (types.isAssignable(t1, t2)) { return t2; } else if (types.isAssignable(t2, t1)) { return t1; } else { return processingEnv.getTypeUtils().getNoType(TypeKind.NONE); } } if (t1.getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD) { WildcardType wc1 = (WildcardType) t1; Type bound = (Type) wc1.getExtendsBound(); if (bound == null) { // Implicit upper bound of java.lang.Object Elements elements = processingEnv.getElementUtils(); return elements.getTypeElement("java.lang.Object").asType(); } t1 = bound; } if (t2.getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD) { WildcardType wc2 = (WildcardType) t2; Type bound = (Type) wc2.getExtendsBound(); if (bound == null) { // Implicit upper bound of java.lang.Object Elements elements = processingEnv.getElementUtils(); return elements.getTypeElement("java.lang.Object").asType(); } t2 = bound; } return types.lub(t1, t2); } /** * Returns the greatest lower bound of two {@link TypeMirror}s. * * @param processingEnv The {@link ProcessingEnvironment} to use. * @param tm1 A {@link TypeMirror}. * @param tm2 A {@link TypeMirror}. * @return The greatest lower bound of {@code tm1} and {@code tm2}. */ public static TypeMirror greatestLowerBound( ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, TypeMirror tm1, TypeMirror tm2) { Type t1 = (Type) tm1; Type t2 = (Type) tm2; JavacProcessingEnvironment javacEnv = (JavacProcessingEnvironment) processingEnv; Types types = Types.instance(javacEnv.getContext()); if (types.isSameType(t1, t2)) { // Special case if the two types are equal. return t1; } // Handle the 'null' type manually. if (t1.getKind() == TypeKind.NULL) { return t1; } if (t2.getKind() == TypeKind.NULL) { return t2; } // Special case for primitives. if (TypesUtils.isPrimitive(t1) || TypesUtils.isPrimitive(t2)) { if (types.isAssignable(t1, t2)) { return t1; } else if (types.isAssignable(t2, t1)) { return t2; } else { // Javac types.glb returns TypeKind.Error when the GLB does // not exist, but we can't create one. Use TypeKind.NONE // instead. return processingEnv.getTypeUtils().getNoType(TypeKind.NONE); } } if (t1.getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD) { return t2; } if (t2.getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD) { return t1; } return types.glb(t1, t2); } /** * Returns the return type of a method, where the "raw" return type of that * method is given (i.e., the return type might still contain unsubstituted * type variables), given the receiver of the method call. */ public static TypeMirror substituteMethodReturnType(TypeMirror methodType, TypeMirror substitutedReceiverType) { if (methodType.getKind() != TypeKind.TYPEVAR) { return methodType; } // TODO: find a nicer way to substitute type variables String t = methodType.toString(); Type finalReceiverType = (Type) substitutedReceiverType; int i = 0; for (TypeSymbol typeParam : finalReceiverType.tsym.getTypeParameters()) { if (t.equals(typeParam.toString())) { return finalReceiverType.getTypeArguments().get(i); } i++; } assert false; return null; } /** Helper function to extract the javac Context from the * javac processing environment. * * @param env the processing environment * @return the javac Context */ public static Context getJavacContext(ProcessingEnvironment env) { return ((JavacProcessingEnvironment)env).getContext(); } }