package; import java.time.temporal.Temporal; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javafx.util.Callback; import javafx.util.Pair; import jfxtras.scene.control.agenda.icalendar.editors.ChangeDialogOption; /** * Dialog to allow user to choice between ChangeDialogOption (ONE, THIS_AND_FUTURE, and ALL) delete options. * The constructor requires a map of matching ChangeDialogOptions and a string of date/time range affected. * * @author David Bal * */ public class DeleteChoiceDialog extends ComponentChangeDialog { /** * Callback to produce an edit choice dialog based on the options in the input argument choices. * Usually all or some of ONE, THIS_AND_FUTURE, and ALL. */ final static public Callback<Map<ChangeDialogOption, Pair<Temporal,Temporal>>, ChangeDialogOption> DELETE_DIALOG_CALLBACK = (choices) -> { DeleteChoiceDialog dialog = new DeleteChoiceDialog(choices, Settings.resources); Optional<ChangeDialogOption> result = dialog.showAndWait(); return (result.isPresent()) ? result.get() : ChangeDialogOption.CANCEL; }; /** * * @param choiceList - list of ChangeDialogOption representing the date/time range to be affected * @param resources */ public DeleteChoiceDialog(Map<ChangeDialogOption, Pair<Temporal,Temporal>> choiceList, ResourceBundle resources) { super(choiceList, resources); getDialogPane().setId("deleteChoiceDialog"); setTitle(resources.getString("dialog.delete.title")); } }