package; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VEvent; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VTodo; import; import; /** * PRIORITY * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 89 * * This property defines the relative priority for a calendar component. * * A value of 0 specifies an undefined priority. A value of 1 * is the highest priority. A value of 2 is the second highest * priority. Subsequent numbers specify a decreasing ordinal * priority. A value of 9 is the lowest priority. * * Example: * The following is an example of a property with the highest priority: * PRIORITY:1 * * @author David Bal * * The property can be specified in following components: * @see VEvent * @see VTodo */ public class Priority extends VPropertyBase<Integer, Priority> { public Priority(Priority source) { super(source); } public Priority(Integer value) { super(value); } public Priority() { super(); } @Override public void setValue(Integer value) { if ((value < 0) || (value > 9)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Priority must between 0 and 9"); } super.setValue(value); } @Override public boolean isValid() { return ((getValue() < 0) || (getValue() > 9)) ? false : super.isValid(); } public static Priority parse(String content) { return Priority.parse(new Priority(), content); } }