package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; import; /** * COUNT: * RFC 5545 iCalendar 3.3.10, page 41 * * The COUNT rule part defines the number of occurrences at which to * range-bound the recurrence. The "DTSTART" property value always * counts as the first occurrence. */ public class Count extends RRulePartBase<Integer, Count> { @Override public void setValue(Integer value) { if ((value != null) && (value < 1)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(name() + " is " + value + ". It can't be less than 1"); } super.setValue(value); } /* * CONSTRUCTORS */ public Count(int count) { this(); setValue(count); } public Count() { super(); } public Count(Count source) { this(); setValue(source.getValue()); } @Override protected List<Message> parseContent(String content) { String valueString = extractValue(content); setValue(Integer.parseInt(valueString)); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } public static Count parse(String content) { return Count.parse(new Count(), content); } }